Okay fellow geniuses. How do you stop a giant ice shelf from breaking off ?

If this shelf drops, it won't raise sea level, but the shelf behind it will....and exponentially more rapidly--decades instead of centuries.

But I'll have beachfront property in Arkansas, so I say just nuke the whole continent.
If this shelf drops, it won't raise sea level, but the shelf behind it will....and exponentially more rapidly--decades instead of centuries.

But I'll have beachfront property in Arkansas, so I say just nuke the whole continent.

Maybe. Probably not though. Historical data says catastrophe is highly unlikely.
Celsius ... data from thermometers ... and I get this data from NOAA's chart ... I consider everything before 1880 to be speculative and unreliable even though it perfect confirms all my claims ... science is a bitch that way ...

If we can't tell our tale with that, then maybe our tale is too tall to be telling ...
Can't help you there.

The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic. You once posted a podcast of a geologist you said you enjoyed listening to (wish I could find that) who explained the science behind the curve.
If we can't tell our tale with that, then maybe our tale is too tall to be telling ...
Except that tale was told decades before man made global warming was ever a thought. The tale was told for the purpose of understanding earth's geology. That tale - unlike their tale - is as pure as the driven snow.

Not to mention, no one -other than perhaps you - questions the validity of the data or the integrity of the men who discovered the data nor the processes or science they used.

In short, I think it would be being ridiculous to not use all of the available, uncontested, valid data.
Except that tale was told decades before man made global warming was ever a thought. The tale was told for the purpose of understanding earth's geology. That tale - unlike their tale - is as pure as the driven snow.

Not to mention, no one -other than perhaps you - questions the validity of the data or the integrity of the men who discovered the data nor the processes or science they used.

In short, I think it would be being ridiculous to not use all of the available, uncontested, valid data.

The Central England Temperature Data Series was begun in 1659, and is well respected within the scientific community.
Because if it does, there will be major sea level rise in a very short time, which they're now saying could be within 5 to 10 years.

We could cover Antarctica with a really big blanket. That's one of my ideas.

Napalm. A lot of it turn it to steam. Other then that we just have to get coastal areas shored up and prepared.Some years back one the size of Connecticut broke off it floated to the north Atlantic I do not remember any problems caused by it.
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Doomsday predictions from the left have been around since I was a kid. Read the only environmentalist panic porn from the 70's and 80's.

Ever hear of Harold Camping? Predicted catastrophe several times.

Bet it all comes to naught.

Why are all climate change predictions scorned as being some left wing conspiracy? You're the dickhead. Its here you slug.
Believe it's not all you like and it's still a lie. You're brain dead.
Why are all climate change predictions scorned as being some left wing conspiracy? You're the dickhead. Its here you slug.
Believe it's not all you like and it's still a lie. You're brain dead.

Good question. The reason is that the so-called "solutions" offered to resolve the supposed crisis are crazy ultraliberal programs- things that libs wanted long before the supposed climate crisis was identified.

The predictions themselves all come from far left ultralib universities.

The idea of the so called climate crisis is to scare the people into demanding world socialism, something that the people really don't want.
Except that tale was told decades before man made global warming was ever a thought. The tale was told for the purpose of understanding earth's geology. That tale - unlike their tale - is as pure as the driven snow.

Not to mention, no one -other than perhaps you - questions the validity of the data or the integrity of the men who discovered the data nor the processes or science they used.

In short, I think it would be being ridiculous to not use all of the available, uncontested, valid data.

If the data is uncontested, then it's not science ... as a rule, scientists question everything ... especially the interpretation of data ... the links you provided explain your case well enough, and in science it very important to be able to explain yourself ...

This is water, not rock ... O-18 effects the freezing and evaporation rates ... this should be the same post-1880 ... and if our concern is tomorrow's climate then we don't really care about climate before 1880 ... hell's bells, the Pacific Ocean was 15 feet wider in 1880, Iceland was smaller, cocaine was legal ... just the social climate alone is enough to ruin any data from before ...
If the data is uncontested, then it's not science ... as a rule, scientists question everything ... especially the interpretation of data ... the links you provided explain your case well enough, and in science it very important to be able to explain yourself ...

This is water, not rock ... O-18 effects the freezing and evaporation rates ... this should be the same post-1880 ... and if our concern is tomorrow's climate then we don't really care about climate before 1880 ... hell's bells, the Pacific Ocean was 15 feet wider in 1880, Iceland was smaller, cocaine was legal ... just the social climate alone is enough to ruin any data from before ...
So e=mc^2 isn't science? Think of uncontested as meaning generally accepted. As in there is no one currently offering a challenge with a competing theory.

I don't believe we can understand future climates without understanding past climates and the drivers that led to changes. Even proponents of AGW acknowledge this even if they only pay lip service to it.

Maybe if you gave me some cocaine I could better see your point because I still believe it would be ridiculous not to use all of the available, uncontested, valid data.
So e=mc^2 isn't science? Think of uncontested as meaning generally accepted. As in there is no one currently offering a challenge with a competing theory.

No ... E = mc^2 is math ... this describes science, just like the English phrase "Theory of General Relativity" ... or in German "der Theoryofgeneralrelativity" ... just different languages ...

General relativity is easily disputed with Quantum Mechanics ... they are mutually exclusive, at least one is wrong, probably both ... and I mean wrong in the same sense as Newton's gravity is wrong ...

I guess my question is better stated as "what does the O-18 data give us that direct temperature measures don't?" ... climate isn't changing, what are we looking for in the far ancient past that could change our minds? ...

(The "c" in your equation is the speed of light in a vacuum, which violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics ... nice, very well done ... )
No ... E = mc^2 is math ... this describes science, just like the English phrase "Theory of General Relativity" ... or in German "der Theoryofgeneralrelativity" ... just different languages ...

General relativity is easily disputed with Quantum Mechanics ... they are mutually exclusive, at least one is wrong, probably both ... and I mean wrong in the same sense as Newton's gravity is wrong ...

I guess my question is better stated as "what does the O-18 data give us that direct temperature measures don't?" ... climate isn't changing, what are we looking for in the far ancient past that could change our minds? ...

(The "c" in your equation is the speed of light in a vacuum, which violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics ... nice, very well done ... )
It gives us more data.

It gives us an understanding of the drivers of earth's climate.

It gives us an understanding of climate fluctuations.

Now let me ask you something, if I may... why wouldn't we want to define the attributes of our present climate as it pertains to climate fluctuations when climate fluctuation is what is being discussed?
It gives us more data.

It gives us an understanding of the drivers of earth's climate.

It gives us an understanding of climate fluctuations.

Now let me ask you something, if I may... why wouldn't we want to define the attributes of our present climate as it pertains to climate fluctuations when climate fluctuation is what is being discussed?

Okay ... so what does the O-18 data tell us that the direct temperature measure doesn't? ...
Okay ... so what does the O-18 data tell us that the direct temperature measure doesn't? ...
The climate record of the earth.

The climate record of the earth.

View attachment 577453

Oh ... according to your links, O-18 only proxies for temperature ... how are you deriving pressure, humidity, wind, cloud cover and precipitation data? ... you should know that climate is more than temperature ... in fact, temperature is only a tertiary consideration if not quaternary when it comes to climate ...

This chart doesn't explain climate ... so what was the climate during the "Early Eocene Climatic Optimum"? ... don't say warmer, that only matters for less than 1% of the Earth's surface ... I want to know not just how much rain, but when it fell ... how does your O-18 data answer this question? ... keep in mind that my data set from 1880 includes many many years of hourly reporting for all these meteorological parameters ... for example St Louis, Missouri ...

I'm sorry ... this chart says global temperature is inversly proportional to the width of the Atlantic Ocean ...

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