OK Tea Party....Time to belly up to the bar


I mean..the stuff the Tea Party has put on the table really amounts to very little and does more harm then good in the long run.

-Cut the Department of Education? Oh goody..no national standards and buh bye to college grants.
-Cut OSHA? Yep back to the good old days of miners dropping like flies and people getting burned alive in factories.
-Cut the EPA? Well dirty water, tarnished earth and crappy air worked so well a century ago. Why not bring it back.
-Get rid of Social Security? Well you might save a bit of cash..but seniors who made a mistake or two would be back to living in squalor and dying in misery.
-Get rid of Medicare? Now your talking. That's a high ticket item. And it basically insures that the life span of Americans will be cut by a quarter.
-Get rid of Welfare? Well it's always a good idea for inner cities to deprive the improvished of any means of getting out of their holes. Good for the crime rate and prison industries too.

Even with all of this..we'd still be running deficits unless taxes were raised.

Or Military expenditures cut.

Don't forget all the money they save by cutting NPR and NEA

Those are THE FRIST TWO to GO..
bye bye...they can go out and beg for their own friggen money. Or call up Georgie Soros.

Scam after scam, the Elite think that just because they fool the masses for a time, they got away with the crime. They want to raise our taxes and exempt themselves from that which they continually burden us with. It gets so old.
I 'd agree. I'd put some bases near our borders too. The answer needs to be focused on necessity, not convenience, not even livelihood, unless you want to pay my taxes and bills for me. ;) I mean feel free.

Bases cost money to build. We are supposed to be cutting spending

Border Integrity is a Responsibility, of the Federal Government, National Security takes priority to your or my feelings. Border Security is a Fail for how long now?


Can't afford it. Border Security costs money and the Republicans just got elected on cutting spending not increasing it

Spend, Spend, Spend
Bases cost money to build. We are supposed to be cutting spending

Border Integrity is a Responsibility, of the Federal Government, National Security takes priority to your or my feelings. Border Security is a Fail for how long now?


Can't afford it. Border Security costs money and the Republicans just got elected on cutting spending not increasing it

Spend, Spend, Spend

The Constitution spells out providing for the national defense.

The other crap is expendable.
Border Integrity is a Responsibility, of the Federal Government, National Security takes priority to your or my feelings. Border Security is a Fail for how long now?


Can't afford it. Border Security costs money and the Republicans just got elected on cutting spending not increasing it

Spend, Spend, Spend

The Constitution spells out providing for the national defense.

The other crap is expendable.

That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.
Outside of Constitutional mandates, if a job can't survive in the private sector, it's probably not necessary.

Can you be specific and say who and what you would cut? It would also help if you said what would happen with the people affected by your cuts

Federal Jobs. What Remains could consider a regular 40 hour work week. How's that hit you. Those effected would have to work for a living. ;) It can be done.

Ok....now we see where you are going

You have just added 3 million people to the unemployment roles not to mention an additional 10 million private sector jobs dependent on the government.
Unemployment rate just topped 15%

Social Security does not get paid, veterans do not get paid, military does not get paid, no student loans, no farm support, no food safety, no environmental checks, FAA shut down, FCC shut down, no interstate highway maintenance, no government contracts for anything
Can you be specific and say who and what you would cut? It would also help if you said what would happen with the people affected by your cuts

Federal Jobs. What Remains could consider a regular 40 hour work week. How's that hit you. Those effected would have to work for a living. ;) It can be done.

Ok....now we see where you are going

You have just added 3 million people to the unemployment roles not to mention an additional 10 million private sector jobs dependent on the government.
Unemployment rate just topped 15%

Social Security does not get paid, veterans do not get paid, military does not get paid, no student loans, no farm support, no food safety, no environmental checks, FAA shut down, FCC shut down, no interstate highway maintenance, no government contracts for anything

Some of it gets paid.

That's what I call a soft landing, compared to, say Greece.

Can't afford it. Border Security costs money and the Republicans just got elected on cutting spending not increasing it

Spend, Spend, Spend

The Constitution spells out providing for the national defense.

The other crap is expendable.

That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.

Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?
The Constitution spells out providing for the national defense.

The other crap is expendable.

That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.

Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Eliminate the Department of Education, which educates nobody, and the Department of Energy, which creates no energy.

I'm not changing the subject, just expanding it. The subject matter is not limited to what you decree. Nor is reality limited to what little you are able to comprehend. The Court has a role in Government. So does Litigation, within reason. The confusing winning an argument in court with the purchase of a winning lottery ticket is an abuse. That abuse contributes to the cost of Service, the cost of insurance, the denial of coverage, the lack of Doctors in specialized fields. The Cost has little to do with the free market, as you well know there is little free market practice in Insurance and Health Care. Nice try though. There is little more regulated. Not all industries get to determine market cost, regardless of the expense to provide that good or service. That too is beyond you. I'm not asking you to put words in my mouth Smith, I'm asking you specifically not to. What you put in your mouth is your business. I don't even want to know. Your reasoning is flawed, as always. It is just plain corrupt.

If you are asked what color the red and blue shirts are and you go off into a rant about the rainbow you are trying to change the subject not expanding it. They are not the same topic merely becuase they both deal with colors.

BTW your spiel about litigation still doesn't explain your contradiction of promoting "Government interference" where litigation is concerned even as you try to complain about "Government interference" in the healthcare industry. Why so contradictory?

So are you actually trying to argue that the heath industry doesn't increase the cost of procedures based on their profit margins and has no control?? If that is the case, do you care to PROVE that assertion instead of merely making the claim??

Furthermore, I have put no words into your mouth but instead of have asked you SPECIFIC questions about your own statements that you refuse to answer. For instance I asked you about your contradiction and you provide a response that mentions litigation and limiting it "within reason" which has to be done through "Government interference." However, you failed to address how that contradicts with your complaint about "Government interference" within that same post. Why is that?

Again You talk out of both sides of your mouth. To you something is a contradiction because you are incapable of grasping the meaning. That is a false premise. That is in effect what you base your philosophy of life on, false premise. There is no contradiction between the established role of the court, and the court overstepping it's authority, be it criminal or civil. There are appeals and rulings being overturned all the time. I personally know Surgeons that no longer practice because of the cost of Liability Insurance V.S. the compensation they are paid for the service. Government and Insurance dictate that. Though I know people in the Insurance Billing industry, it is not for m,e to say. Ask an Expert. I doubt you even care, other than to bitch and complain.

WOW! There you go being dishonest as you try to put words into my mouth, AGAIN.
I know the REAL meaning of the word so don't even try to tell me how I define a word you worthless hack.
The fact is that you complained about litigation when the usual response for that from the right is torte reform which involves "Government interference" even as you complained about "Government interference" as a reason for the increased cost and that is a contradiction. You can't be both in favor and against "Government interference" and not be contradictory. There in lies your contradiction and no amount of spin or attempts to change the subject will change that FACT.

The debate was NOT about the "established role of the court, and the court overstepping it's authority" but instead about YOUR contradictory statements about litigation "within reason" and "Government interference" so why try to change the subject AGAIN? Is that your answer to every deabte that you know you will lose?? LOL

"it's not for you to say," really?? Why stop there when you have inserted your opinion as if it were fact so many times already??
Federal Jobs. What Remains could consider a regular 40 hour work week. How's that hit you. Those effected would have to work for a living. ;) It can be done.

Ok....now we see where you are going

You have just added 3 million people to the unemployment roles not to mention an additional 10 million private sector jobs dependent on the government.
Unemployment rate just topped 15%

Social Security does not get paid, veterans do not get paid, military does not get paid, no student loans, no farm support, no food safety, no environmental checks, FAA shut down, FCC shut down, no interstate highway maintenance, no government contracts for anything

Some of it gets paid.

That's what I call a soft landing, compared to, say Greece.

Well what is it? You say you are going to cut spending, but can't identify what you will cut. Intense here even starts spending more.

What spending will you cut to balance the budget and pay for Bush tax cuts?
Ok....now we see where you are going

You have just added 3 million people to the unemployment roles not to mention an additional 10 million private sector jobs dependent on the government.
Unemployment rate just topped 15%

Social Security does not get paid, veterans do not get paid, military does not get paid, no student loans, no farm support, no food safety, no environmental checks, FAA shut down, FCC shut down, no interstate highway maintenance, no government contracts for anything

Some of it gets paid.

That's what I call a soft landing, compared to, say Greece.

Well what is it? You say you are going to cut spending, but can't identify what you will cut. Intense here even starts spending more.

What spending will you cut to balance the budget and pay for Bush tax cuts?

We can cut spending you like and still have plenty left for Constitutionally prescribed parts of government.

The Bush tax cuts were paid for except for the Obama spending increases.
That's too complicated for RW. Can you break it down better.

Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Eliminate the Department of Education, which educates nobody, and the Department of Energy, which creates no energy.


Thank you

It took some time, but someone is actually identifying what to cut. At least you have some backbone.

So lets cut the Dept of Energy

United States Department of Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material. Its responsibilities include the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production. DOE also sponsors more basic and applied scientific research than any other US federal agency; most of this is funded through its system of United States Department of Energy National Laboratories

Now all government funded energy research is gone, other countries take the lead in energy research, our nuclear program is now nonexistant, all reactors must shut down, no more nuclear weapons, the Navy must dock its carriers and subs, nuclear waste piles up.

Want to kill the Dept of Education next?
It's funny the way you pretend there's any answer you'll accept. :lol:

That's the point Dave, there is no answer. The "Answer" is that without tax increases, we will be running a deficit for quite some time.

We don't claim to have "The Answer," just pointing out that the tea-crowd doesn't. They nonchalantly say "Cut Taxes! Balance the budget!" but it's clearly not that simple.
It's got a better chance of succeeding than "Keep spending money that doesn't even exist!"

The left complained about the deficit...when Bush was in office. With Obama in, not a peep from them.

Vague generalities have NO chance of getting anything done, so why pretend that they do?

Actually many did remain silent but a few on the left did complain about it when obama was in office. However, I didn't hear a lot of complaining about the deficits from the right when W was in charge but they sure became vocal after a democrat entered the WH didn't they? It's amazing how that cuts both ways isn't it? LOL
Ok....now we see where you are going

You have just added 3 million people to the unemployment roles not to mention an additional 10 million private sector jobs dependent on the government.
Unemployment rate just topped 15%

Social Security does not get paid, veterans do not get paid, military does not get paid, no student loans, no farm support, no food safety, no environmental checks, FAA shut down, FCC shut down, no interstate highway maintenance, no government contracts for anything

Some of it gets paid.

That's what I call a soft landing, compared to, say Greece.

Well what is it? You say you are going to cut spending, but can't identify what you will cut. Intense here even starts spending more.

What spending will you cut to balance the budget and pay for Bush tax cuts?

Oh, No I don't. You are a slippery rascal now aren't you. Move some of those Military Bases in high real estate areas to where they are needed. Sell that Property. Seems anytime someone does anything you don't like the sky falls in on us. Why's that? :lol: Mean while those Government raises just keep on going and going and growing, Self Importance Syndrome. How much to cross the GWB or the Tappan Zee? More, More, more, and not even a post card when you go on vacation. :( :lol: .

So, how many hours should a Federal Employee work a week on average? How many month's vacation is fair?
Sorry....you guys just got elected on cutting spending and the first thing you do is increase spending.

Why am I not surprised?

Eliminate the Department of Education, which educates nobody, and the Department of Energy, which creates no energy.


Thank you

It took some time, but someone is actually identifying what to cut. At least you have some backbone.

So lets cut the Dept of Energy

United States Department of Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material. Its responsibilities include the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production. DOE also sponsors more basic and applied scientific research than any other US federal agency; most of this is funded through its system of United States Department of Energy National Laboratories

Now all government funded energy research is gone, other countries take the lead in energy research, our nuclear program is now nonexistant, all reactors must shut down, no more nuclear weapons, the Navy must dock its carriers and subs, nuclear waste piles up.

Want to kill the Dept of Education next?

You are on a roll. I think the Teachers Unions put a Contract out on you, be careful. :lol:
It's funny the way you pretend there's any answer you'll accept. :lol:

There are plenty of answers I would accept

- Social Security
- Medicare
- Iraq and Afghanistan
- Defense Spending
- Social Programs
- Farm Subsidies
- Business incentives
- Student Loans

There are some tough cuts in there. Many people would be negatively impacted. If you are serious about reducing the deficit and balancing the budget you have to go where the money is and you will have to force sacrifices. If you want to continue the Bush tax cuts, you will need to find an additional $4 trillion in cuts
I agree -- it's not going to be easy. But the House and Senate Dems and Obama aren't going to agree to any spending cuts.

When the deficit continues to increase, though, you'll blame the GOP.

Oh and I am sure that they can agree to cuts that they support. It's just that the left and right have different ideas on what they want to cut.
However, for you to make blanket false statements that they won't support ANY cuts only serves to make you look like a partisan hack who ingores the facts in order to try and score political points. The fact is that the dems proposed cutting WASTE from medicare and were attacked by the right who, IF they were honest, wouldn't support medicare in the first place because it is SOCIALISM.

As for who to blame, IF the republicans in the senate continue to filibuster and obstruct then yes they should be blamed. Whatever happened to the republicans who preached personal responsibility??
OK Lets kill the Dept of Education now. They have 5000 employees, so they will not impact the budget much

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The primary functions of the Department of Education are to formulate and administer federal funding programs involving education, such as college financial aid, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights.[3][4]

The Department's mission is: to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.[5]

Unlike the systems of most other countries, education in the United States is highly decentralized, and the federal government and Department of Education are not heavily involved in determining curricula or educational standards (with the recent exception of the No Child Left Behind Act). This has been left to state and local school districts. The quality of educational institutions and their degrees is maintained through an informal private process known as accreditation, over which the Department of Education has no direct public jurisdictional control.

OK...now we are talking

Federal Student Loans...gone
Scholarships to needy students...gone
Minimum standards of education....gone

But we save $56 Billion, now where is the rest of the $1.5 trillion to come from?
There are plenty of answers I would accept

- Social Security
- Medicare
- Iraq and Afghanistan
- Defense Spending
- Social Programs
- Farm Subsidies
- Business incentives
- Student Loans

There are some tough cuts in there. Many people would be negatively impacted. If you are serious about reducing the deficit and balancing the budget you have to go where the money is and you will have to force sacrifices. If you want to continue the Bush tax cuts, you will need to find an additional $4 trillion in cuts
I agree -- it's not going to be easy. But the House and Senate Dems and Obama aren't going to agree to any spending cuts.

When the deficit continues to increase, though, you'll blame the GOP.

Oh and I am sure that they can agree to cuts that they support. It's just that the left and right have different ideas on what they want to cut.
However, for you to make blanket false statements that they won't support ANY cuts only serves to make you look like a partisan hack who ingores the facts in order to try and score political points. The fact is that the dems proposed cutting WASTE from medicare and were attacked by the right who, IF they were honest, wouldn't support medicare in the first place because it is SOCIALISM.

As for who to blame, IF the republicans in the senate continue to filibuster and obstruct then yes they should be blamed. Whatever happened to the republicans who preached personal responsibility??

The responsible thing to do would be to filibuster all of Obma's agenda, yes.

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