Okay, this is getting ridiculous

I could have sworn I heard a radio ad that said "a conservative alternative to your phone company".


No way, I thought. We're not THAT divided, YET.

So I checked it out. Sure as shit: Eos Mobile - The Conservative Choice in Mobile

Gee, I wonder who's behind all this, uhmmmmmm, WHITE PEOPLE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but the great divide you nuts all whine about, needs a mirror and a few of yaw lookin in it.
yaw all know, negro men is too busy chasing white p**** and killing each othere and negro women is too busy gettin them welfare checks....so who's got the time?
Are you drunk?
Sounds like a government sting operation.
Getting a bunch of known conservatives all with the same service sure would make it more convenient.....
I think I'll pass.
OH MY GOSH! That was funny!!!!! :lol:

(and I can kinda see how you could conger that thought up in today's political environment) :eek:

Trust me,my tongue was only partially lodged in my cheek.
They feature Samsung phones in their ads I noticed. That is the Conservative way; preach about "american" but offer it on a Korean product....

Most of the rest are made in China, what's the difference, does anyone make cell phones in the US anymore?

They could have, at least, used a company founded in America like Apple, AT&T, etc... instead of Samsung. But, hey, that is the Conservative way; preach one thing; do the exact opposite. Right?

So it's better if the company is founded here ...and than ships all it's manufacturing overseas for the slave labor prices?
Yeeeeah okay....
I could have sworn I heard a radio ad that said "a conservative alternative to your phone company".


No way, I thought. We're not THAT divided, YET.

So I checked it out. Sure as shit: Eos Mobile - The Conservative Choice in Mobile

From the link:

Eos Mobile is a Commerce-For-Cause enterprise designed to drive change in the nation by donating a portion of your bill to conservative causes, candidates and organizations.

That's why your bill is 50 percent higher than those liberal phone companies. That's what Reagan would have done.
If you call Planned Parenthood with an Eos Mobile phone, it blows up next to your head!
If you have a foreign sounding name, Eos Mobile forwards all your phone records to DHS.

Don't even try to detonate an IED with an Eos Mobile phone. Fuggedabout it.
Every Eos Mobile phone comes with Confederate flag wallpaper bloatware that you cannot uninstall.
I could have sworn I heard a radio ad that said "a conservative alternative to your phone company".


No way, I thought. We're not THAT divided, YET.

So I checked it out. Sure as shit: Eos Mobile - The Conservative Choice in Mobile

Obama babble
Hillary hyperbole
Bernie bankruptcy
Definitely an interesting business plan.

Now that everything is divided and politicized, I wonder what's next.

"The most progressive diapers ever offered"

The nation is so divided that we no longer want to talk to one another. We certainly don't want to do business with one another.
If you call Chik-fil-A with a LibPhone it connects you to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
The Eos Mobile phone has a persistent whining sound that never goes away.
The LibPhone has an automatic text alert app which lets you know whenever there is a protest within 50 miles of your location. The app is funded by ads for balaclavas and Che Guevara merch.

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