Okay, I Have Issues With Christmas

Nothing I think that should piss people off though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.



I occasionally think about Hey Zeus..........about as often as I do Jupiter and Hercules:

Nothing I think that should piss people off though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.



You don't really have to do any of those things. Just celebrate the holiday in ways that makes you feel good. You could volunteer your time. You can donate money to charities that you think are worthwhile. You could buy a homeless person a meal.
Nothing I think that should piss people off though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.



I use an artificial tree, because I don't like the smell of pine and I don't like cleaning up the needles.

Celebrate however you want. No one's stopping you but you.
Nothing I think that should piss people oitf though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.


Race determines religion. Each race makes the religion their own. I like the tree because it shows we survived conversion. Its part of our Germanic heritage.

Christianity is death worship. Its priests dont breed and we worship the death of our God. Its demoralizing, unlike odinism.

further, Christianity ushered in Political Correctness in that it made it's adherents too morally conscientious.

Dont get me wrong. I love Jesus because he shamed people so severely they killed him over it. He was a brave mofo that didn't back down. People need a good upbraiding. He gave them one and 30 years later Rome thumped the evil buggers into hell and extinction. Poetic justice.

Dude, you do realize that all Christians aren't Catholic, right?

Not sure you can be TOO morally conscientious. Political correctness is just being a mealymouthed pansy. Christianity doesn't teach that or require it, although a lot of idiot people think it does.
Wouldn't have worked without the resurrection part.
How come the phrase 'resurrected for your sins' is not used instead? And why was resurrection necessary for his death to have saved you? Enquiring minds want to know.
Wouldn't have worked without the resurrection part.
How come the phrase 'resurrected for your sins' is not used instead? And why was resurrection necessary for his death to have saved you? Enquiring minds want to know.

Because if He'd stayed dead, it would have been because He was just some guy, which wouldn't have done anything for anyone. It was the fact that He was the Son of God that made His death payable for our sins, and it was resurrection that proved He was the Son of God.
Nothing I think that should piss people oitf though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.


Race determines religion. Each race makes the religion their own. I like the tree because it shows we survived conversion. Its part of our Germanic heritage.

Christianity is death worship. Its priests dont breed and we worship the death of our God. Its demoralizing, unlike odinism.

further, Christianity ushered in Political Correctness in that it made it's adherents too morally conscientious.

Dont get me wrong. I love Jesus because he shamed people so severely they killed him over it. He was a brave mofo that didn't back down. People need a good upbraiding. He gave them one and 30 years later Rome thumped the evil buggers into hell and extinction. Poetic justice.

Dude, you do realize that all Christians aren't Catholic, right?

Not sure you can be TOO morally conscientious. Political correctness is just being a mealymouthed pansy. Christianity doesn't teach that or require it, although a lot of idiot people think it does.
Isn't it funny how nasty people just get plum mean on Christmas.

I guess having people ring that bell hundreds of times in your ear coming out of a store you waited a half hour in line at and another half hour wasted time in the traffic can cause a chain reaction of nasty cases of bah humbugs.
Nothing I think that should piss people oitf though. I have FAITH there IS a GOD and Jesus. That said here are my points.

The Bible tells me to be thankful for the death that bought me salvation NOT the birth which makes Easter far more important then Christmas.

I object to the idea of going out and killing an innocent LIVING thing to bring home and decorate and gather around and sing to it. What part of killing something INNOCENT is Christian? Its NOT its druid.

I object to the idea of putting a wreath on my door. Its a symbol of death INSIDE the dwelling ALSO from druid culture and NOT Christian.

The REAL war on Christmas started the day Jesus was born and liberals have not only fought it but clouded it with pagan/druid crap.


Race determines religion. Each race makes the religion their own. I like the tree because it shows we survived conversion. Its part of our Germanic heritage.

Christianity is death worship. Its priests dont breed and we worship the death of our God. Its demoralizing, unlike odinism.

further, Christianity ushered in Political Correctness in that it made it's adherents too morally conscientious.

Dont get me wrong. I love Jesus because he shamed people so severely they killed him over it. He was a brave mofo that didn't back down. People need a good upbraiding. He gave them one and 30 years later Rome thumped the evil buggers into hell and extinction. Poetic justice.

Dude, you do realize that all Christians aren't Catholic, right?

Not sure you can be TOO morally conscientious. Political correctness is just being a mealymouthed pansy. Christianity doesn't teach that or require it, although a lot of idiot people think it does.
Isn't it funny how nasty people just get plum mean on Christmas.


Because if He'd stayed dead, it would have been because He was just some guy, which wouldn't have done anything for anyone. It was the fact that He was the Son of God that made His death payable for our sins, and it was resurrection that proved He was the Son of God.
Wouldn't have worked without the resurrection part.
How come the phrase 'resurrected for your sins' is not used instead? And why was resurrection necessary for his death to have saved you? Enquiring minds want to know.

Because if He'd stayed dead, it would have been because He was just some guy, which wouldn't have done anything for anyone. It was the fact that He was the Son of God that made His death payable for our sins, and it was resurrection that proved He was the Son of God.
no where in what you call the old testament does it say another man can die for your sins that is a pagan concept

The Bible is clear, and it is consistent: one person cannot die for the sins of another. In other words, the sins committed by one person cannot be wiped out by the punishment given to another. In Exodus 32:30-35, Moses asks Gd to punish him for the sin committed by the people in regards to the Golden Calf. Gd tells Moses that the person who committed the sin is the one who must receive the punishment. Then, in Deuteronomy 24:16, Gd simply states this as a basic principle, 'Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.' This concept is repeated in the Prophets, in Ezekiel 18: 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die... the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.' The prophet Jeremiah looks to the day when the mistaken belief that one man's death atones for another man's sins shall no longer be held by anyone: in Jeremiah 31:29-30, the prophet says: 'In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.'

What Jews Believe: Essay #1: No Vicarious Atonement

Christianity’s famous argument is that Isaiah 53 predicts Jesus. This chapter describes an afflicted “man” who carried the sins of others. They wish to suggest it refers to Jesus. However, one man does not get justly punished for another man’s sins, and nations are not punished for the sins of other nations (Radak, Isaiah, 53:4) as Jeremiah 31:29 says, “…every man will die for his own sin”. How then do we understand Isaiah 53? Let us review the chapter:

Isaiah 53
The Nations’ words:

“1. Who would believe what we had heard? For whom has the arm of G-d been revealed? 2. Formerly he grew like a sapling or like a root from arid ground; he had neither form nor grandeur; we saw him but without such visage that we could desire him. 3. He was despised and isolated from men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness. As one from whom we would hide our faces; he was despised and we had no regard for him. 4. But in truth it was our ills that he bore, and our pains that he carried – but we had regarded him diseased, stricken by G-d, and afflicted. 5. He was pained because of our rebellious sins and oppressed through our iniquities, the chastisement upon him was for our benefit, and through his wounds we were healed. 6. We have all strayed like sheep, each of us turning his own way, and G-d inflicted upon him, the iniquity of us all.7. He was persecuted and afflicted, but he did not open his mouth; like a sheep being led to the slaughter or an ewe that is silent before her shearers, he did not open his mouth. 8. Now that he has been released from captivity and judgment, who could have imagined such a generation? For he had been removed from the land of the living, an affliction upon them that was my people’s sin. 9. He submitted himself to his grave like wicked men; and the wealthy submitted to his executions, for committing no crime, and with no deceit in his mouth. 10. God desired to oppress him and He afflicted him; if his soul would acknowledge guilt, he would see offspring and live long days and the desire of G-d would succeed in his hand.

G-d’s Words:

11. He would see the purpose and be satisfied with his soul’s distress, with his knowledge My servant will vindicate the Righteous One to the multitudes, and their sins does he shoulder. 12. Therefore I will assign him a portion from the multitudes and he will divide the mighty as spoils, in return for having poured out his soul for death and being counted among the wicked, and he carried the sins of the many, and prayed for the sinners.”

Christianity divisively rewrote history. Jesus did not fulfill Isaiah 53’s prophecy, it’s just the opposite: Christianity fabricated the Jesus story, exactly in line with Isaiah 53. What Christianity presents as Jesus fulfilling Isaiah’s words is really the opposite – they plagiarized Isaiah. Christianity found a perfect story in the Torah, Isaiah 53. Here, The description is so pitiful, and evokes such sympathy; Christianity copied it and molded it into their fabrication of Jesus. Christianity, as you will read later in this article, capitalizes on the emotions of pity and suffering to attract adherents, making other transparent plagiarisms.
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Dark, Christmas nothing to do with trees. It is a day set aside to honor the birth of our Saviour. We cut down trees for lesser things like furniture, heat, and to roast marshmallows over. Do you eat fried chicken? It was once a living thing. So was your belt.

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