Okay Trump is clearly losing his shit when it comes to his one-sided feud with Mitch McConnell

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OP violates Clean Start. Please put these sort of threads in Badlands. Closed.
I am s
You really should quit, especially talking about my mother. My mother was fantastic, no more needs to be said.

My mother never got as bad off as Biden is now before she died, k? Any more bullshit to try? Hmm? Are you aware there's no family attacks permitted on this forum? If I get banned for this so be it, but Fuck You. You are in the wrong here. flacaltenn ,AyeCantSeeYou

My mother was a saint and I'm not happy with you talkin' bout my mama like that. I bet you can't do 7 pullups, but my mama could.
My mama served many tours of duty. She was an expert in Marksmanship, too. Yeah, before Nerfing of requirements. My mama taught me hand to hand combat, guy. Before the kung-fu and Thai boxing dudes did. That was just a rudimentary precursor to really knowing how to hurt another human being. Well, I'll say this about the training she got: It's as good as any of those in her branch of the service got.
Not the best in the US military by a longshot. I can still do pullups, with my Shrek ass to this day.
Whipping the Dragon's tail? Mmm..boy..mebbe not...but mebbe so! Wanna see? :D

Yeah, you have no clue, I guarantee it! I can't do everything I could in my 20s, but I done forgot more ways to hurt a human being than you ever knew. I still remember where a lot of pressure points are. Don't even want to get into knee and elbow extending and things like that. I'd rather do pressure points before it gets to that. It's not cool (IMO) to permanently injure another human being. It's OK in my book to incapactitate for a set period, but I mean, damn, you got to really have it in for someone to do certain things that I've seen others take way too casually. Way more than people that know how to do things would respect.
I am sure she was a fine person. I must remind, you are the one that started with the "Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies Motherfucker." comments. You obviously have a low threshold of frustration, when you fail to get your point across, and a loose use of favored epithets and insults. You may have heard the retort, "Don't call me your family names". This come from the notion that people pick up both their frustration response at a very early age, when their needs are quickly met just by screaming their head off. This coupled with a loose idea of what will be found acceptable in public, (or in the family) in relation to childish name-calling, and taken kindly in the spirit of childhood, spirited playground talk. The fact you would attempt to use the "motherfucker" epithet and then feign injury, is absurd on the face of it, as if it was of such common parlance in your upbringing is not shocking, but it puts you solidly in the "Karen" catagory of those with so little understanding of what they speak, they evolve into "OK for me, but not for thee" crowd", as if so use to getting their own way on the playground, possibly by a tendency to attempts at bully people to accept their abuse, as referenced by your useless training in martial arts, in this day and time, where launching physical attack on a supposed enemy, might likely see you shot until no longer a threat, in accordance with state law. I suggest you grow up and curb your baser instincts, limiting your speech and impulse control, when frustrated by your lack of communication skills. I am sorry, but there is nobody here to give you a hug and make you feel better, or empowered to use all the petty vulgar names you grew up with, now that you find yourself living in the real world.
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