Okay, so who's right?

I see. You're endorsing this, but criticizing Trump for saying things similar to what Obama is doing.

No, nitwit....I'm criticizing the moron Trump for stating that Putin is a better leader in his despotic discipline over Russians ...as if Obama should ALSO act as a despot.
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

You are confusing leadership with force. Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does. Putin governs through intimidation, fear and force. He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support." It's a 100% authoritarian approach. You'll only ever see real leadership in a democratic republic. Leadership within a totalitarian regime is not leadership -- it's force. When your citizens essentially have NO CHOICE but to support you, you are not a real leader, but a bully.
He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support."


Hilarious that you have a Krishnamurti quote in your sig, and seem totally unaware that he would've hated Putin more than anyone else on the planet. Yet you seem to think Putin is just "A-OK." You're a strange one, dude.
No, nitwit....I'm criticizing the moron Trump for stating that Putin is a better leader in his despotic discipline over Russians ...as if Obama should ALSO act as a despot.
Okay, so if Putin is a despot, why is Obama forming this "unholy alliance" with him? You can't seem to answer that question. It seems to me Obama and Trump have the same ideas about Putin and Russia.
Hey, fuck head did we form an"unholy alliance" with the despot Stalin to defeat Hitler? YES or No?

Did you see anyone praising the decision? No. Now, why are you praising Obama for this one? You think Russia is so terrible, but you sit there and sign on to what Obama is doing with Putin. Can't you see that?
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

You are confusing leadership with force. Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does. Putin governs through intimidation, fear and force. He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support." It's a 100% authoritarian approach. You'll only ever see real leadership in a democratic republic. Leadership within a totalitarian regime is not leadership -- it's force. When your citizens essentially have NO CHOICE but to support you, you are not a real leader, but a bully.
He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support."


Hilarious that you have a Krishnamurti quote in your sig, and seem totally unaware that he would've hated Putin more than anyone else on the planet. Yet you seem to think Putin is just "A-OK." You're a strange one, dude.
You don't understand Krishnamurti.
Here is one more act of intimidation through fear via Obama's IRS:

IRS reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

This right wing moron is comparing IRS audits with this (just one of dozens of examples)

November 1998

Less than four months after Putin takes over at the KGB, opposition Duma Deputy GalinaStarovoitova, the most prominent pro-democracy Kremlin critic in the nation, is murdered at her apartment building in St. Petersburg. Four months after that, Putin will play a key role in silencing the Russian Attorney General, Yury Skuratov, who was investigating high-level corruption in the Kremlin, by airing an illicit sex video involving Skuratov on national TV. Four months after the dust settles in the Skuratov affair, Putin will be named Prime Minister
Here is one more act of intimidation through fear via Obama's IRS:

IRS reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

This right wing moron is comparing IRS audits with this (just one of dozens of examples)

November 1998

Less than four months after Putin takes over at the KGB, opposition Duma Deputy GalinaStarovoitova, the most prominent pro-democracy Kremlin critic in the nation, is murdered at her apartment building in St. Petersburg. Four months after that, Putin will play a key role in silencing the Russian Attorney General, Yury Skuratov, who was investigating high-level corruption in the Kremlin, by airing an illicit sex video involving Skuratov on national TV. Four months after the dust settles in the Skuratov affair, Putin will be named Prime Minister

Ahh, yes. But political intimidation is just so whether be it by Russia or the US. Whether someone dies or is simply shut down is of no consequence.
Here is one more act of intimidation through fear via Obama's IRS:

IRS reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

This right wing moron is comparing IRS audits with this (just one of dozens of examples)

November 1998

Less than four months after Putin takes over at the KGB, opposition Duma Deputy GalinaStarovoitova, the most prominent pro-democracy Kremlin critic in the nation, is murdered at her apartment building in St. Petersburg. Four months after that, Putin will play a key role in silencing the Russian Attorney General, Yury Skuratov, who was investigating high-level corruption in the Kremlin, by airing an illicit sex video involving Skuratov on national TV. Four months after the dust settles in the Skuratov affair, Putin will be named Prime Minister

Ahh, yes. But political intimidation is just so whether be it by Russia or the US. Whether someone dies or is simply shut down is of no consequence.

Still with the false equivalencies. But, if you think political intimidation is a strong trait in a leader then you should love Obama because of all the stupid shit you believe.
Ahh, yes. But political intimidation is just so whether be it by Russia or the US. Whether someone dies or is simply shut down is of no consequence.

Where some other right wingers who have some measure of self dignity just avoid threads like these, you choose to flaunt your fucked up stupidity........My suggestion is for you to go to bed or go beat up a pillow.

Good riddance to trashy morons.
But, if you think political intimidation is a strong trait in a leader then you should love Obama because of all the stupid shit you believe.

But wait! This gets even better!

Are you admitting Obama shares those qualities with Putin? Oh wow.
But, if you think political intimidation is a strong trait in a leader then you should love Obama because of all the stupid shit you believe.

But wait! This gets even better!

Are you admitting Obama shares those qualities with Putin? Oh wow.

No, you should reread my post. Actually, while you're at it why down you flag down an adult to read it for you.
Where some other right wingers who have some measure of self dignity just avoid threads like these, you choose to flaunt your fucked up stupidity........My suggestion is for you to go to bed or go beat up a pillow.

Hah! I wouldn't dare ask you to beat up a pillow. The pillow would win!

Now, as for self dignity, the OP should have had a little of that before making a bait thread like this, and you should have had this "self dignity" before joining it yourself. But yet here we all are. Spare me the lecture.
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

You are confusing leadership with force. Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does. Putin governs through intimidation, fear and force. He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support." It's a 100% authoritarian approach. You'll only ever see real leadership in a democratic republic. Leadership within a totalitarian regime is not leadership -- it's force. When your citizens essentially have NO CHOICE but to support you, you are not a real leader, but a bully.
He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support."


Hilarious that you have a Krishnamurti quote in your sig, and seem totally unaware that he would've hated Putin more than anyone else on the planet. Yet you seem to think Putin is just "A-OK." You're a strange one, dude.
You don't understand Krishnamurti.

lol, I read at least 15 of his books in my early 20's. I went through a major Krishnamurti phase. YOU do not understand a damn thing he said, that much is obvious.
Still with the false equivalencies. But, if you think political intimidation is a strong trait in a leader then you should love Obama because of all the stupid shit you believe.

The moronic Imperitrash is a masochist just on here to get his fair share of daily abuse.....I'm done

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