... am I strange for getting excited about seeing a letter from the Sheriffs office about Jury Duty. I mean I am genuinely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to post about it now am opening the letter... can't wait! I hope I am selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been selected once. In that 48 hour period I lost ALL respect for the US Legal/Justice System.

It was a difficult thing being in a jury over a difficult case. People had to bend when they didn't want to and we were being HIGHLY pressured by the judge... I didn't like that at all.....
I got called to jury duty only twice. The first one was 1988. During the screening they asked several questions. One of them was...if I own a boat. I told them yes and they dismissed me. I guess the case is about theft.
Second was 2007. During the screening they asked me if I have kids. I told them they are grown up but i have grandkids. Then they dismissed me. I asked why? It's about child molestation. After that I never get called again. Some people I knew got called several times some are every year but I'm surprised why I only got called twice.

I won't know how to answer that one (grandkids) if I get asked......
Neither of my boys have kids (they are both grown) - but my hubby has grandkids .... I wonder if I should just say no or explain the situation (which is legally correct?)

You can just say what you just wrote here. If it's any area they're interested in they will come back to you and ask for further details.

I just don't want to be disqualified because I have "step grandchildren" if it comes to that.
But, I guess that will be up to them. I'm set for a case in December .... so we'll see.....
It was a difficult thing being in a jury over a difficult case. People had to bend when they didn't want to and we were being HIGHLY pressured by the judge... I didn't like that at all.....

The case I sat o. Was ridiculously EASY. At least it shoild have been..... except that every individual from the attorneys, to the witnesses to tge other 11 jurors were playing a gane of "Who has less IQ points" the whole time.
It was a difficult thing being in a jury over a difficult case. People had to bend when they didn't want to and we were being HIGHLY pressured by the judge... I didn't like that at all.....

The case I sat o. Was ridiculously EASY. At least it shoild have been..... except that every individual from the attorneys, to the witnesses to tge other 11 jurors were playing a gane of "Who has less IQ points" the whole time.

I was shocked at the dumbness as well - but we did have a lot of interesting information (once we filtered through the BS) to discuss - we had a few jerks as jurors but most of them were prettying intelligent and insightful. I enjoyed it. The courtroom part could be a drag. Looking at the expressions of the defendant and plaintiff was interesting. I love looking at and trying to read people.
Never been called...and after what my mother went through recently, I would do just about anything (up to and including moving) to get out of jury duty.

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