OK Trump Supporters: What NEWS Source Do You Consider NOT to Be 'Fake News' ?

OK, I see that Trump supporters (so far) seem to believe ALL news is fake news.

Keep 'em coming. :21:

Also, I did request links so, please forward those
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you

O'Keffe videos
OK, I see that Trump supporters (so far) seem to believe ALL news is fake news.

Keep 'em coming. :21:

Also, I did request links so, please forward those
Trust but verify...............and when they have a history of lies..........Distrust and find out for yourself through multiple sources...........

No you go back and be a sheep and bow to CNN.............it suits you.
OK, I see that Trump supporters (so far) seem to believe ALL news is fake news.

Keep 'em coming. :21:

Also, I did request links so, please forward those
Trust but verify...............and when they have a history of lies..........Distrust and find out for yourself through multiple sources...........

No you go back and be a sheep and bow to CNN.............it suits you.

Yo, ASS HOLE, I did NOT mention ANY media in this thread & certainly not CNN.

Now, GFYourself :9:
OK, I see that Trump supporters (so far) seem to believe ALL news is fake news.

Keep 'em coming. :21:

Also, I did request links so, please forward those
Trust but verify...............and when they have a history of lies..........Distrust and find out for yourself through multiple sources...........

No you go back and be a sheep and bow to CNN.............it suits you.

Yo, ASS HOLE, I did NOT mention ANY media in this thread & certainly not CNN.

Now, GFYourself :9:
You are a leftist hack..........live with what you are..............poor thing.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
I am not here to throw support behind anyone.
I simply support the truth.
I don't support lies like you do.
Even crazy people think they're right.
It is not a matter of the Medium being "fake news," it is the individual stories.

One outlet says that The Donald LIED about the stock market opening the day after 9/11. Another says that his remark was erroneous. One of these is slanderous; the other is factual, and yet they both reported on the same statement. One outlet reports as FACT that Trump's interpretation of the 14th Amendment is WRONG, while another reports that legal scholars have long disagreed on the point, and while Trump's opinion is in the minority right now, there are eminent Constitutional scholars who agree.

How many stories have been published about the "chaos" in the White House, based on information from anonymous sources. Most has proven to be made-up bullshit. Fake news. The anonymous "High Level" official who was quoted in the NYT a month or so ago, talking about how everyone in the Administration thinks Trump is incompetent. Fake News.

How many reports have we seen giving us breathless OPINIONS about what the Mueller team will do next? This is not NEWS; it is FAKE news. It is very dubious opinion, disguised as "news."

Trump is right, and he is proven right, day after day.
It is not a matter of the Medium being "fake news," it is the individual stories.

One outlet says that The Donald LIED about the stock market opening the day after 9/11. Another says that his remark was erroneous. One of these is slanderous; the other is factual, and yet they both reported on the same statement. One outlet reports as FACT that Trump's interpretation of the 14th Amendment is WRONG, while another reports that legal scholars have long disagreed on the point, and while Trump's opinion is in the minority right now, there are eminent Constitutional scholars who agree.

How many stories have been published about the "chaos" in the White House, based on information from anonymous sources. Most has proven to be made-up bullshit. Fake news. The anonymous "High Level" official who was quoted in the NYT a month or so ago, talking about how everyone in the Administration thinks Trump is incompetent. Fake News.

How many reports have we seen giving us breathless OPINIONS about what the Mueller team will do next? This is not NEWS; it is FAKE news. It is very dubious opinion, disguised as "news."

Trump is right, and he is proven right, day after day.

So, you cannot offer a single news source that you consider to NOT to be 'fake news?'

You believe they are ALL 'fake news?'
Frank, how is your education different from that of the Caddo poster?
Since I understood the mistakes his post made/makes just by looking at it and neither you or he can see them I would say that is one of many reasons, as you[not me] put it, our educations are different

I am genuinely interested in what sets you apart and why you hold Caddo in contempt as less educated than yourself.

Because I have to explain it to both him and you [which I did but evidently did not get through]...to pretend the media is not part of the liberal establishment is a lie, to not know that it is part of the liberal establishment is unforgivable

Isn't it more a matter of what one chooses in politics vs where they went to school?
No, and exposing poorly educated liberals should be looked upon as a service since the media is constantly telling them how much smarter they are than other voters, which also proves the media really is "fake news"...
...Tell me how many educated people you know who believe they are smarter than someone else because they saw it on TV...this country is full of liberals who believe just that and to educated people that is foolish and dangerous...Hopefully this answers your question
"..Tell me how many educated people you know who believe they are smarter than someone else because they saw it on TV..."
Where do you get your data?
"..Tell me how many educated people you know who believe they are smarter than someone else because they saw it on TV..."
Where do you get your data?
lol...pretending there needs to be data for this claim now, why on earth would you need data for people you know?...geez, you liberals really are an insult to stumps.

btw...if you want an easier way to quote just a portion of a post, Highlight the portion you want quoted and then a tag will pop up and you just hit reply in the tag [as opposed to quoting the entire post that is]...if you do not know how to highlight just ask.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
I am not here to throw support behind anyone.
I simply support the truth.
I don't support lies like you do.
Even crazy people think they're right.
Is that a confession?
Oh, so TRUMP is the one conducting this war, not our dishonest press.
I think it has become painfully obvious to everyone that the press is just another leg of the Democratic Party. So all media sources are suspect and cannot be taken as gospel.
Lol, way to support the op!

Well done!
I am not here to throw support behind anyone.
I simply support the truth.
I don't support lies like you do.
Even crazy people think they're right.
Is that a confession?
No.......this is what happens when you edit someone's post and try to take it out of context.
"..Tell me how many educated people you know who believe they are smarter than someone else because they saw it on TV..."
Where do you get your data?
lol...pretending there needs to be data for this claim now, why on earth would you need data for people you know?...geez, you liberals really are an insult to stumps.

btw...if you want an easier way to quote just a portion of a post, Highlight the portion you want quoted and then a tag will pop up and you just hit reply in the tag [as opposed to quoting the entire post that is]...if you do not know how to highlight just ask.
Thanks for the tip. Us old farts have a hard time keeping up with technology. I'm a whiz on an Excel spreadsheet which I worked on for years up to '06, but dumb as a box of rocks anywhere else in cyberland.
I guess I asked wrong. Where do you get your news. Surely you don't just sit there and absorb without watching or reading or listening. You tell some of us that we are not smart enough to discern what is fake, so I am asking what is your dependable source?
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you

O'Keffe videos
Now I laughed out loud when I read that!
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you
I can’t help but notice virtually no rightie will answer this. Only one did and all he mentioned was National Review and C-SPAN.

I guess rightards don’t believe any news is real. :dunno:
I guess I asked wrong. Where do you get your news. Surely you don't just sit there and absorb without watching or reading or listening. You tell some of us that we are not smart enough to discern what is fake, so I am asking what is your dependable source?
I already stated where I get my news in all three mediums, there are other sources of course but those were my "usual" places...the MSM is not as much a part of the democratic party as the democratic party is a part of the media...just like corporate America is not a part of the GOP as much as the GOP is a part of corporate America.
I can’t help but notice virtually no rightie will answer this. Only one did and all he mentioned was National Review and C-SPAN.

I'm a democrat, that means I'm only a righty by communist standards...and those examples I gave carry all the real news that there is but I am hardly limited to just those...media is left wing and lies about everything...do you actually believe robert byrd would have been allowed to continue his career if he were right wing? imagine if trump had said a klansman like byrd was his mentor? but because he was left wing he was left alone and some would even say honored in the media and hillary's career was not destroyed over it, it took trump to do that and the media to go after him for it...fortunately he is kick their behinds.

I guess rightards don’t believe any news is real. :dunno:
the "tards" are not the ones who realize the media is phony.
I can’t help but notice virtually no rightie will answer this. Only one did and all he mentioned was National Review and C-SPAN.

I'm a democrat, that means I'm only a righty by communist standards...and those examples I gave carry all the real news that there is but I am hardly limited to just those...media is left wing and lies about everything...do you actually believe robert byrd would have been allowed to continue his career if he were right wing? imagine if trump had said a klansman like byrd was his mentor? but because he was left wing he was left alone and some would even say honored in the media and hillary's career was not destroyed over it, it took trump to do that and the media to go after him for it...fortunately he is kick their behinds.

I guess rightards don’t believe any news is real. :dunno:
the "tards" are not the ones who realize the media is phony.
No, the rightards are the one who castigate real news as fake because they don’t like what they hear.
OK, this is a question for ALL of our 'Trump supporters' here at USMB

Everyone here is aware of Trump's 40 month 'war on the press' and how Trump has labeled the press in America 'the enemy of the people' and Trump is always calling the press 'fake news.'

Within ALL of the discussions I have observed here at USMB I don't recall a single news source sited by a Trump supporter as NOT being 'fake news.'

So Trump supporters here is an EASY question: What NEWS source do you consider NOT to be 'fake news?'

When you reply please offer a short explanation for your choice(s) and a link for the news source(s).

Thank you

I believe whatever you tell me

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