OK Tea Party....Time to belly up to the bar

Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

You Democrats handed them the worst economy since the Great Depression. You Democrats drove this fucker into the ditch...now you want them to fix everything you assholes broke over-night? :muahaha:

Unlike you Democrats the GOP isn't into making promises they can't and never wanted to keep. It's gonna take a long time to undo the damage that has been done....so don't expect miracles. I know as a Dem you tend to do that.
I agree -- it's not going to be easy. But the House and Senate Dems and Obama aren't going to agree to any spending cuts.

When the deficit continues to increase, though, you'll blame the GOP.

Oh and I am sure that they can agree to cuts that they support. It's just that the left and right have different ideas on what they want to cut.
However, for you to make blanket false statements that they won't support ANY cuts only serves to make you look like a partisan hack who ingores the facts in order to try and score political points. The fact is that the dems proposed cutting WASTE from medicare and were attacked by the right who, IF they were honest, wouldn't support medicare in the first place because it is SOCIALISM.

As for who to blame, IF the republicans in the senate continue to filibuster and obstruct then yes they should be blamed. Whatever happened to the republicans who preached personal responsibility??

The responsible thing to do would be to filibuster all of Obma's agenda, yes.

LOL So doing NOTHING is the responsibile thing to "do?" LOL The sad thing is that republicans were so into saying NO that they said no to things that they supported just to try and make sure that obama looked like he wasn't getting anything accomplished and you actually think that's postive and responsibile? LOL WOW!

Oh and thanks for the laughs and your bumper sticker propaganda. Is that all you were spoon fed today or do you have anything else to regurgitate? LOL
Oh and I am sure that they can agree to cuts that they support. It's just that the left and right have different ideas on what they want to cut.
However, for you to make blanket false statements that they won't support ANY cuts only serves to make you look like a partisan hack who ingores the facts in order to try and score political points. The fact is that the dems proposed cutting WASTE from medicare and were attacked by the right who, IF they were honest, wouldn't support medicare in the first place because it is SOCIALISM.

As for who to blame, IF the republicans in the senate continue to filibuster and obstruct then yes they should be blamed. Whatever happened to the republicans who preached personal responsibility??

The responsible thing to do would be to filibuster all of Obma's agenda, yes.

LOL So doing NOTHING is the responsibile thing to "do?" LOL The sad thing is that republicans were so into saying NO that they said no to things that they supported just to try and make sure that obama looked like he wasn't getting anything accomplished and you actually think that's postive and responsibile? LOL WOW!

Oh and thanks for the laughs and your bumper sticker propaganda. Is that all you were spoon fed today or do you have anything else to regurgitate? LOL

Pass pro-growth legislation and let Obama veto it, yes.

Republicans were not put back in power to be less of the same Obamanistas.
In the Spirit of Federalism, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the States come up with.
It's funny the way you pretend there's any answer you'll accept. :lol:

That's the point Dave, there is no answer. The "Answer" is that without tax increases, we will be running a deficit for quite some time.

We don't claim to have "The Answer," just pointing out that the tea-crowd doesn't. They nonchalantly say "Cut Taxes! Balance the budget!" but it's clearly not that simple.
It's got a better chance of succeeding than "Keep spending money that doesn't even exist!"

The left complained about the deficit...when Bush was in office. With Obama in, not a peep from them.

That ain't true, many of us are concerned about the deficit, myself included. Just pointing out that saying "Balance the budget!" doesn't make it so. Every cut you make has consequences, unemployment in particular - A government job is a job nonetheless. Take it away - Whether it's a soldier or a bureaucrat or an astronaut - and that person will be cast into a flooded labor pool. Further economic instability will result. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

FYI replace "Left" with "Right" and flip-flop Bush with Obama in your statement, and it's at least equally true... Just sayin.

And no, "Cut Taxes! Balance the Budget!" is not as relevant as continuing deficit spending (Which is suggested virtually universally by economists). In fact, it's such a logical disconnect I can't even think of a suitable analogy. It's like thinking a hand job will clean your garage.

....OK I stole that last part from Maher. But the rest is mine. :lol:
Ever notice that win or lose Dems seem to need to tell everyone else what to do, when, and how.

Ever notice how WHEN you are losing you need to make up shite in a lame attempt to smear others for disagreeing with your ubsubstantiated spin??

BTW weren't you the one that tried to tell me how I define the word "contradiction?"

So it would appear that YOU seem to need to tell everyone else what to do, when, and how.

I have a serious question. Do you even bother paying attention to what you say and how it flies in the face of what you have said previously BEFORE you open your mouth and insert your foot??
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Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

You Democrats handed them the worst economy since the Great Depression. You Democrats drove this fucker into the ditch...now you want them to fix everything you assholes broke over-night? :muahaha:

Unlike you Democrats the GOP isn't into making promises they can't and never wanted to keep. It's gonna take a long time to undo the damage that has been done....so don't expect miracles. I know as a Dem you tend to do that.

So you are saying right up front that the election was a waste of time and money..because the NeoGOPers you just placed in office do not intend to correct the problems that pissed of the public and got them elected. Honesty from the PudWhistler...how refreshing!:clap2:
Oh, No I don't. You are a slippery rascal now aren't you. Move some of those Military Bases in high real estate areas to where they are needed. Sell that Property. Seems anytime someone does anything you don't like the sky falls in on us. Why's that? :lol: Mean while those Government raises just keep on going and going and growing, Self Importance Syndrome. How much to cross the GWB or the Tappan Zee? More, More, more, and not even a post card when you go on vacation. :( :lol: .

So, how many hours should a Federal Employee work a week on average? How many month's vacation is fair?

BRAC has already happened and we are shutting down excess bases at home and abroad. We are looking to cut down our military bases not spend more money on new ones.

Tappan Zee is falling apart by the way, it will cost billions to rebuild it. More Govt spending.

Federal employees work 40 hour weeks just like most workers. Vacation is between 2 1/2 and 5 weeks depending on service.

But the pension and benefit packages are obscene.

My father is a newly retired postal worker and his retirement is hardly what anyone would call obscene. So do you have any SPECIFICS or are you just like the rest of the hacks who only make vague generalities and believe that's good enough??
Oh and I am sure that they can agree to cuts that they support. It's just that the left and right have different ideas on what they want to cut.
However, for you to make blanket false statements that they won't support ANY cuts only serves to make you look like a partisan hack who ingores the facts in order to try and score political points. The fact is that the dems proposed cutting WASTE from medicare and were attacked by the right who, IF they were honest, wouldn't support medicare in the first place because it is SOCIALISM.

As for who to blame, IF the republicans in the senate continue to filibuster and obstruct then yes they should be blamed. Whatever happened to the republicans who preached personal responsibility??

The responsible thing to do would be to filibuster all of Obma's agenda, yes.

LOL So doing NOTHING is the responsibile thing to "do?" LOL The sad thing is that republicans were so into saying NO that they said no to things that they supported just to try and make sure that obama looked like he wasn't getting anything accomplished and you actually think that's postive and responsibile? LOL WOW!

Oh and thanks for the laughs and your bumper sticker propaganda. Is that all you were spoon fed today or do you have anything else to regurgitate? LOL

Hate to tell you this but what would help the economy the most is for them to do nothing about it. After all their primary job is to protect this nation and maintain the infrastructure needed for interstate commerce. Maybe they could give themselves term limits while they're taking a break from their socialistic ways.

Oh....I also think it would be a good idea to make sure the Conservative SC Justices are safe. Make sure Obama doesn't have a chance to replace any of them. Obama is gonna be using other methods other then Legislation to put his new government in place.
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The responsible thing to do would be to filibuster all of Obma's agenda, yes.

LOL So doing NOTHING is the responsibile thing to "do?" LOL The sad thing is that republicans were so into saying NO that they said no to things that they supported just to try and make sure that obama looked like he wasn't getting anything accomplished and you actually think that's postive and responsibile? LOL WOW!

Oh and thanks for the laughs and your bumper sticker propaganda. Is that all you were spoon fed today or do you have anything else to regurgitate? LOL

Pass pro-growth legislation and let Obama veto it, yes.

Republicans were not put back in power to be less of the same Obamanistas.

What does your response have to do with my post?? Why even bother responding to a post if you are going to turn tail and run away form the content?? thanks for shwoing that you have no REAL arguments to offer and can only regurgitate rightwing talking points.

BTW in case you missed it, the dems tried passing pro-growth legislation and were blocked by the very republicans you kneel before and blindly worship.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

You Democrats handed them the worst economy since the Great Depression. You Democrats drove this fucker into the ditch...now you want them to fix everything you assholes broke over-night? :muahaha:

Unlike you Democrats the GOP isn't into making promises they can't and never wanted to keep. It's gonna take a long time to undo the damage that has been done....so don't expect miracles. I know as a Dem you tend to do that.

So you are saying right up front that the election was a waste of time and money..because the NeoGOPers you just placed in office do not intend to correct the problems that pissed of the public and got them elected. Honesty from the PudWhistler...how refreshing!:clap2:

What they can do is bring the spending to a halt. Next they can work on extending the current tax structure. Those two alone will get the economy rolling.

Oh....just fyi.....the Administration is doing something incredibly stupid today. They began easing the debt by printing $600 billion in cash and buying all those US Treasuries back.

The Obama Administration just gave you a nice pay cut the day after the election.

I guess he's just punishing his enemies like he said would.
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You Democrats handed them the worst economy since the Great Depression. You Democrats drove this fucker into the ditch...now you want them to fix everything you assholes broke over-night? :muahaha:

Unlike you Democrats the GOP isn't into making promises they can't and never wanted to keep. It's gonna take a long time to undo the damage that has been done....so don't expect miracles. I know as a Dem you tend to do that.

So you are saying right up front that the election was a waste of time and money..because the NeoGOPers you just placed in office do not intend to correct the problems that pissed of the public and got them elected. Honesty from the PudWhistler...how refreshing!:clap2:

What they can do is bring the spending to a halt. Next they can work on extending the current tax structure. Those two alone will get the economy rolling.

Which spending? Military? Infrastructure? Please tell me, which spending?
Like in Follow The Yellow Brick Road? Yeah, I get it, Lion's and Tigers, and Bears, Follow The Yellow Brick Road. :lol: When you learn to separate propaganda from reality let me know.
List the propaganda.

The Uptake: Senator Al Franken at Dayton Rally | Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota
You're a lazy debater. Or you just don't know how to debate.

You claimed that the accomplishments I listed were propaganda. List which accomplishment is propaganda, and why.

Use your own words. Don't just post a link.
But They Can Challenge Jurisdiction and Constitutional Application, and what it really say's as opposed to what we think it says. The Key here is Due Process and The Rule of Law.
Of course they can..which is why there are ways to do so. Doesn't mean they are right or even have the standing.
Constitutional Interpretation, as it stands now, is only what a standing Supreme Court say's it is, that can sadly be subject to arbitrary rulings and translations, which can be just as arbitrarily reversed. That is where the Amendment Process comes in. There is No Law more Powerful. The States can have a very important role in that. Personally, I would love to see the abomination of what was done to the "Commerce Claus", addressed. Again, Power gone wild.
Well yes..but I disagree with your example.

Back on point. You are grossly misinformed. The Federal Government has It's Jurisdiction, The States have Their Jurisdiction. You forget that. Living in the present, understand that there is immense power there. The Obama Administration is going to learn that the hard way, if it continues to deal with Arizona underhandedly.

Not misinformed at all. The Federal government's jurisdiction is over the states. Obama is on solid legal ground in challenging Arizona's immigration law. Immigration falls under the powers of Congress not the states.
The Feds aren't doing anything with fossil fuels except pushing away from them.

None of that other stuff is viable for an advanced nation of 300,000,000 people.

Drill baby...... drill

Give it a couple of weeks and we will be buying our own oil from china. Everyone else around the world is into drilling, at least where it's feasible to drill. I have no problem with responsible drilling. Government is supposed to regulate, monitor, and help insure against accidents. That does make sense. What doesn't make sense is paying for something that you you don't receive, other than in the form of illusion. Inspections that never happened, things like that.

There is no "our own oil". Even when it comes from America's ground. All oil goes on the world market. That's just a fact.

It's frustrating to try to discuss politics with people who don't understand the issues.
Drill baby...... drill

Give it a couple of weeks and we will be buying our own oil from china. Everyone else around the world is into drilling, at least where it's feasible to drill. I have no problem with responsible drilling. Government is supposed to regulate, monitor, and help insure against accidents. That does make sense. What doesn't make sense is paying for something that you you don't receive, other than in the form of illusion. Inspections that never happened, things like that.

There is no "our own oil". Even when it comes from America's ground. All oil goes on the world market. That's just a fact.

It's frustrating to try to discuss politics with people who don't understand the issues.

LOL! Good one. It's still our oil, or you are implying that anyone can just show up and claim it, just drill where and when they want? Someone or some entity owns it from the instant it comes out of the ground. Some people don't understand anything huh, like the connection with surplus and worth. How about the refineries, the relationship there with reserve and price, all of the different rules governing refinement. It's wasteful.
So you are saying right up front that the election was a waste of time and money..because the NeoGOPers you just placed in office do not intend to correct the problems that pissed of the public and got them elected. Honesty from the PudWhistler...how refreshing!:clap2:

What they can do is bring the spending to a halt. Next they can work on extending the current tax structure. Those two alone will get the economy rolling.

Which spending? Military? Infrastructure? Please tell me, which spending?

Well at least you got your talking points in step. Nobody can govern responsibly but Your side of the aisle, I get it. Nobody can make a cut but you. If you really want to know the answer to your question hire me. I'll make your problems go away, surer than shit.
What they can do is bring the spending to a halt. Next they can work on extending the current tax structure. Those two alone will get the economy rolling.

Which spending? Military? Infrastructure? Please tell me, which spending?

Well at least you got your talking points in step. Nobody can govern responsibly but Your side of the aisle, I get it. Nobody can make a cut but you. If you really want to know the answer to your question hire me. I'll make your problems go away, surer than shit.

Answer the question. Which spending? I never claimed to have the answer. I'm just pointing out that your bumper stickers ain't it.
It is not just the Dems that have their favorite programs. Are fly over states going to agree with cuts to farm subsides? Will repubs agree to cutting corporate welfare programs? If you have a major defense contractor in your district, will you agree if that contract gets cut?

If we end our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan we have tens of thousands of soldiers returning to no jobs. Cut education funding and thousands of students drop out of school.

It is much more than cutting government waste. What you consider to be waste is someone else's livelyhood
Outside of Constitutional mandates, if a job can't survive in the private sector, it's probably not necessary.

Can you be specific and say who and what you would cut? It would also help if you said what would happen with the people affected by your cuts
The National Endowment for the Arts. If an artist can't get people to buy his art voluntarily, he probably shouldn't be an artist.

The Department of Education. Its functions should be returned to state and local government where they belong.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ever see a housing project? Do you think they're doing a good job? I don't.

Amtrak. If it can't operate on revenues generated by ridership, it needs to be turned over to private enterprise, who can make it work.

All farm subsidies. It's obscene that people are paid to not farm.

As for finding work for the displaced bureaucrats, the government is not a jobs program.

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