OK Republicans, let’s stop the impeachment once and for all

Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

What you left out:
The 74 million who voted for Rump ---- voted for Rump, so how smart can they be.

Um, hi there.

Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.
I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Well, kiss my grits. RHIP* so we dims gonna exploit it! Let's not be further condemned for a third error that has to have proof of wrongdoing so whatever we can do that doesn't have to go through scrutiny of other elected bodies who find the nab not guilty, let's just smear a little censure on the angel of a God we do not believe in because our lies have been believed in by everybody who loves Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews who tell us what we love to hear. If we say so, the Republicans have to agree with us or we will make a law that provides calumny against anyone who is a Trump supporter, since all of them are on our hit list for ruin and humiliation that we could not get with the founders bad laws that made us conformists. Bleh!

RHIP= Rank Has Its Privilege

The "angel of God we believe in"????? "Angels of God" don't make policy decisions that kill 360,000 of their own citizens, or set their people against one another for their own political gain.

Trump needs to be impeached again, not just to stop him from running in 2024, but for the Republican Party to, once and for all, repudiate Trump and Trumpism, and for Republicans to take responsibility for enabling this shitshow for so long.

The Republican Party needs to stop its slide into white supremacist authoritarianism. Impeaching its leading proponent would be a start.

What a waste of time....Despite your inaccurate, and inflamatory characterizations....

Republican lies and incendiary rhetoric are the most destructive force in America today.

The D's are pretty big on "incendiary rhetoric" too.

But you think America would be better off without a loyal opposition? Sort of like North Korea?

Republicans aren’t “loyal”. Except to remaining in power by any means necessary.
It is not about power, DraGOONlady.

It's about freedom from the slavery of the common man in a system called Marxism that Demonrats circle jerk to 300 times per diem, iow each time press stories blather a lie a out President Trump instead of planning the words Biden will say on taking away the freedom of speech for Trump supporters only. Face it.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

What you left out:
The 74 million who voted for Rump ---- voted for Rump, so how smart can they be.

Um, hi there.

Not smart am I?

I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Yeah, And Rambo Pelosi was fighting them off.

You are a clown.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

But Biden has the nukes, the tanks, the Army, Air Force and the marines.

You have a bunch of gun crazy old farts, very few of whom want to try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States, and none of whom have the nukes, tanks, and mother of all bombs to make it possible.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.

Strategically they could offer him a pardon for his crimes here. If accepts the pardon, it is an admission of guilt. An admission that all of his followers are 100% Disloyal. Then they can just sell him down the Tigris River :laughing0301:
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.

Strategically they could offer him a pardon for his crimes here. If accepts the pardon, it is an admission of guilt. An admission that all of his followers are 100% Disloyal. Then they can just sell him down the Tigris River :laughing0301:
Your delusions are cute.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

Then after all of that Extradite him to Iraq where he awaits a warrant for bombing Baghdad Internation Airport
Wow! You really are stupid beyond belied. He took out a terrorist, he didn’t bomb an airport.

And we don’t have an extradition treaty with Iraq, Simpleton.

You are factually incorrect on all points

Good luck.

However, I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe and Commiela Harris to try to extradite Trump for killing a terrorist. Dimwingers love them some terrorists.

Strategically they could offer him a pardon for his crimes here. If accepts the pardon, it is an admission of guilt. An admission that all of his followers are 100% Disloyal. Then they can just sell him down the Tigris River :laughing0301:
Your delusions are cute.

it is sick the way that Kamala treated parents of truants. But that level of legalism against he fascist menace will be satisfying closure for the 80% of the country that see the 1/6 Coup Attempt as unnacceptable.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

I'm reminded that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's dumber younger brother Doug, is now the Premier of Ontario, and Doug ran on what a great job that he and his brother did when the ran Toronto. The Fords claimed they "saved" Toronto taxpayers $80 million and had the lowest tax increases of any city in North America. None of what they claimed was true at all, but Doug Ford is still repeating these lies, and Ontario voters believed him.

Toronto voters had Rob Ford stripped of all his mayoral powers during his term, so that he was mayor in name only. When Rob Ford dropped out of the election campaign due to his cancer diagnosis, Doug took his place and finished dead last. But Ontario voters believed the fictions, and quickly learned it was all a lie.

If Trump is allowed to go free, and continue to spout his poisonous lies for another four years, unchallenged, you could be right back in same mess you're in now, if Trump or someone worse, is elected in 2024.

If Trump runs again in 2024, it'll be as an independent, and he's made damn sure he'll got no chance of winning...

Why would you think that? No one can touch Trump in the Republican Party.

Why would he bother with a pointless 3rd Party run? Who would the R's nominate instead- a sure loser like Pierre Delecto, Low Energy Jeb, or Son of a Mailman Kasich?

Because he's lost whatever respect and support he ever had from the majority of the party. These" who else could it be" questions are silly. Look at the slate of candidates running back in 2015 and 2016. All of them were pretty viable...

I can't see any of the losing candidates in the 2016 election being able to vanquish the D's in 2024. I don't see a record of accomplishment which would convince the people they could implement their political will against Sleepy Joe and his barrel of direct tricks. How would, example given, Jeb Bush be able to command the respect of a majority?
Especially since Trump congratulated himself over a recovering economy that he had nothing to do with, that he eventually destroyed when he dropped the ball on Covid. What a worthless pos.

Actually, Trump had everything to do with it, and no, he didn't "drop the ball" on COVID at all.

Operation Warp Speed brought America multiple vaccines at warp speed. Numerous effective treatments including hydroxychloroquine that was suppressed by the AMA for months to hurt Trump. The Corona Virus, as you know, originated with the Biden Family benefactors in Beijing. Not the "wet markets of Wuhan".

BTW, the whole globe was attacked by COVID, and the liberal countries of Europe and Marxists cities like New York City led in the rate of deaths- not conservative areas.
I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Democrats were cowering in their basement (See Biden) while cites across the country were under attack by far left radicals most of last year. It is still going on in Portland with the New Year's riot which of course the MSM and the Democratic party choose to ignore the left has zero credibility on this topic.
Molotov cocktails, other violence at downtown Portland New Year’s Eve gathering prompt police to declare riot
I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Yeah, And Rambo Pelosi was fighting them off.

You are a clown.

What would the Trump Mob have done if they captured Pelosi?
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

What you left out:
The 74 million who voted for Rump ---- voted for Rump, so how smart can they be.

Um, hi there.

Not smart am I?


Enough smart to sentences invert you are.

The reference is to post 149 and the suggestion therein.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...

What you left out:
The 74 million who voted for Rump ---- voted for Rump, so how smart can they be.
They're dumb as shit.
I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Yeah, And Rambo Pelosi was fighting them off.

You are a clown.

What would the Trump Mob have done if they captured Pelosi?
Killed the shit out of her. Look at these cray sons of Bitches; New video shows rioters attacking Capitol police
I will support Republicans offering the same type of condemnation of President Trump over the Capital Hill riots that Democrats did to the Democrat Mayors and Governors that let BLM/Antifa run wild through and riot in there state/city last year. I feel this is a fair bipartisan compromise of course not everyone will.
Republicans were cowering in a bunker while the Capitol was attacked.

They have nothing t say about it?
Yeah, And Rambo Pelosi was fighting them off.

You are a clown.

What would the Trump Mob have done if they captured Pelosi?
Capture Pelousy? She single handedly fought off the entire crowd by herself while Republicans were moved to a safe place.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

I'm reminded that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's dumber younger brother Doug, is now the Premier of Ontario, and Doug ran on what a great job that he and his brother did when the ran Toronto. The Fords claimed they "saved" Toronto taxpayers $80 million and had the lowest tax increases of any city in North America. None of what they claimed was true at all, but Doug Ford is still repeating these lies, and Ontario voters believed him.

Toronto voters had Rob Ford stripped of all his mayoral powers during his term, so that he was mayor in name only. When Rob Ford dropped out of the election campaign due to his cancer diagnosis, Doug took his place and finished dead last. But Ontario voters believed the fictions, and quickly learned it was all a lie.

If Trump is allowed to go free, and continue to spout his poisonous lies for another four years, unchallenged, you could be right back in same mess you're in now, if Trump or someone worse, is elected in 2024.

If Trump runs again in 2024, it'll be as an independent, and he's made damn sure he'll got no chance of winning...

Why would you think that? No one can touch Trump in the Republican Party.

Why would he bother with a pointless 3rd Party run? Who would the R's nominate instead- a sure loser like Pierre Delecto, Low Energy Jeb, or Son of a Mailman Kasich?

Because he's lost whatever respect and support he ever had from the majority of the party. These" who else could it be" questions are silly. Look at the slate of candidates running back in 2015 and 2016. All of them were pretty viable...

I can't see any of the losing candidates in the 2016 election being able to vanquish the D's in 2024. I don't see a record of accomplishment which would convince the people they could implement their political will against Sleepy Joe and his barrel of direct tricks. How would, example given, Jeb Bush be able to command the respect of a majority?
Especially since Trump congratulated himself over a recovering economy that he had nothing to do with, that he eventually destroyed when he dropped the ball on Covid. What a worthless pos.

Actually, Trump had everything to do with it, and no, he didn't "drop the ball" on COVID at all.

Operation Warp Speed brought America multiple vaccines at warp speed. Numerous effective treatments including hydroxychloroquine that was suppressed by the AMA for months to hurt Trump. The Corona Virus, as you know, originated with the Biden Family benefactors in Beijing. Not the "wet markets of Wuhan".

BTW, the whole globe was attacked by COVID, and the liberal countries of Europe and Marxists cities like New York City led in the rate of deaths- not conservative areas.
Are you fucking kidding me? 'Warp speed" my ass. Trump called it a hoax, lied to us for months about it, and has been totally mia over covid. Get a clue.

Trump had nothing to do with the economy except keep it as Obama left it. The fact that you have not documented what he did different proves your own failure to debunk my argument.

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