OK Trump Supporters: What NEWS Source Do You Consider NOT to Be 'Fake News' ?

caddo kid

Gold Member
Aug 15, 2018
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Any news organization that says good things about Trump, just like the only polls they believe are the ones with his approval at 50%
None..........they all hype it up.........all sides.......

More so in MSM retard land.............I check the information on most anyone posts...........too many are hyped up BS..........You have to filter it.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
I think we know. Talk Radio. Sites like Breitbart. Newsmax. Gateway Pundit. Alex Jones. World News Daily -- ironically, it was the constant fantasy presented as "news" by those sites that first inspired the term "fake news", before Trump commandeered the term.

That group makes up the "news" "media" for this intellectual/informational closed circuit that has been created.

I don't think Fox qualifies at this point, hard to tell.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Caddo, I have no answer, but there are sources out there in cyberspace that I only hear of by chance. An example is the GAD site I never heard of until the news that somebody named Wohl or Burk-something is using to gin up sexual accusations against Mueller. I get here and cable only, no talk radio or blogs. And sometimes here is too much aggravation to stand for long. My point is that the people who cry 'fake' at anything negative about Trump have sources that really are some kid in his Mom's basement..like Wohl. It's almost funny how Trump's lies against his opponents are so often truths about himself.
The MSM is owned by corporations to make a profit. When dunces complain about the MSM, they are complaining about the corporations that own these assets;

OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you

There is no single source or sources. There is only evidence and veracity, or there is not.

Getting repeatedly caught in lies will diminish veracity. That which offends logic and common sense diminishes veracity.

Education is the key to choosing between truth and lies. Once you are aware of it, propaganda is instantly seen.
"Orange man bad" is not news, it's opinion. But very few news outlets report the day's events without laying blame on the president whenever something goes wrong.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
I think you’re missing the point: it’s not the source, it’s what’s being reported. If it agrees with their views, then it must be true, and if it disagrees, then it must be false. Reputation, track record, reliability etc are completely irrelevant.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Sarah Sanders

White House

Many links to her press conferences ........ pick one.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
As would be expected given your over exposure to a left wing education your post is full of inaccuracies and mistakes, [such as non liberal democrats also agree that most if not all of the media is fake news] but instead of getting into that I will be happy to answer your question:
National Review is probably the best place to get real print news, but be warned, if you lack any kind of formal education it will not sit well with you,
C-SPAN and C-SPAN2 are excellent sources of electronic real news, but again, a real education will be in order to get/understand it.
George Will is probably the the smartest and most honest journalist in America, but if you do not have a first rate education do not even bother, keep watching your favorite "cartoon news network" and believe in it/them like Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny...Trump is right about the media...they are here to keep you toeing a single party line...and that is so very dangerous
"Orange man bad" is not news, it's opinion. But very few news outlets report the day's events without laying blame on the president whenever something goes wrong.
You are right! Most of what we call news is pundit opinion, the only actual news is on the networks. Cable is nearly all opinion. But the synagogue murders ARE news, the bomb deliveries ARE news, the caravan IS news, and if people want to know 'why' it seems natural they turn to leadership that sets the national tone.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
As would be expected given your over exposure to a left wing education your post is full of inaccuracies and mistakes, [such as non liberal democrats also agree that most if not all of the media is fake news] but instead of getting into that I will be happy to answer your question:
National Review is probably the best place to get real print news, but be warned, if you lack any kind of formal education it will not sit well with you,
C-SPAN and C-SPAN2 are excellent sources of electronic real news, but again, a real education will be in order to get/understand it.
George Will is probably the the smartest and most honest journalist in America, but if you do not have a first rate education do not even bother, keep watching your favorite "cartoon news network" and believe in it/them like Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny...Trump is right about the media...they are here to keep you toeing a single party line...and that is so very dangerous
"As would be expected given your over exposure to a left wing education...."
Frank, how is your education different from that of the Caddo poster? I am genuinely interested in what sets you apart and why you hold Caddo in contempt as less educated than yourself. Isn't it more a matter of what one chooses in politics vs where they went to school?
Frank, how is your education different from that of the Caddo poster?
Since I understood the mistakes his post made/makes just by looking at it and neither you or he can see them I would say that is one of many reasons, as you[not me] put it, our educations are different

I am genuinely interested in what sets you apart and why you hold Caddo in contempt as less educated than yourself.

Because I have to explain it to both him and you [which I did but evidently did not get through]...to pretend the media is not part of the liberal establishment is a lie, to not know that it is part of the liberal establishment is unforgivable

Isn't it more a matter of what one chooses in politics vs where they went to school?
No, and exposing poorly educated liberals should be looked upon as a service since the media is constantly telling them how much smarter they are than other voters, which also proves the media really is "fake news"...
...Tell me how many educated people you know who believe they are smarter than someone else because they saw it on TV...this country is full of liberals who believe just that and to educated people that is foolish and dangerous...Hopefully this answers your question
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
I am not here to throw support behind anyone.
I simply support the truth.
I don't support lies like you do.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
I am not here to throw support behind anyone.
I simply support the truth.
I don't support lies like you do.

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