Ok now this is strange, now Trump wants to attack mexico?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is getting funny..

Trump says Mexican president 'has got a problem' with cartels, slams California 'sanctuary state' push

President Donald Trump told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly in an exclusive interview broadcast Monday that Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto "has got a problem" with drug cartels in his country and could need U.S. assistance.

Trump was responding to reports that he told Pena Nieto in a phone call last week that the U.S. would send troops to Mexico to tackle the drug gangs, which the president said were "poisoning the youth of our country and ... countries all over the world."

The president told O'Reilly that the Mexican leader was "a very good man" and claimed that the two had "a very good relationship."

"I did talk to him about it. I want to help him with it," the president said. "We’ve got to stop drugs from coming into our country and if he can’t handle it –and maybe they can or maybe they can’t or maybe he needs help."
So let me get this straight, doesn't Trump comprehend states are ignoring the federal law against drugs?
If the mexican drug cartels...in other words the mexican government doesn't want our help than fuck em!!!!!!
Invade the assholes and put things right!!!!!
If the mexican drug cartels...in other words the mexican government doesn't want our help than fuck em!!!!!!
Invade the assholes and put things right!!!!!
My parents and sister and me camped throughout Mexico in 1967. My little sister kissed the ground when we got back to the US.
Mexico is truly having mega issues with these drug cartels who are now beheading each other in tourist districts. They lose tourism and the economy will take a real dive. The corruption in the police forces and government on all levels is thru the roof.

I'm glad Trump and President Enrique Pena Nieto are keeping lines of communication open even after such a rocky beginning to their relationship. That's cool that they are pulling it off.
Mexico is truly having mega issues with these drug cartels who are now beheading each other in tourist districts. They lose tourism and the economy will take a real dive. The corruption in the police forces and government on all levels is thru the roof.

I'm glad Trump and President Enrique Pena Nieto are keeping lines of communication open even after such a rocky beginning to their relationship. That's cool that they are pulling it off.

Mexico has a caste society. White Mexicans who look like Spaniards are at the top of Mexican society. I have not looked at a pic of President Enrique and have to do so I know what caste he was born in.
Why not, just look at how long Mexico has been invading America
Why not, just look at how long Mexico has been invading America

Rich people in Cuidad de Mexico have tall walls with broken glass cemented to the top of the wall surrounding their houses. American movies shown in Mexico had Spanish subtitles. People in Mexico put sugar on top of their popcorn.
This is getting funny..

Trump says Mexican president 'has got a problem' with cartels, slams California 'sanctuary state' push

President Donald Trump told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly in an exclusive interview broadcast Monday that Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto "has got a problem" with drug cartels in his country and could need U.S. assistance.

Trump was responding to reports that he told Pena Nieto in a phone call last week that the U.S. would send troops to Mexico to tackle the drug gangs, which the president said were "poisoning the youth of our country and ... countries all over the world."

The president told O'Reilly that the Mexican leader was "a very good man" and claimed that the two had "a very good relationship."

"I did talk to him about it. I want to help him with it," the president said. "We’ve got to stop drugs from coming into our country and if he can’t handle it –and maybe they can or maybe they can’t or maybe he needs help."

Gee, think it would be more accurate to say Trump may be willing to attack cartels, with the Mexican government? But I guess its more sensational to make it sound as if he wants to go to war with the Mexican government.
Blackjack Pershing led a troop of black soldiers into Mexico to eradicate Pancho Villa.
Mexico's problem is not the drugs leaving, it is the American money for the drugs entering. It was marijuana prohibition that got us into this whole thing. The underground distribution that developed segued into coke and other. Natural market development, capitalism at work. Sending U.S. troops into Mexico to solve a U.S. problem has little likelihood of positive outcome.
Mexico's problem is not the drugs leaving, it is the American money for the drugs entering. It was marijuana prohibition that got us into this whole thing. The underground distribution that developed segued into coke and other. Natural market development, capitalism at work. Sending U.S. troops into Mexico to solve a U.S. problem has little likelihood of positive outcome.
Legalize cannabis and cocaine and the cartels are fucked. The United States is the largest user of drugs, prohibition does not deter people from using them.
And now, as usual the FACTS!
The official audio recorded of the two Presidents speaking PROVE the President Trump was CLEARLY making a joke about US troops going into Mexico to help. The Mexican President is heard LAUGHING as well as President Trump.
The fucking LIB MSM scumbags are pretty fucking desperate.
PRO TIP for the LIB MSM: Be very careful if President Trump decides to lay some land mines for you all to step on. IE Having his staff secretly 'leak' BOMBSHELL stories about President Trump. The LIB MSM assholes will 'run' with the SCANDAL only to then have it blow up in their face.
This is a very common tactic used in the executive branches of big business. The owner/President suspects someone in his inner circle is selling secrets to a competing company. The owner has a meeting with the suspected top executive and divulges a 'secret' to that executive while telling him all the other executives know also. Later the owner hears that the secret has been leaked to the competitor.
The owner then knows who the executive is.
The owner can then fire the executive or start feeding the turncoat false secrets to fuck up the competition.
Of course this has been going on since the dawn of man.
Don't think for a second President Trump doesn't know how this game is played.
By the way. President Trump now knows who the 'leakers' are in his staff.
The best part is they know he knows who they are.
Watch for the moving vans outside certain Washington homes in the next couple of days.

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