Okay, so who's right?

NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.
It is both ironic and scary to hear Trump's "reasons" for praising Putin.......Trump states:.. 'If [Putin] says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him.' ........In other words, any despot in the world who wants to BUY Trump's approval, can simply make a nice comment about Trump's comb-over hairstyle, and VOILA, that dictator is a new "ally."

This guy Trump is scary....
Recent comment...
He wants US ships to fire on Iran boats that harass our ships....

We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

In short you support DICTATORSHIP.

If Obama will shut down freedom of press, control the media, eliminate half GOP, eliminate his political opponents, enriching himself, invade Mexico.
Will that make Obama a stronger leader?
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

For all those folks who do NOT get their political news from NYC cab drivers, the above nitwit's logic would have to also include the effectiveness of Kim Jong-un as a leader.

North Korea has virtually NO CRIME.....the country's cities are spotless, and every North Korean simply "loves" and "adores" Kim Jong-un....

It is actually quite amazing what you can do regarding "effectiveness" when you're a despot.
Never mind that Russia's economy is in shambles....Putin is promising Russians a NEW Soviet Union by slowly annexing Eastern Europe if that thorny NATO is weakened by Trump.
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

For all those folks who do NOT get their political news from NYC cab drivers, the above nitwit's logic would have to also include the effectiveness of Kim Jong-un as a leader.

North Korea has virtually NO CRIME.....the country's cities are spotless, and every North Korean simply "loves" and "adores" Kim Jong-un....

It is actually quite amazing what you can do regarding "effectiveness" when you're a despot.
Never mind that Russia's economy is in shambles....Putin is promising Russians a NEW Soviet Union in Eastern Europe.
Where did you get that NK has no crime and is spotless. You have virtually no knowledge of the domestic affairs of the US, and you are way out of your league when you venture outside.

Russia has to be reckoned with, NK simply needs to be contained.
You forgot to answer the question in the OP. Pick one.


I will defer to the judgement of the Obama administration.

Which means you support Obama, not Trump.

Apparently you're so abysmally dense that you can't recognize sarcasm.

It is normally liberals like you deferring to Obama's judgement, so I would think you would have done so regarding the military partnership the Obama Administration has brokered with Russia. However, it seems, it's only okay when Obama does or says the same things as Trump.

So you're privy to Trump's SECRET PLAN to deal with ISIS?

Yeah, bomb the hell out of them. Oh wait, that wasn't much of a secret.

What's Hillary going to do? Drop leaflets?

1. Bomb the hell out of them? Killing non ISIS citizens that are trap inside ISIS controlled state. What that makes Trump? A murderer.............. worst than ISIS. Trump don't have a fucking plan what to do with ISIS. Except he has a secret plan.
2. Hillary already laid out her plan about ISIS. Please get yourself updated
Sounds like Trump is being a statesman instead of a shrill witch. Maybe he is just pushing the reset button since Obama, Hillary and Kerry have us closer to nuclear war then we have been for 50 years.

Of course if you are more concerned with who can go into a ladies room and take a dump then by all means vote Hillary.

Planet closer to catastrophic World War III than at any time for SIXTY years, experts warn… and it doesn’t look good for Britain or America if it does kick off

There is no war in the entire Western Hemisphere for the first time in well over 100 years. There is no war in Europe, which has now gone more than 60 years without a major conflict. Yes the Middle East is a mess but what else is new?

Your article is just more gloom and doom scenarios from the right-wing war-mongers, who see everything through a glass of "shoot first", and fanning the hopes of a newly aggressive Russia is Donald Trump who wants to scrap NATO, and make Europeans arm themselves, and who thinks the solution to Putin's aggression is to be friends with the former head of the Russian KGB. Yeah, that worked so well with Stalin, didn't it?
1. Bomb the hell out of them? Killing non ISIS citizens that are trap inside ISIS controlled state. What that makes Trump? A murderer.............. worst than ISIS. Trump don't have a fucking plan what to do with ISIS. Except he has a secret plan.
2. Hillary already laid out her plan about ISIS. Please get yourself updated
Do you actually talk like that? Inner city school or are you "challenged" in some way?
Sounds like Trump is being a statesman instead of a shrill witch. Maybe he is just pushing the reset button since Obama, Hillary and Kerry have us closer to nuclear war then we have been for 50 years.

Of course if you are more concerned with who can go into a ladies room and take a dump then by all means vote Hillary.

Planet closer to catastrophic World War III than at any time for SIXTY years, experts warn… and it doesn’t look good for Britain or America if it does kick off

There is no war in the entire Western Hemisphere for the first time in well over 100 years. There is no war in Europe, which has now gone more than 60 years without a major conflict. Yes the Middle East is a mess but what else is new?

Your article is just more gloom and doom scenarios from the right-wing war-mongers, who see everything through a glass of "shoot first", and fanning the hopes of a newly aggressive Russia is Donald Trump who wants to scrap NATO, and make Europeans arm themselves, and who thinks the solution to Putin's aggression is to be friends with the former head of the Russian KGB. Yeah, that worked so well with Stalin, didn't it?

Yours is just apologies after apologies for a failed president and an even more failed SOS Hillary Clinton. The ME is and has been on fire and if you think oil isn't important to the world then I suggest you park your car and turn out your light you are already living in the dark.

Think, THINK, for a second about what you said. Then think of the conditions in a country in the western hemisphere that Obama went to war.

Last edited:

Yes, well, let's hear the 'Ryan is an idiot' crowd weigh in.

If they dare...
as if anyone but an idiot would ever do the speaker of the house thing, it's ridiculous, some ornamental congressman with a hammer, a glorified clock watcher. such a thing only serves to drive a man to drinking due to the sense of purposeless existence, very depressing to even think about it.
In other words, you like kissing Putin's ass.
you're welcome
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

So you would support a more dictatorial president for the US.

That's funny considering how often Obama gets called a tyrant by the crybabies on the Right.
1. Bomb the hell out of them? Killing non ISIS citizens that are trap inside ISIS controlled state. What that makes Trump? A murderer.............. worst than ISIS. Trump don't have a fucking plan what to do with ISIS. Except he has a secret plan.
2. Hillary already laid out her plan about ISIS. Please get yourself updated
Do you actually talk like that? Inner city school or are you "challenged" in some way?

Are you talking to me meat head?
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

So you would support a more dictatorial president for the US.

That's funny considering how often Obama gets called a tyrant by the crybabies on the Right.
I've no idea where you got the impression that I would ever support the Beast.
1. Bomb the hell out of them? Killing non ISIS citizens that are trap inside ISIS controlled state. What that makes Trump? A murderer.............. worst than ISIS. Trump don't have a fucking plan what to do with ISIS. Except he has a secret plan.
2. Hillary already laid out her plan about ISIS. Please get yourself updated
Do you actually talk like that? Inner city school or are you "challenged" in some way?

Are you talking to me meat head?
Yeah, but I was really ridiculing your grasp of the English language. I would have thought that obvious.
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

So you would support a more dictatorial president for the US.

That's funny considering how often Obama gets called a tyrant by the crybabies on the Right.
I've no idea where you got the impression that I would ever support the Beast.

You just said you support Putin over Obama. Is Putin more dictatorial than Obama or not?

Yes or no question.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Being a good leader and a good person are two completely different and separate concepts.

Hitler was an effective leader, he was also the devil incarnate

Kennedy was an effective leader, and basically a good person

Putin is an effective leader who puts his country first, that does not make him a good person

Obama is a terrible leader,

Hillary is a terrible human being, who would also be a terrible leader.

It would help NY, if you understood the meanings of the words that you use. As it is, you just make a fool of yourself with each new post.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Being a good leader and a good person are two completely different and separate concepts.

Hitler was an effective leader, he was also the devil incarnate

Kennedy was an effective leader, and basically a good person

Putin is an effective leader who puts his country first, that does not make him a good person

Obama is a terrible leader,

Hillary is a terrible human being, who would also be a terrible leader.

It would help NY, if you understood the meanings of the words that you use. As it is, you just make a fool of yourself with each new post.

Just because you Obama haters declare him a terrible leader doesn't make it so. We can start right there.
NYcabdriver offer a loaded question when he states Trump worships Putin. Putin, in truth, is far more worthy of respect at least as regards his effectiveness as a leader than Obama or the Beast.

It is a mere recognition of the obvious, not worship.

So you would support a more dictatorial president for the US.

That's funny considering how often Obama gets called a tyrant by the crybabies on the Right.
I've no idea where you got the impression that I would ever support the Beast.

You just said you support Putin over Obama. Is Putin more dictatorial than Obama or not?

Yes or no question.
Trump, I and many others acknowledge that Putin is a far more effective leader for his people than Obama is for his. That is neither worship nor support.

Where the hell do you come up with this stuff?

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