Okay fellow geniuses. How do you stop a giant ice shelf from breaking off ?

I prefer what real scientists say to internet poisers. Here is what they are currently seeing on in research on that glacier, an AGU report;

Here you go, a nice real science paper... Oh look, it is FLOATING already.


"Abstract. Ice shelves play a key role in the dynamics of marine ice sheets, by buttressing grounded ice and limiting rates of ice flux to the oceans. In response to recent climatic and oceanic change, ice shelves fringing the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) have begun to fragment and retreat, with major implications for ice sheet stability. Here, we focus on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS), the remaining pinned floating extension of Thwaites Glacier. We show that TEIS has undergone a process of fragmentation in the last five years, including brittle failure along a major shear zone, formation of tensile cracks on the main body of the shelf, and release of tabular bergs on both eastern and western flanks. Simulations with the Helsinki Discrete Element Model (HiDEM) show that this pattern of failure is associated with high backstress from a submarine pinning point at the distal edge of the shelf. We show that a significant zone of shear upstream of the main pinning point developed in response to the rapid acceleration of the shelf between 2002 and 2006, seeding damage on the shelf. Subsequently, basal melting and positive feedbacks between damage and strain rates weakened TEIS, allowing damage to accumulate. Thus, although backstress on TEIS has likely diminished through time as the pinning point has shrunk, accumulation of damage has ensured that the ice in the shear zone has remained the weakest link in the system. Experiments with the BISICLES ice sheet model indicate that additional damage to or unpinning of TEIS are unlikely to trigger significantly increased ice loss from WAIS, but the calving response to loss of TEIS remains highly uncertain. It is widely recognised that ice-shelf fragmentation and collapse can be triggered by hydrofracturing and/or unpinning from ice shelf margins or grounding points. Our results indicate a third mechanism, backstress-triggered failure, that can occur when ice ffractures in response to stresses associated with pinning points. In most circumstances, pinning points are essential for ice shelf stability, but as ice shelves thin and weaken the concentration of backstress in damaged ice upstream of a pinning point may provide the seeds of their demise.

The Warmers Explain it all!


Why, it's as if 2020 proved mankind has no effect whatsoever on Global CO2
Nope. Just an article about something that would affect us all --even you deniers.

Looks like the Maldive Islanders are deniers too. They just spent 800 million dollars to build some new international airports to bring tourists in to spend cash. Hardly the actions that ANY PERSON IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO IF THEY WERE TRULY GOING TO DISAPPEAR!


Maldives airport to be expanded with controversial $800m China contract​

This article is more than 5 years old
Move likely to annoy India which has been concerned at Chinese encroachment in the strategically located Indian Ocean islands

Because if it does, there will be major sea level rise in a very short time, which they're now saying could be within 5 to 10 years.

We could cover Antarctica with a really big blanket. That's one of my ideas.
That's just fucking stupid.

A blanket will just make the ice shelf heavier, thus causing it to break off sooner. It wouldn't stop gravity.

Unless the blanket is an antigravity blanket, but those are fictional.

The abject stupidity of global warming doomsday cult dupes never ceases to amaze.
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If Manmade Global Climate Warming Change were real would Born in Kenya Barack have bought an ocean front estate?
Because if it does, there will be major sea level rise in a very short time, which they're now saying could be within 5 to 10 years.

We could cover Antarctica with a really big blanket. That's one of my ideas.

I say we pack Kamala a sack lunch and send her down there to investigate the root causes.
I prefer what real scientists say to internet poisers. Here is what they are currently seeing on in research on that glacier, an AGU report;

Do they know about this?


Cause that's a shitload of climate fluctuations that can't be blamed on man, right?
Two to four feet within five to ten years. Goodbye Bangladesh, a big chunk of Florida, and many islands.

Less than two feet by year 2100 ... and I have a credible citation for that claim ...

Bangladesh already has 15 to 20 foot mounds they've built their homes and businesses on top of ... they get floods there every year ... and they already have built all the sea walls they need to protect against hurricanes ...

Between Miami and Naples, Florida, runs the Everglades Parkway ... the roadbed sits about 20 feet above sea level all the way across the Florida Peninsula ...


No one's done the math? ... I don't know why folks think this "doomsday" glacier has all that much ice in it ... melt the whole damn thing and we wouldn't be able to measure the sea level rise without expensive and sophisticated instruments ... the danger of the glacier collapsing is the tsunami such an event would cause ... anyone along the Pacific Coast who got fucked in 2011 will get fucked again ... they're used to it ...
Why are you using Oxygen-18 as a proxy? ... I rarely use that metric because I honestly don't understand why we should ... if you do, care to find a link that explains it ...
Here are the best explanations I could find.

If I am reading this right it's because Oxygen-18 provides more contrast for colder versus warmer temperatures. But I'm not certain.

Most of the literature I have read uses Oxygen-18 as a proxy for temperature.
What metric are you using and where do you get your data from?

Celsius ... data from thermometers ... and I get this data from NOAA's chart ... I consider everything before 1880 to be speculative and unreliable even though it perfect confirms all my claims ... science is a bitch that way ...

If we can't tell our tale with that, then maybe our tale is too tall to be telling ...

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