... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that's cool. You get to see the process, or at least the first part of it. There will be a lot of screening-out -- if it's like my experience you'll be one of a vast crowd of people only a few of whom will end up in the jury box. And more likely than not the case will be on the boring side anyway. But it's a vital part of our legal system and kinda cool to be some part of it.

Yes you are strange. Wait until you find out how much you get paid per day.

It isn't a "job". It's a civic duty. The juror or prospective juror isn't getting a wage; he/she is getting some compensation, however small is kind of irrelevant, for giving their time.

I didnt say it was job. I said wait until you find out how much you get paid. No its not kind of irrelevant. I was just talking to a woman last week that would have lost her home if she had been selected for jury duty. They let her go on a financial hardship exception.

If your observation is "wait 'til you find out how much you get paid", then you're comparing it to a job. Are we supposed to like it more or less depending on how much money we make from it? Because that describes a job.

And your citation of the woman who would have lost her home just demonstrates that the system makes allowances for that.
After we moved from Colorado Springs to Trinidad CO the wife received a jury summons form E Paso County (Where CS is located), went online and negated the call up, we were no longer residents of that county. Two weeks later I received the same summons...... same result. A month later I was called up for jury duty in Trinidad CO, called the number the day before I was supposed to report, my services we no longer needed. I was happy with that. :thup:


I had exactly the same thing happen when I moved from Colorado to Arizona. I got a summons to serve in the CO county I had moved from. The interesting part was that I had already registered to vote in AZ.

During voir dire, I'll let slip that minorities just can't help criming while <fill in defendant race>. I haven't served on a jury since 1982

Well yabut, you're a traitor. Move to Russia.

... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that's cool. You get to see the process, or at least the first part of it. There will be a lot of screening-out -- if it's like my experience you'll be one of a vast crowd of people only a few of whom will end up in the jury box. And more likely than not the case will be on the boring side anyway. But it's a vital part of our legal system and kinda cool to be some part of it.

Yes you are strange. Wait until you find out how much you get paid per day.

It isn't a "job". It's a civic duty. The juror or prospective juror isn't getting a wage; he/she is getting some compensation, however small is kind of irrelevant, for giving their time.
I didnt say it was job. I said wait until you find out how much you get paid. No its not kind of irrelevant. I was just talking to a woman last week that would have lost her home if she had been selected for jury duty. They let her go on a financial hardship exception.

Not sure what you're point is since that's the way the system is supposed to work.

The only jury I've ever served on concerned a drunk driver. It was fascinating and I would serve again.
... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that's cool. You get to see the process, or at least the first part of it. There will be a lot of screening-out -- if it's like my experience you'll be one of a vast crowd of people only a few of whom will end up in the jury box. And more likely than not the case will be on the boring side anyway. But it's a vital part of our legal system and kinda cool to be some part of it.

Yes you are strange. Wait until you find out how much you get paid per day.

It isn't a "job". It's a civic duty. The juror or prospective juror isn't getting a wage; he/she is getting some compensation, however small is kind of irrelevant, for giving their time.

I didnt say it was job. I said wait until you find out how much you get paid. No its not kind of irrelevant. I was just talking to a woman last week that would have lost her home if she had been selected for jury duty. They let her go on a financial hardship exception.

If your observation is "wait 'til you find out how much you get paid", then you're comparing it to a job. Are we supposed to like it more or less depending on how much money we make from it? Because that describes a job.

And your citation of the woman who would have lost her home just demonstrates that the system makes allowances for that.
No. I'm not comparing it to a job. I dont know any job that pays that low except maybe someone that picks produce. Yes you would like it more if they gave you a million dollar stipend as opposed to nothing at all.

Yes the system makes allowances but she lost a days wages without compensation and was subjected to the stress of thinking she would have to serve which makes it highly relevant.
After we moved from Colorado Springs to Trinidad CO the wife received a jury summons form E Paso County (Where CS is located), went online and negated the call up, we were no longer residents of that county. Two weeks later I received the same summons...... same result. A month later I was called up for jury duty in Trinidad CO, called the number the day before I was supposed to report, my services we no longer needed. I was happy with that. :thup:


I had exactly the same thing happen when I moved from Colorado to Arizona. I got a summons to serve in the CO county I had moved from. The interesting part was that I had already registered to vote in AZ.

During voir dire, I'll let slip that minorities just can't help criming while <fill in defendant race>. I haven't served on a jury since 1982

Well yabut, you're a traitor. Move to Russia.

... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, that's cool. You get to see the process, or at least the first part of it. There will be a lot of screening-out -- if it's like my experience you'll be one of a vast crowd of people only a few of whom will end up in the jury box. And more likely than not the case will be on the boring side anyway. But it's a vital part of our legal system and kinda cool to be some part of it.

Yes you are strange. Wait until you find out how much you get paid per day.

It isn't a "job". It's a civic duty. The juror or prospective juror isn't getting a wage; he/she is getting some compensation, however small is kind of irrelevant, for giving their time.
I didnt say it was job. I said wait until you find out how much you get paid. No its not kind of irrelevant. I was just talking to a woman last week that would have lost her home if she had been selected for jury duty. They let her go on a financial hardship exception.

Not sure what you're point is since that's the way the system is supposed to work.

The only jury I've ever served on concerned a drunk driver. It was fascinating and I would serve again.
My point was that the money you get for serving is not enough. Lots of people cant do it and keep food on the table.
No. I'm not comparing it to a job. I dont know any job that pays that low except maybe someone that picks produce.

You just contradicted yourself in two sentences. "How much it pays" isn't relevant to anything except a job.
After we moved from Colorado Springs to Trinidad CO the wife received a jury summons form E Paso County (Where CS is located), went online and negated the call up, we were no longer residents of that county. Two weeks later I received the same summons...... same result. A month later I was called up for jury duty in Trinidad CO, called the number the day before I was supposed to report, my services we no longer needed. I was happy with that. :thup:

I was in CO last week. Boulder.
Spent a day at the IBM main facility. Interesting.
Boulder, nice place to visit, wouldn't want to live there. Dem peoples iz weird........

Good steak...hotel was awesome (St Julian)
Visited Oskar Blues Brewery...which was odd...literally a pack of dogs in the brew pub. 7-8 of them. Can't say I have saw that before.
One thing that was impossible to miss...where are the fat people? Seriously. I saw maybe two the whole time I was there (3 days). 1,000 bicycles running around...but no fat people...wait...
Try this during Voir dire, "That poor colored boy probably came from a broken home and couldn't help himself. I'll bet this isn't even his first run in with the law"
I got called to jury duty only twice. The first one was 1988. During the screening they asked several questions. One of them was...if I own a boat. I told them yes and they dismissed me. I guess the case is about theft.
Second was 2007. During the screening they asked me if I have kids. I told them they are grown up but i have grandkids. Then they dismissed me. I asked why? It's about child molestation. After that I never get called again. Some people I knew got called several times some are every year but I'm surprised why I only got called twice.
I got called to jury duty only twice. The first one was 1988. During the screening they asked several questions. One of them was...if I own a boat. I told them yes and they dismissed me. I guess the case is about theft.
Second was 2007. During the screening they asked me if I have kids. I told them they are grown up but i have grandkids. Then they dismissed me. I asked why? It's about child molestation. After that I never get called again. Some people I knew got called several times some are every year but I'm surprised why I only got called twice.

I just got called the one time, and after a couple of rounds I got released too, after they asked if anyone in the box had been assaulted and I raised my hand (the case was about domestic violence). The odd thing was -- it was the prosecution who dismissed me, not the defense. I would have thought if anyone dismissed me it would be the defense.

The attorney looked about 19 years old too. Weird.
I got called to jury duty only twice. The first one was 1988. During the screening they asked several questions. One of them was...if I own a boat. I told them yes and they dismissed me. I guess the case is about theft.
Second was 2007. During the screening they asked me if I have kids. I told them they are grown up but i have grandkids. Then they dismissed me. I asked why? It's about child molestation. After that I never get called again. Some people I knew got called several times some are every year but I'm surprised why I only got called twice.

I won't know how to answer that one (grandkids) if I get asked......
Neither of my boys have kids (they are both grown) - but my hubby has grandkids .... I wonder if I should just say no or explain the situation (which is legally correct?)
I got called to jury duty only twice. The first one was 1988. During the screening they asked several questions. One of them was...if I own a boat. I told them yes and they dismissed me. I guess the case is about theft.
Second was 2007. During the screening they asked me if I have kids. I told them they are grown up but i have grandkids. Then they dismissed me. I asked why? It's about child molestation. After that I never get called again. Some people I knew got called several times some are every year but I'm surprised why I only got called twice.

I won't know how to answer that one (grandkids) if I get asked......
Neither of my boys have kids (they are both grown) - but my hubby has grandkids .... I wonder if I should just say no or explain the situation (which is legally correct?)

You can just say what you just wrote here. If it's any area they're interested in they will come back to you and ask for further details.
... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been selected once. In that 48 hour period I lost ALL respect for the US Legal/Justice System.

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