Okay, so who's right?

Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Putin is a bad guy and a national hero. Trump respects what Putin has been able to do in rescuing Russia from the political and economic chaos that engulfed the country after the break up of he Soviet Union and the end of communism. Based on his actions around the world it is also fair to say Obama is a bad guy, and when you compare what Obama has done for the US to what Putin has done for Russia, it is clear Putin is a much greater leader.

The important point to note here is that the terrible problems in the ME and eastern Europe cannot be solved without a trusting, respectful working relationship between the US and Russia, and Trump has been clear that is what he intends to do,whereas Hillary finds it politically expedient to maintain an adversarial relationship with Russia regardless of the consequences for US foreign policy or for the rest of the world.
No one can create "a trusting, respectful working relationship" with Putin. His goals, Russian domination of all nations on its borders and expansion of Russian imperialism, are not our goals.
That's a fine example of the kind of bigotry Clinton's campaign is based on that will lead us back to Cold War tensions, hundreds of thousands of people continuing to die in the ME and eastern Europe. What Clinton is doing with respect to Russia is exactly the kind of campaigning southern white politicians used to do with respect to black Americans.
But, if you think political intimidation is a strong trait in a leader then you should love Obama because of all the stupid shit you believe.

But wait! This gets even better!

Are you admitting Obama shares those qualities with Putin? Oh wow.

Read what he said slowly, TK. Sound out the words. He said you should love Obama because of the stupid shit you believe about him. Not things that are true about President Obama, but your perception of the "tyrant" Obama.
maybe not a practicing muslim, but clearly muslim sympathizer. What exactly do you think he was taught the muslim madrassas that he attended in Indonesia? Why does he hate Israel?

Pay attention to what he says and does, you might learn something.

One only needs to slightly scratch the surface of that thin "decency" that right wingers try to portray, and we have the above......Yes, Tuna, we elected a "Muslim sympathizer", correct????

draw your own conclusions. Base those conclusions on his actions and statements.

But you can't do that can you? your head is too far up his ass.

Nat thinks this is funny, so here are some yes or no questions for you Nat.

1. was Obama schooled at muslim madrassas in Indonesia
2. was his step father Soetoro a muslim
3. was his biological father Obama a muslim
4. does he hate israel
5. did he pray with muslims on ramadan
6. did he pay ransom to Iran
7. did he make a "deal" with Iran that will give them nukes
8. does he attend a Christian church
9. did he call the muslim call to worship "the most beautiful sound on earth"
10. how many muslims are on his staff

Didn't take much baiting to have Mr. Tuna OPENLY "accuse" Obama of really being a Muslim ....or better yet, a Manchurian Candidate whose real aim was to make Mr. Tuna into a slave of Islam.

Now, how fucked up is that????
What was funniest about what Paul Ryan said were the painful contortions he went through trying to disagree with Trump without disagreeing with Trump.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Putin is a bad guy and a national hero. Trump respects what Putin has been able to do in rescuing Russia from the political and economic chaos that engulfed the country after the break up of he Soviet Union and the end of communism. Based on his actions around the world it is also fair to say Obama is a bad guy, and when you compare what Obama has done for the US to what Putin has done for Russia, it is clear Putin is a much greater leader.

The important point to note here is that the terrible problems in the ME and eastern Europe cannot be solved without a trusting, respectful working relationship between the US and Russia, and Trump has been clear that is what he intends to do,whereas Hillary finds it politically expedient to maintain an adversarial relationship with Russia regardless of the consequences for US foreign policy or for the rest of the world.
No one can create "a trusting, respectful working relationship" with Putin. His goals, Russian domination of all nations on its borders and expansion of Russian imperialism, are not our goals.
That's a fine example of the kind of bigotry Clinton's campaign is based on that will lead us back to Cold War tensions, hundreds of thousands of people continuing to die in the ME and eastern Europe. What Clinton is doing with respect to Russia is exactly the kind of campaigning southern white politicians used to do with respect to black Americans.

:lol: Who said:

“Vladimir Putin is an aggressor who does not share our interests,”
Trump, I and many others acknowledge that Putin is a far more effective leader for his people than Obama is for his. That is neither worship nor support.
What is really amazing is idiots like you NOT recognizing how truly fucked up that statement is......Based on Obama hatred, that kind of bullshit and faulty "reasoning" is what a gang member would say.
Yes, Redfish is truly mentally impaired. It is clear from his postings above that he would have supported Lenin, Stalin, Molotov, Beria, Kruschev, right down to Putin. Redfish has to be told what to believe. Of course he is a trumpeteer. Comrade Donald is wrong.
LOL, you are grasping snake boy. You also don't understand the difference between being an effective leader and a good human being. talking to you far left libs is about like talking to a dead garden slug. you and the slug have equal capacity to comprehend simple concepts.
I understand that Trump would not be effective, is not a good human being, and would try to be a dictator. All you disagree with, since you are a crypto-fascist of the far Alt right, all wild lefties. Trump made many will statements: praising Putin and Russia is one of the stupidest. The Dems will use his lines against in campaign adds that will devastate the Trump campaign.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Putin is a bad guy and a national hero. Trump respects what Putin has been able to do in rescuing Russia from the political and economic chaos that engulfed the country after the break up of he Soviet Union and the end of communism. Based on his actions around the world it is also fair to say Obama is a bad guy, and when you compare what Obama has done for the US to what Putin has done for Russia, it is clear Putin is a much greater leader.

The important point to note here is that the terrible problems in the ME and eastern Europe cannot be solved without a trusting, respectful working relationship between the US and Russia, and Trump has been clear that is what he intends to do,whereas Hillary finds it politically expedient to maintain an adversarial relationship with Russia regardless of the consequences for US foreign policy or for the rest of the world.
No one can create "a trusting, respectful working relationship" with Putin. His goals, Russian domination of all nations on its borders and expansion of Russian imperialism, are not our goals.
That's a fine example of the kind of bigotry Clinton's campaign is based on that will lead us back to Cold War tensions, hundreds of thousands of people continuing to die in the ME and eastern Europe. What Clinton is doing with respect to Russia is exactly the kind of campaigning southern white politicians used to do with respect to black Americans.

:lol: Who said:

“Vladimir Putin is an aggressor who does not share our interests,”
Well, Ryan may see Russia as the aggressor and the Russians see the US as the aggressor. Putin has responded to NATO signing up former Warsaw Pact nations in exactly the same way the US responded to communists taking over Cuba and Nicaragua.

The Clintons are predators and Hillary's only thought is, what's good for me is good for America, so she stokes memories of Cold War bigotry and paranoia without regard for the consequences of this act for the US or the rest of the world. While Hillary seems to want to start a new Cold War, Trump wants to continue the work of Reagan, Bush41 and Gorbachev in building a mutually respectful, trusting working relationship between the US and Russia. Trump understands that there can be no resolution to the slaughter in the ME or eastern Europe without such a US Russia relationship. This is why the whole world will be better off if Trump becomes President, and the whole world will continue to suffer and bleed if Hillary wins.
For a bunch of people (Obammy and the dems) who laughed whan Romney said Russia was still a threat you are all pretty fired up about Putin

Why is that?

I know that honesty is not your strong suit....BUT there was a hell of a lot more reasons to "laugh" at Romney about, and his stance against Russia was not really one of them.

However I am happy to learn that you TOO are calling Trump's new love affair with Putin, bullshit. Congratulations !!!
I am a hell of a lot more honest than you and
I don't really care about Putin and Trump because like all the shit you people whine about it is inconsequential
Putin with Trump as a lap dog of Putin is a tremendous danger.

Here ya go Fake:

Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
I guess Donald Trump if he continues to be on the GOP ticket since he is the de facto republican party head until further notice.

Donald Trump is the new GOP logo. So if you're wearing that badge, you're for snuggling up to Putin; and any of the other outrageous things Trump says or does... At least that's how the voting public sees it. Paul Ryan and that Priebus guy can whine all day long about not sharing Trump's views. But at the end of the day, the throngs of barely-informed voters will see the association that was repeated in front of them the most (Obviously Trump on air time hands down) and vote their Congresspeople accordingly..

The way I see it, the GOP has about 15 days to get their shit together on this problem or their party will become permanently extinct.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
I guess Donald Trump if he continues to be on the GOP ticket since he is the de facto republican party head until further notice.

Donald Trump is the new GOP logo. So if you're wearing that badge, you're for snuggling up to Putin; and any of the other outrageous things Trump says or does... At least that's how the voting public sees it. Paul Ryan and that Priebus guy can whine all day long about not sharing Trump's views. But at the end of the day, the throngs of barely-informed voters will see the association that was repeated in front of them the most (Obviously Trump on air time hands down) and vote their Congresspeople accordingly..

The way I see it, the GOP has about 15 days to get their shit together on this problem or their party will become permanently extinct.
Not at all, but it will go through a massive shift toward the center of 21st America along with the purge of the Alt Right from its ranks
Putin with Trump as a lap dog of Putin is a tremendous danger.

Yeah and Florida is going to be underwater in 10 years
That is why we can't have your candidates elected.
My candidates? I do not have any candidates And as far as FL goes it was supposed to be under water over a decade ago according to Al Whore
So Gore was wrong? Who cares? This is about this election, not 15 years, silly. This election in good part is about Trump's off kilter admiration about Trump.

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