OK Republicans, let’s stop the impeachment once and for all

Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.

No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Quit being a baby
Thats about the size of it with Republicans
Another free pass for Trump

Exactly why Republicans leave no option other than Impeachment
You really want a bigger political war?

A bigger war than attacking Congress?

complete with firearms, at least 1 assault weapon, molotov cocktails, AND napalm.

sounds very war-rish to me.
Are you claiming Trump supporters at the protest against the Democrat swindle had an assault weapon, molotov cocktails, AND napalm?

Please post some evidence, or shut the fuck up.

Also George Floyd rioters als had firearms, assault weapons, Molotov cocktails. We have video of them using these articles, not just mere possession.

^ ' Are you claiming Trump supporters at the protest against the Democrat swindle had an assault weapon, molotov cocktails, AND napalm?'

not me douchebag - the feds:

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Columbia


Friday, January 8, 2021
Alabama Man Charged With Possession of Eleven Molotov Cocktails Found Near Protest at U.S. Capitol

Authorities Also Found One Assault Rifle and Three Handguns

As alleged in the Complaint, on January 6, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers responded to reports of possible explosive devices in the area around the United States Capitol. In the course of conducting a protective sweep of the area, officers observed the handle of what appeared to be a firearm on the front right passenger seat of a red pickup truck with Alabama tags. A law enforcement database check of the vehicle registration revealed that the vehicle was registered to Lonnie L. Coffman with a home address in Falkville, Alabama. USCP Bomb Squad members subsequently searched the vehicle and secured one black handgun, one M4 Carbine assault rifle along with rifle magazines loaded with ammunition, and components for the construction of eleven “Molotov Cocktails” in the form of mason jars filled with ignitable substances, rags, and lighters.

Later that evening, Coffman was stopped in the vicinity of his truck when he attempted to return to his vehicle. Coffman was subsequently searched and found to have on his person a 9mm Smith & Wesson handgun, a 22-caliber derringer style handgun, and two sets of vehicle keys that matched the truck. When asked, Coffman told officers that the mason jars contained melted Styrofoam and gasoline. ATF advised that the combination of melted Styrofoam and gasoline is an explosive mixture that has the effect of napalm because, when detonated, the substance causes the flammable liquid to better stick to objects that it hits.
Alabama Man Charged With Possession of Eleven Molotov Cocktails Found Near Protest at U.S. Capitol

'Also George Floyd rioters als had firearms, assault weapons, Molotov cocktails. We have video of them using these articles, not just mere possession.'

lol ... as if one thing excuses the other. oh ya ... whatever happened during the protests of the murder of floyd - does not excuse the potus spuring on the bloody attempted coup to overthrow the gov'ment - to execute the VP & congress members.

'Please post some evidence, or shut the fuck up.'

i done did. now you:

This isn’t about what Dimwingers claim Trump did. They are scared shitless he will come back in 2024 and kick Commiela Harris’ ass.

donny will either have stroked out by then ... or in prison. hopefully both are in his future.

the ONLY reason why he wants to remain in office is because of the stupid 'policy' of the DOJ that states a sitting prez cannot be indicted.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.

Strategically they could offer him a pardon for his crimes here. If accepts the pardon, it is an admission of guilt. An admission that all of his followers are 100% Disloyal. Then they can just sell him down the Tigris River :laughing0301:

Accepting a pardon is NOT an admission of guilt.

The court says it is

How can you be pardoned for something you didn’t do?
This isn’t about what Dimwingers claim Trump did. They are scared shitless he will come back in 2024 and kick Commiela Harris’ ass.
He's going to jail. Stay tuned.
Sure thing, Buttercup.

if he's impeached & the house doesn't send the articles to the senate until after the new senate takes their majority - that very well could happen AND donny gets no chance of a pardon AND the off chance he gets no fed charges levied against him - NYS has been salivating for some time now to get their chance AND donny is not immune to state charges at all. AND georgia is looking to get a piece of him too.
Well ferchrissakes, the Congress has to get SOMETHING on paper after the bullshit Trump has pulled. They have some sense of the historical import of this. They don't want to look like total retards for all of posterity.
Well, since it is so close to the end of his term.......We’ll just let this one go
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.

Strategically they could offer him a pardon for his crimes here. If accepts the pardon, it is an admission of guilt. An admission that all of his followers are 100% Disloyal. Then they can just sell him down the Tigris River :laughing0301:

Accepting a pardon is NOT an admission of guilt.

it sure does mean that. AND accepting a pardon releases one from any 5th amendment protection as well.
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.
So you are proud of how Clinton burned to death 50 something women, children, and men.

So are you proud of your low IQ, and complete lack of ability to think for yourself?

Note my post decrying the idiocy of jumping to conclusions, and here you are FuckBoi, jumping to conclusions. What a tool!
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL

whatever you heard was alternative facts to make you feel good. kinda like how donny 'won by a landslide' & that covid is just 'the flu'.


the house (D)s have the majority. you do know that, right? & if you think the majority of THEM won't vote to impeach ... then you shall be in for a rude wake up call.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.

No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.
No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.

Like lying about the election being fraudulent wasn’t the biggest Molotov cocktail so far.
Grow up.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.
So you are proud of how Clinton burned to death 50 something women, children, and men.

So are you proud of your low IQ, and complete lack of ability to think for yourself?

Note my post decrying the idiocy of jumping to conclusions, and here you are FuckBoi, jumping to conclusions. What a tool!

More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL

whatever you heard was alternative facts to make you feel good. kinda like how donny 'won by a landslide' & that covid is just 'the flu'.


the house (D)s have the majority. you do know that, right? & if you think the majority of THEM won't vote to impeach ... then you shall be in for a rude wake up call.

Of course they do. But then it goes to the Senate who have stated they won't be impeaching Trump.

Oh and I wonder what's in all those laptops that got taken when the crowd flooded into the WH?? Should be interesting.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.

No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.
No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.

Like lying about the election being fraudulent wasn’t the biggest Molotov cocktail so far.
Grow up.

There is massive fraud. Sorry, but you cant wish it away and hope that your false narrative and rhetoric will cover up your propaganda and lies. Aint happening.
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL

whatever you heard was alternative facts to make you feel good. kinda like how donny 'won by a landslide' & that covid is just 'the flu'.


the house (D)s have the majority. you do know that, right? & if you think the majority of THEM won't vote to impeach ... then you shall be in for a rude wake up call.

Of course they do. But then it goes to the Senate who have stated they won't be impeaching Trump.

Oh and I wonder what's in all those laptops that got taken when the crowd flooded into the WH?? Should be interesting.
It was a Conference Room laptop

Probably a bunch of PowerPoint slides
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL

whatever you heard was alternative facts to make you feel good. kinda like how donny 'won by a landslide' & that covid is just 'the flu'.


the house (D)s have the majority. you do know that, right? & if you think the majority of THEM won't vote to impeach ... then you shall be in for a rude wake up call.

Of course they do. But then it goes to the Senate who have stated they won't be impeaching Trump.

Oh and I wonder what's in all those laptops that got taken when the crowd flooded into the WH?? Should be interesting.

i'd like to know - exactly what 'news' outlets you have been getting your swill from?

the house doesn't have to send the articles within a given time. it was a few weeks b4 they were sent to the senate the first time around. there is much chatter going on that the articles will be delayed until biden's 1st 100 days after taking the presidency - so his cabinet can be fulfilled & policies starting to be implemented AND the senate will be a (D) majority, to have as much leverage as possible to allow an actual trial this time.

& it wasn't the WH that was stormed. what will be interesting is if any laptops were stolen whilst donny's bloody attempted coup was taking place ... anybody in possession will be in bigley hot water. it will be interesting to see how many actually have the balls to do anything about them.

do you think hunter biden will somehow be in them too?

Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.

No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.
No, I hope it doesn’t come to that...But, you assholes keep throwing gas on the fire.

Like lying about the election being fraudulent wasn’t the biggest Molotov cocktail so far.
Grow up.

There is massive fraud. Sorry, but you cant wish it away and hope that your false narrative and rhetoric will cover up your propaganda and lies. Aint happening.
There is massive fraud. Sorry, but you cant wish it away and hope that your false narrative and rhetoric will cover up your propaganda and lies. Aint happening.
There just isn’t. Objective reality does not support any fraud at all let alone across multiple states.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.

So, your fantasies include nuking Americans you disagree with? Yeah, that doesn’t sound unhinged....

The only exercise you fools ever get is jumping to conclusions. I'm simply pointing out to you that you are outmanned, seriously outgunned, and what you expect to happen and what will happen are two entirely different things. Think Branch Davidians. They had guns and endless rounds of ammunition too.

Your biggest mistake is assuming that all 74 million people who voted for Trump would be willing to take up arms to defend his election.
So you are proud of how Clinton burned to death 50 something women, children, and men.

So are you proud of your low IQ, and complete lack of ability to think for yourself?

Note my post decrying the idiocy of jumping to conclusions, and here you are FuckBoi, jumping to conclusions. What a tool!

8pm curfew in canada. You should probably worry more about the camps they're going to cart you off to.
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

You are full of shit. The man is out of office on the 20th and the Reps have already said there will be no impeachment.

You idiots makes me laugh.

there will be an impeachment because the majority of reps will vote for it.

so what if donny will be out of office . . .

he gets no leniency. he will be held accountable. there can be NO healing until that happens. remember when bin laden was finally held accountable? he was killed. remember how you felt? how america felt? donny may not get that kind of reckoning, but he needs to pay for his crimes one way or the other.

now, it's a given little deplorable trump humpers won't feel the elation that normal critical thinking bipeds will feel when the day finally comes that donny will pay for his crimes ... but the rest of america will.

Not according to what I heard on TV over the weekend. The Reps say they will not impeach Trump. Good thing cause it would be a waste of time and tax dollars. The guy is gone in 9 days. Supposedly. LOL

whatever you heard was alternative facts to make you feel good. kinda like how donny 'won by a landslide' & that covid is just 'the flu'.


the house (D)s have the majority. you do know that, right? & if you think the majority of THEM won't vote to impeach ... then you shall be in for a rude wake up call.

Of course they do. But then it goes to the Senate who have stated they won't be impeaching Trump.

Oh and I wonder what's in all those laptops that got taken when the crowd flooded into the WH?? Should be interesting.
It was a Conference Room laptop

Probably a bunch of PowerPoint slides

She can always hope. Ever wonder why she's so eager to impeach a man who will be out of office in 9 days?? That speaks volumes. LOL

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