OK, now I know.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
With all the posts about how much the ACA was going to change our health care, I was looking forward to tonights meeting on health care for 2014 with some trepidition. So what changed?

No more traditional Kaiser. Now the deductable Kaiser. Pretty much the same, except the deductables are higher. Not backbreaking higher, the Stint in my wife's heart that cost me $250 then would cost me $750 in 2014. And the family max is in about the same ratio, a max of $6750. Everything else about the same, co-pay, ect. But the savings is enough for the company that they are paying 100% of the premium for 2014, for an inpockets savings for me of $83 per month.

This is close enough to the old plan that I have no bitchs at all. So much for all the predictions of health plan armegeddon from the 'Conservatives' on this board.
How fortunate to have an employer.
Glad this is working out for you.

I hardly consider myself to be so unique that I'm the only one in the country who's premiums are going up 120% for a similarly modeled and ACA compliant plan.

How many we figure are signed up by now? Tens of thousands? Just wait until the tens of millions are insured under this scam. There will be a shitstorm of backlash.
Tobacco users are having an enormous jump in their premiums.
Next it will be the obese (I can't wait to hear their screams when they get treated the same way)
Tobacco users are having an enormous jump in their premiums.
Next it will be the obese (I can't wait to hear their screams when they get treated the same way)

You engage in behavior that increases the medical costs for all, you damned well should pay more. Both obesity and smoking are individual decisions.
With all the posts about how much the ACA was going to change our health care, I was looking forward to tonights meeting on health care for 2014 with some trepidition. So what changed?

No more traditional Kaiser. Now the deductable Kaiser. Pretty much the same, except the deductables are higher. Not backbreaking higher, the Stint in my wife's heart that cost me $250 then would cost me $750 in 2014. And the family max is in about the same ratio, a max of $6750. Everything else about the same, co-pay, ect. But the savings is enough for the company that they are paying 100% of the premium for 2014, for an inpockets savings for me of $83 per month.

This is close enough to the old plan that I have no bitchs at all. So much for all the predictions of health plan armegeddon from the 'Conservatives' on this board.

in other words, you got yours and you don't care about anyone else.
For me, an extra $840 per month just ain't gonna work.
For what? Basically, the same coverage. Under threat of penalty and garnishment of assets.

Now what is wrong with this picture?


Tens of millions of currently insured people will soon find out the realities of the ACA.
For me, an extra $840 per month just ain't gonna work.
For what? Basically, the same coverage. Under threat of penalty and garnishment of assets.

Now what is wrong with this picture?


Tens of millions of currently insured people will soon find out the realities of the ACA.

You can always opt to pay the $95 penalty.

By the way, they can't actually force you to pay the penalty.
For me, an extra $840 per month just ain't gonna work.
For what? Basically, the same coverage. Under threat of penalty and garnishment of assets.

Now what is wrong with this picture?


Tens of millions of currently insured people will soon find out the realities of the ACA.

You can always opt to pay the $95 penalty.

By the way, they can't actually force you to pay the penalty.

1% of my AGI equals $900. The following year, that increases two fold. Assuming I choose not to be covered. No thanks.

I've never been without health coverage, and I don't intend to stop now.

So what's not stopping me? Mandated coverage.

I don't much mind the "mandated" part, I just mind the 120% increase in my premiums.
1. What's the ACA?

2. What dingbat doesn't comprehend that ObamaCare has already doubled most insurance premiums and we all have to wait til January for the full effect?
Minimum of 88% increase for me and my family. The only way olfraud can be paying that low is if he is getting a subsidy.
1. What's the ACA?

2. What dingbat doesn't comprehend that ObamaCare has already doubled most insurance premiums and we all have to wait til January for the full effect?
Snouter, load "ACA acronyms" into your search engine. It should bring you right up to the Affordable Care Act. ;)

America will not understand how bad it is until Obama is out. Democrats postponed its reality until after the election, then after his reelection was secured, made sure it doesn't go into full effect until after Obama leaves and they already have another Clintonista in the White House to complete the communization of America.

When people have to wait in lines to buy items from the few sellers that are left after Democrats destroy the mom and pop sector with demands and expensive startups, they can control the big money and get a lot of it in their pockets before the collapse. I'm sure they have a destination in mind for leaving America once they have parasitized the founders' progeny to death. They don't want their duped disciples aware of their plot yet. It'd be too obvious by letting them understand the full impact the ACA has implemented onto America before Obama leaves office and people THEN get it. He's been lying his ass off, just like Clinton did for 8 years about his egregious exploitation of women for criminal personal pleasure.

With all the posts about how much the ACA was going to change our health care, I was looking forward to tonights meeting on health care for 2014 with some trepidition. So what changed?

No more traditional Kaiser. Now the deductable Kaiser. Pretty much the same, except the deductables are higher. Not backbreaking higher, the Stint in my wife's heart that cost me $250 then would cost me $750 in 2014. And the family max is in about the same ratio, a max of $6750. Everything else about the same, co-pay, ect. But the savings is enough for the company that they are paying 100% of the premium for 2014, for an inpockets savings for me of $83 per month.

This is close enough to the old plan that I have no bitchs at all. So much for all the predictions of health plan armegeddon from the 'Conservatives' on this board.

So it goes from 250 to 750 and you're OK with that?
I seem to remember obammy saying it would be cheaper.
You fools fall for this crap every time. Now not only are the costs higher,the quality will go down.
And to make matters even worse you just gave the federal government control of your life....literally.
To live in such fear of failure,that you welcome the yoke of government ...? There is something seriously wrong with you people.
With all the posts about how much the ACA was going to change our health care, I was looking forward to tonights meeting on health care for 2014 with some trepidition. So what changed?

No more traditional Kaiser. Now the deductable Kaiser. Pretty much the same, except the deductables are higher. Not backbreaking higher, the Stint in my wife's heart that cost me $250 then would cost me $750 in 2014. And the family max is in about the same ratio, a max of $6750. Everything else about the same, co-pay, ect. But the savings is enough for the company that they are paying 100% of the premium for 2014, for an inpockets savings for me of $83 per month.

This is close enough to the old plan that I have no bitchs at all. So much for all the predictions of health plan armegeddon from the 'Conservatives' on this board.

My HC plan is likewise UNAffected.
Tobacco users are having an enormous jump in their premiums.
Next it will be the obese (I can't wait to hear their screams when they get treated the same way)

You engage in behavior that increases the medical costs for all, you damned well should pay more. Both obesity and smoking are individual decisions.

So skiers should pay more? Anyone who engages in extreme sports should pay more?

Based on that women should pay more because they can get pregnant, which is a pretty expensive thing.
I don't pay anymore.

My wife doesn't pay anymore.

Of my children's plans for themselves and their children, three are 2 to 3% higher, and one is about 7% higher.
Minimum of 88% increase for me and my family. The only way olfraud can be paying that low is if he is getting a subsidy.

As he stated, his employer is picking up the slack. That's cool.
It's just that many of us are self-insured or just not covered by an employer for whatever reason.

Here's a very telling article...

The disastrous ObamaCare exchanges are just the tip of the iceberg

Then there are the prices for the plans, which have given Americans their first taste of sticker shock from ObamaCare. The Department of Health and Human Services tried to get in front of the big jumps in premiums by claiming that the HHS-approved prices were "lower than projected," but Forbes' Avik Roy pointed out that the projections used by HHS for comparison were for 2016, not 2014. Prices for comparable coverage doubled, according to an analysis of HHS data by Roy and the Manhattan Institute. And for some the prices quadrupled.
in other words, you got yours and you don't care about anyone else.

Which has been yours and the far righties' screed from the get go.

No, I havn't heard that from them at all. They want those who can, to work. They don't like freeloaders. Why should they work hard, so that welfare kings queens, can sit on their collective asses and rake in more money through welfare than by working?

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