Okay Trump is clearly losing his shit when it comes to his one-sided feud with Mitch McConnell

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I get that you guys love making this point, but because it’s obvious Trump is going to run for president it doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is you starting this OP. Hopefully you didn't think it was original or some crazy stuff like that.
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And conservatives want Trump to be 'president' again.
Americans deserve better presidents than what they've been getting. For 40 years until Trump, and in 2020 too. Boy.

I bet you're so stupid you don't question why diesel was a little over 1/2 the price of gas since the dawn of vehicles but now it's more than gas since Bush, faggot. I do, you idiot. If you had a tad more smarts, you would too, but you're a fucktard, so there's nothing intelligent coming from you. And I must say: Fuck off you fucking moron!
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I agree, tard.
There’s no denying that Biden says some whacky things sometimes. He’s already a bit off-beat and is an old man. That’s bound to happen. It simply deeply pales to the stupid word salad from Trump every time he opens his mouth. Trump is a goddamn moron. He has the vocabulary of a 9 year old. Biden is at least coherent. I’ll tell you right now that it took Trump a good half hour to compose that “tweet” on his failed, irrelevant “Truth Social” platform. My god even that name is stupid lol
What doesn't make sense is you starting this OP. Hopefully you didn't it was original or some crazy stuff like that.
Okay let me ask you to do this simple task: ignore me for a moment and directly address what Trump said in this quote.
You support "Weekend at Bernies" Democrats cheated in, really? Why? What have they done good for you via him, hmm?

Name 1 thing, I challenge you to.
"Weekend at Bernie's" was a cheesy movie. There were no politics in it. I had good popcorn when I went to see it, but I always have popcorn and it is always good. Something tells me you have trouble expressing yourself around normal people that don't speak the far right lingo. Try normal English, instead of argot.
"Weekend at Bernie's" was a cheesy movie. There were no politics in it. I had good popcorn when I went to see it, but I always have popcorn and it is always good. Something tells me you have trouble expressing yourself around normal people that don't speak the far right lingo. Try normal English, instead of argot.
Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up. I never have any problems expressing myself to anyone ever. I think you may be realizing that right about now; If not, that is not my problem.

Your judgement on that is wholly suspect, however. I talk to people all day every day, baby. I happen to know how to communicate. Are you actually claiming I don't? You know what, that black girl I bought 2 bags of ice for surely understood me; as well as the girl that came in after I bought it all and said she only needed one and I told her to get it, and from where. I think you are sadly mistaken. I ain't ever had any problems with anyone misunderstanding me, bitch. You done pissed me off with that bullshit. Go fuck yourself, motherfucker. Mod or not, eat shit, bitch! You got no right to make claims like that on anybody. And I'll guaran-damn-tee ya got life fucked up saying shit like that about me. I'll bet you understand what I said now, huh?

I am rarely misunderstood, ever. I don't mince words, and I am clear and concise. You can eat a dick, k?

I don't bother nobody, but you done bothered me with your bullshit. That ain't right.
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Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up. I never have any problems expressing myself to anyone ever. I think you may be realizing that right about now; If not, that is not my problem.

Your judgement on that is wholly suspect, however.
See all you can do is deflect to Biden. You can’t actually defend Trump. You’re too much of a pussy to address my OP.
Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up.
Explain the "Weekend and Bernies" reference. If you think he is dead and an imposter is taking his place, you should report it. What is it you think he did to cheat somebody and when?
Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up.
Explain the "Weekend and Bernies" reference. If you think he is dead and an imposter is taking his place, you should report it. What is it you think he did to cheat somebody and when? You get intense easy. What kind of "mother" issues do you have. Be advised, most people are not like you.
Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up.
What exactly does this have to do with a thread about a Trump losing his shit again and a one-sided feud between Trump and McConnell?
Explain the "Weekend and Bernies" reference. If you think he is dead and an imposter is taking his place, you should report it. What is it you think he did to cheat somebody and when? You get intense easy. What kind of "mother" issues do you have. Be advised, most people are not like you.
What exactly does this have to do with a thread about a Trump losing his shit again and a one-sided feud between Trump and McConnell?
Explain the "Weekend and Bernies" reference. If you think he is dead and an imposter is taking his place, you should report it. What is it you think he did to cheat somebody and when? You get intense easy. What kind of "mother" issues do you have. Be advised, most people are not like you.
I relate well to all people. Do you really think you're qualified to make a judgement like that on me? I say you're not, at all. :nono:
I'm here to tell ya: Most people are like me, and you got life fucked up somewhere. :dunno:

It's not my job to say where, and I'm not a professional psychiatrist, but there's summin' wrong witcha boy! :dunno:
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Explain the "Weekend and Bernies" reference. If you think he is dead and an imposter is taking his place, you should report it. What is it you think he did to cheat somebody and when? You get intense easy. What kind of "mother" issues do you have. Be advised, most people are not like you.
You really should quit, especially talking about my mother. My mother was fantastic, no more needs to be said.

My mother never got as bad off as Biden is now before she died, k? Any more bullshit to try? Hmm? Are you aware there's no family attacks permitted on this forum? If I get banned for this so be it, but Fuck You. You are in the wrong here. flacaltenn ,AyeCantSeeYou

My mother was a saint and I'm not happy with you talkin' bout my mama like that. I bet you can't do 7 pullups, but my mama could.
My mama served many tours of duty. She was an expert in Marksmanship, too. Yeah, before Nerfing of requirements. My mama taught me hand to hand combat, guy. Before the kung-fu and Thai boxing dudes did. That was just a rudimentary precursor to really knowing how to hurt another human being. Well, I'll say this about the training she got: It's as good as any of those in her branch of the service got.
Not the best in the US military by a longshot. I can still do pullups, with my Shrek ass to this day.
Whipping the Dragon's tail? Mmm..boy..mebbe not...but mebbe so! Wanna see? :D

Yeah, you have no clue, I guarantee it! I can't do everything I could in my 20s, but I done forgot more ways to hurt a human being than you ever knew. I still remember where a lot of pressure points are. Don't even want to get into knee and elbow extending and things like that. I'd rather do pressure points before it gets to that. It's not cool (IMO) to permanently injure another human being. It's OK in my book to incapactitate for a set period, but I mean, damn, you got to really have it in for someone to do certain things that I've seen others take way too casually. Way more than people that know how to do things would respect.
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Nothing to see here. Just a former president of the United States seeking to incite violence against the minority leader of the United States Senate and launching a racist verbal attack on the leader's wife
Only 8 posts in............and you lose your train of thought?
That's the title of the thread, moron.
'Always the child, Trump takes his mindless whining about McConnell to a new level. Here is his latest stupid non-sensical, rant: “Is McConnell..."


Clearly, the brain damage is permanent.
Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker. How can I possibly make that more clear to you?

Biden is dead from the neck up. I never have any problems expressing myself to anyone ever. I think you may be realizing that right about now; If not, that is not my problem.

Your judgement on that is wholly suspect, however. I talk to people all day every day, baby. I happen to know how to communicate. Are you actually claiming I don't? You know what, that black girl I bought 2 bags of ice for surely understood me; as well as the girl that came in after I bought it all and said she only needed one and I told her to get it, and from where. I think you are sadly mistaken. I ain't ever had any problems with anyone misunderstanding me, bitch. You done pissed me off with that bullshit. Go fuck yourself, motherfucker. Mod or not, eat shit, bitch! You got no right to make claims like that on anybody. And I'll guaran-damn-tee ya got life fucked up saying shit like that about me. I'll bet you understand what I said now, huh?

I am rarely misunderstood, ever. I don't mince words, and I am clear and concise. You can eat a dick, k?

I don't bother nobody, but you done bothered me with your bullshit. That ain't right.
"Democrats cheated in a "Weekend at Bernies" Motherfucker"

Democrats were in the movie, Weekend at Bernie's?
No republicans?
Is that how they cheated?
Do you have proof no republicans were in the movie?
Only 8 posts in............and you lose your train of thought?
That's the title of the thread, moron.
'Always the child, Trump takes his mindless whining about McConnell to a new level. Here is his latest stupid non-sensical, rant: “Is McConnell..."

View attachment 703928

Clearly, the brain damage is permanent.
We're on the doorstep of WWIII lead by PedoPete with dementia, record inflation, housing and stock markets collapsing and Progressives can only talk about Orange Man Bad.
We're on the doorstep of WWIII lead by PedoPete with dementia, record inflation, housing and stock markets collapsing and Progressives can only talk about Orange Man Bad.
Oh so, why do you even comment on a thread about Trump?

'Always the child, Trump takes his mindless whining about McConnell to a new level. Here is his latest stupid non-sensical, rant: “Is McConnell..."

When all you really want to do is try to divert, distract and derail, the comments away from your dear leader.
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