Okay, so who's right?

Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Here. Before knocking Trump about his "let's be friends with Russia" comments, you should probably explain why the Obama Administration sees it necessary to partner up with them to enforce a cease fire? I thought they were our enemies? How is Russia our enemy when we're making deals and forming military partnerships with them? Given that, why do you still think Trump is wrong when he said what he said? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? Given the firestorm over Trump's comments, why aren't you condemning this?

Now doesn't this make you look foolish?

US, Russia Seal Syria Cease-Fire, New Military Partnership

Proof that we don't need the nut Trump and his nutty cult nor the GOP to get things done in the ME.

See, you can't answer me. You can only issue a deflection. So, why is the Obama administration making deals with Russia? Hmmm? I thought Russia was the bad guy?

The Soviet Union was the bad guy in WWII.

And US fought at the bad guy side? :)
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Here. Before knocking Trump about his "let's be friends with Russia" comments, you should probably explain why the Obama Administration sees it necessary to partner up with them to enforce a cease fire? I thought they were our enemies? How is Russia our enemy when we're making deals and forming military partnerships with them? Given that, why do you still think Trump is wrong when he said what he said? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? Given the firestorm over Trump's comments, why aren't you condemning this?

Now doesn't this make you look foolish?

US, Russia Seal Syria Cease-Fire, New Military Partnership

You forgot to answer the question in the OP. Pick one.


I will defer to the judgement of the Obama administration.

Which means you support Obama, not Trump.

Apparently you're so abysmally dense that you can't recognize sarcasm.

It is normally liberals like you deferring to Obama's judgement, so I would think you would have done so regarding the military partnership the Obama Administration has brokered with Russia. However, it seems, it's only okay when Obama does or says the same things as Trump.

So you're privy to Trump's SECRET PLAN to deal with ISIS?
So, why is what Obama did with Russia okay, but what Trump said about Russia was wrong? Want to answer that for me?

Once again....for the slow witted right wingers........

Trump OPENLY stated that Putin was a stronger leader than Obama was for the U.S.

Obviously what you posted about the cease fire accord makes Trump into the asshole that he surely is...and I'm sure you will call Trump an asshole also, correct?
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.
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It is none of your f'ing business George W Bush.

I'm not calling for our intervention, Russia is a hell of a lot more familiar with revolutions than we could ever be. Just give it a few more drops in oil prices and the utilization of alternative energy and Russia's economy will collapse....When was the last time you bought something that stated, :"Made in Russia"?

I heared, AK is popular in US too? :)
Here. Before knocking Trump about his "let's be friends with Russia" comments, you should probably explain why the Obama Administration sees it necessary to partner up with them to enforce a cease fire? I thought they were our enemies? How is Russia our enemy when we're making deals and forming military partnerships with them? Given that, why do you still think Trump is wrong when he said what he said? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? Given the firestorm over Trump's comments, why aren't you condemning this?

Now doesn't this make you look foolish?

US, Russia Seal Syria Cease-Fire, New Military Partnership

You forgot to answer the question in the OP. Pick one.


I will defer to the judgement of the Obama administration.

Which means you support Obama, not Trump.

Apparently you're so abysmally dense that you can't recognize sarcasm.

It is normally liberals like you deferring to Obama's judgement, so I would think you would have done so regarding the military partnership the Obama Administration has brokered with Russia. However, it seems, it's only okay when Obama does or says the same things as Trump.

So you're privy to Trump's SECRET PLAN to deal with ISIS?

Yeah, bomb the hell out of them. Oh wait, that wasn't much of a secret.

What's Hillary going to do? Drop leaflets?
Ryan is certainly SANER than the charlatan, orange clown.....but, Trump's base will just label Ryan a RINO.

The question is, when is Ryan going to recant his support for Trump? Until he does that, he remains a conviction-free coward.

Completely agree.

To answer the OP, Trump and Ryan are both wrong. Trump for praising Putin and Ryan for endorsing a guy who praises Putin.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Here. Before knocking Trump about his "let's be friends with Russia" comments, you should probably explain why the Obama Administration sees it necessary to partner up with them to enforce a cease fire? I thought they were our enemies? How is Russia our enemy when we're making deals and forming military partnerships with them? Given that, why do you still think Trump is wrong when he said what he said? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? Given the firestorm over Trump's comments, why aren't you condemning this?

Now doesn't this make you look foolish?

US, Russia Seal Syria Cease-Fire, New Military Partnership

Proof that we don't need the nut Trump and his nutty cult nor the GOP to get things done in the ME.

See, you can't answer me. You can only issue a deflection. So, why is the Obama administration making deals with Russia? Hmmm? I thought Russia was the bad guy?

The Soviet Union was the bad guy in WWII.

So, by your reaction to Trump's comments, I would ascertain that Russia is still the bad guy, and that your outrage is false.
To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

The underlined part describes a DESPOT in a totalitarian regime, where the economic crises seem to warrant a redirection of the people's attention toward nationalistic pride in re-establishing the Soviet Empire.....No much different than what Hitler tried to do in the 1930s.

We are NOT in a totalitarian regime and Obama is functioning in a representative democratic republic...If THAT seems "weak" to you, then you're living in the wrong country.
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

You are confusing leadership with force. Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does. Putin governs through intimidation, fear and force. He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support." It's a 100% authoritarian approach. You'll only ever see real leadership in a democratic republic. Leadership within a totalitarian regime is not leadership -- it's force. When your citizens essentially have NO CHOICE but to support you, you are not a real leader, but a bully.
The underlined part describes a DESPOT in a totalitarian regime, where the economic crises seem to warrant a redirection of the people's attention toward nationalistic pride in re-establishing the Soviet Empire.....No much different than what Hitler tried to do in the 1930s.

How easily I baited you.

Now, if Putin is a despot (he is). Why is Obama forming military partnerships with him? Wouldn't that make us akin to the Axis Powers who allied with Hitler's Germany in 1940? We are essentially allying ourselves with a tyrannical despot, and you find nothing wrong with that. Instead you praise Obama for it.
Now, if Putin is a despot (he is). Why is Obama forming military partnerships with him?

Simple answer (and if you think you're baiting, you need a better bait).....THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND....at least temporarily.
One makes unholy alliances even with the devils to gain some measure of a peaceful resolution....Did we ally with Stalin to won WWII? Yes or No? Didn't we know that Stalin was a murderous despot also?
We are reacting to Trump stating that Putin is a STRONGER leader than Obama has been for the U.S

To be quite honest yes, Putin is stronger as a leader than Obama. Take for instance the sureness of their leadership. Putin is sure of himself, even if it was making the wrong decision to annex Crimea, he did it. He didn't bow to political pressure, he just did it. Obama is afraid to cross that red line he drew in Syria because he was afraid he'd upset the anti-war cooks.

Think about it. I'm not endorsing anything Putin has done, not the annexation, not the crackdown on journalists or political opponents. But Putin isn't afraid of upsetting people with his decisions, whether they be good or bad.

You are confusing leadership with force. Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does. Putin governs through intimidation, fear and force. He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support." It's a 100% authoritarian approach. You'll only ever see real leadership in a democratic republic. Leadership within a totalitarian regime is not leadership -- it's force. When your citizens essentially have NO CHOICE but to support you, you are not a real leader, but a bully.
He maintains a psychological choke-hold over the consciousness of Russians, which is why you see this "support."

Real leaders don't need to gain compliance through threats, which is what Putin does.

Ahh, so I was wondering when someone would bring that argument up.

Real leaders don't need to gain compliance by taking away funding from schools and states who won't adhere to the political agendas of the leader himself.

For example:

Feds issue guidance on transgender bathroom acess in schools - CNNPolitics.com


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