Ok Then Who Is Voting For GWB ?


If the "War on Terror" is your big issue, it won't matter how you vote. Kerry supports Israel with the same vigor as Bush!
The War on terror is more than just Israel. Its basically a war to bring down evil.
Originally posted by William Joyce

If the "War on Terror" is your big issue, it won't matter how you vote. Kerry supports Israel with the same vigor as Bush!

I'd disagree. Wether or not they openly admit it (and charateristically Kerry has come out on both sides of the issue) the secular left is trying to distance itself from Israel. I remember Lieberman getting booed for a pro-Israel comment in one of the earlier D nominee debates.

On this one issue I think the Nazi's and the left are begining, slowly, to see eye to eye.
Contrary to popular belief the Nazis and the left always saw more eye to than not. Its why Hilter and Stalin had a non agression pact at the beginning of the war. (which hilter broke because he was a greedy sob) and why the Nazis were the National Socialist party.
Hell yeah I'll make sure that Minnesota this time around becomes a RED state and re-elects Pres. Bush.

BUSH in 04 BABY:D :D :clap: :clap:
I'm voting Bush this year. I think he's done a great job getting the ecomony back on track and I'm gald we finally have a President that looked terrorism in the face and said he'd had enough. All those years of "diplomacy" got us nowhere.
Contrary to popular belief the Nazis and the left always saw more eye to than not. Its why Hilter and Stalin had a non agression pact at the beginning of the war. (which hilter broke because he was a greedy sob) and why the Nazis were the National Socialist party.

Are you insane?! Read "Mein Kampf", besides jew bashing, it is filled with anti-communism. Hitler basically thought Jews and Communists were the same.

Its basically a war to bring down evil.

Good luck with that!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Are you insane?! Read "Mein Kampf", besides jew bashing, it is filled with anti-communism. Hitler basically thought Jews and Communists were the same.

This is true, hence the term "jewish bolshevism". Hitler only entered into that pact so that he would have a free hand in his war with England and France that he knew would be the inevitable result of his invasion of Poland.

Stalin, on the other hand, mused that two ideologies, one sufficiently far left, and the other far right, could meet. This was how he rationalized his pact with Hitler. That and a defense against his perception that the Western democracies were goading Hitler into attacking the Soviet Union. True to his Marxist beliefs he felt it was inevitable that the capitalist states would, one way or another, attempt to destroy the experminent proceeding in the Soviet Union.

Of course, after the second World War, Stalin began to purge Jews as well. The left, represented in the office of Comrade Stalin, eventually showed it's anti-semitic side.

In my opinion the left in this country is slowly moving in the same, anti-semitic, direction.
Originally posted by spillmind
good thing you're there for avatar when he needs you! :laugh:

A simple search would reveal to anyone what an idiot you are. I simply saved him the time of reading any of your idiotic posts.
Why G.W of course!!!! the only choice is the right choice.....the right choice is G.W!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR BUSH..if you have to vote against bush...vote nader...
Every lib here thinks Bush is stupid, just watch what happens when he starts to campaign !!

He has got my vote as well as 90% of the people who work for me !! :)
did you put a box on the job app.....are you voting for G.W. in 04? if yes please continue...if no, get the hell out!!!! :D
there ya go Eric... scare them into voting for Bush!!!!

sound like a smart group
did you put a box on the job app.....are you voting for G.W. in 04? if yes please continue...if no, get the hell out!!!!

Damn, my secret is out !!! :p:
All kidding aside, Jonney is right, we do have a smart bunch of men and women, but there is no coercion involved, just good judgement on their part !! :)
you are lucky...I am surronded with feeble-minded democrats that swoon over hamburger kerry as the second coming

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