Oklahoma Court rules in favor of women's reproductive rights

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
IOW's- "in favor of women's health" :) if I read that right.

the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a 2011 state law violated the Constitution by effectively banning all medicinal, nonsurgical abortions. The case, already accepted for review by the United States Supreme Court, may be decided this term.

An Oklahoma trial judge struck down the law last year, saying that it was “so completely at odds with the standard that governs the practice of medicine that it can serve no purpose other than to prevent women from obtaining abortions and to punish and discriminate against those women who do.”
I've been pro-life as long as I've lived. If I could reverse Roe v. Wade I'd do so in a heartbeat.

Until then the best thing to reduce abortions is to promote and support organizations that exist to help women considering abortions. There aren't enough of them, which is shocking to me considering the number of people in this country that consider themselves pro-life.

I am pregnant - unplanned pregancy information for women considering adoption
Guardian Angel Adoptions » Birth Parents
Services from the Pregnancy Help Center
Lifecall - Pregnant and need help? We can help you.

There are others but they need more support. I hope there are plenty in Oklahoma.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

If she has enough support she might decide not to. I'm not denying that there's nowhere near enough support... but there should be.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

If she has enough support she might decide not to. I'm not denying that there's nowhere near enough support... but there should be.

She can be given support, and she is - but any place offering her counseling should offer her all choices - including abortion.
I've been pro-life as long as I've lived. If I could reverse Roe v. Wade I'd do so in a heartbeat.

Until then the best thing to reduce abortions is to promote and support organizations that exist to help women considering abortions. There aren't enough of them, which is shocking to me considering the number of people in this country that consider themselves pro-life.

I am pregnant - unplanned pregancy information for women considering adoption
Guardian Angel Adoptions » Birth Parents
Services from the Pregnancy Help Center
Lifecall - Pregnant and need help? We can help you.

There are others but they need more support. I hope there are plenty in Oklahoma.

Nope. Best thing to do is educate in use of (and then provide) birth control. No abortions needed if pregnancy is avoided.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

If she has enough support she might decide not to. I'm not denying that there's nowhere near enough support... but there should be.

She can be given support, and she is - but any place offering her counseling should offer her all choices - including abortion.

I think abortion has become a "first avenue" of coping with a pregnancy. It's quick, relatively cheap (often times free), and relieves the expectant mother of any inconveniences whatsoever. Sure, there may be some guilt or afterthought (buyer's remorse?) but that doesn't last long.

If individuals or organizations choose to oppose the practice, counsel expectant mothers on alternatives to abortion, respect life and the choice of giving life... well more power to them. Isn't that in itself a "right to choose"?
I've been pro-life as long as I've lived. If I could reverse Roe v. Wade I'd do so in a heartbeat.

Until then the best thing to reduce abortions is to promote and support organizations that exist to help women considering abortions. There aren't enough of them, which is shocking to me considering the number of people in this country that consider themselves pro-life.

I am pregnant - unplanned pregancy information for women considering adoption
Guardian Angel Adoptions » Birth Parents
Services from the Pregnancy Help Center
Lifecall - Pregnant and need help? We can help you.

There are others but they need more support. I hope there are plenty in Oklahoma.

Nope. Best thing to do is educate in use of (and then provide) birth control. No abortions needed if pregnancy is avoided.

I couldn't agree more.
If she has enough support she might decide not to. I'm not denying that there's nowhere near enough support... but there should be.

She can be given support, and she is - but any place offering her counseling should offer her all choices - including abortion.

I think abortion has become a "first avenue" of coping with a pregnancy. It's quick, relatively cheap (often times free), and relieves the expectant mother of any inconveniences whatsoever. Sure, there may be some guilt or afterthought (buyer's remorse?) but that doesn't last long.

If individuals or organizations choose to oppose the practice, counsel expectant mothers on alternatives to abortion, respect life and the choice of giving life... well more power to them. Isn't that in itself a "right to choose"?

Of course but these groups often spread misinformation, such as abortion causing breast cancer, for example, which isn't true.
And what support do the women get after they have the child?
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

What choice do they offer, beyond the only choice of giving birth?
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

What choice do they offer, beyond the only choice of giving birth?

Birth IS the only other choice. But the voice for abortion is much louder than the voice for keeping the child or allowing it a chance at adoption.

Consider the difference in wealth and power between Emily's List and a group like Susan B. Anthony List... there's just no contest.

It seems to me there is a lot more support for abortion than there is for sparing the child. And I wish that would change.
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^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

What choice do they offer, beyond the only choice of giving birth?

Google it for yourself. Take a look, people actually have huge hearts and care deeply for these women/girls

One thing they offer is truth. Love and support. As well as material goods for her pregnancy. and we never just drop her after she has the baby or chooses to abort. We always are there for her and her baby's father if they need something or just need a friend. We provide material support after the baby is born as well. Even child day care. I even became close friends with some of the girls. To this day I get Christmas cards with pictures of her little boy, from one who chose to abort once, (PP won out on that one) and the second time she chose to have her baby. He is now 8 years old, and that is only one example.
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I've been pro-life as long as I've lived. If I could reverse Roe v. Wade I'd do so in a heartbeat.

Until then the best thing to reduce abortions is to promote and support organizations that exist to help women considering abortions. There aren't enough of them, which is shocking to me considering the number of people in this country that consider themselves pro-life.

I am pregnant - unplanned pregancy information for women considering adoption
Guardian Angel Adoptions » Birth Parents
Services from the Pregnancy Help Center
Lifecall - Pregnant and need help? We can help you.

There are others but they need more support. I hope there are plenty in Oklahoma.

Consider as well ways to end the practice of abortion before a woman realizes an unwanted pregnancy, such as comprehensive sex education and availability of contraceptives.

Remember also that ‘banning’ abortion will in no way end it, and would likely facilitate its continued existence.

Last, Griswold/Roe/Casey isn’t about ‘abortion,’ it’s about privacy rights; seeking to ‘overturn’ this jurisprudence would not only fail to end abortion, but would place our civil liberties in jeopardy.

One can be pro-life/anti-abortion as well as an advocate of privacy rights – limiting the power of the state – supporting a woman’s right to choose in the context of the right to privacy.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

"anti-lifers"? Never heard that one before. :rolleyes: Coming from an anti-choicer, such as yourself, thats rich.

As to the OP, a woman has a right to preserve her life. She has rights.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

"anti-lifers"? Never heard that one before. :rolleyes: Coming from an anti-choicer, such as yourself, thats rich.

As to the OP, a woman has a right to preserve her life. She has rights.

I am a choicer. I just choose truth above propaganda. I didn't drink the koolaid.

The women also has a right to be truthfully informed
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

There is no such thing as an ‘anti-lifer.’ It’s ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

Again, one can be an advocate of privacy rights and support a woman’s right to decide for herself in the context of that right to privacy and be an opponent of abortion as well, as everyone is ‘pro-life.’
She can be given support, and she is - but any place offering her counseling should offer her all choices - including abortion.

I think abortion has become a "first avenue" of coping with a pregnancy. It's quick, relatively cheap (often times free), and relieves the expectant mother of any inconveniences whatsoever. Sure, there may be some guilt or afterthought (buyer's remorse?) but that doesn't last long.

If individuals or organizations choose to oppose the practice, counsel expectant mothers on alternatives to abortion, respect life and the choice of giving life... well more power to them. Isn't that in itself a "right to choose"?

Of course but these groups often spread misinformation, such as abortion causing breast cancer, for example, which isn't true.
And what support do the women get after they have the child?
Really now... breast cancer? That's almost comical if true.

And in a way, pathetic in that it places the onus of abortion on the expectant mother and not the pre-spectant child.

It's been said that kids say the darndest things. Outside the womb that is.

Inside the womb? Fergeddaboudit!

Liberal ideology is about voicing for those without voice. Except the pre-born. For the pre-born, Liberals place voices inside expectant mothers' heads.
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

There is no such thing as an ‘anti-lifer.’ It’s ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

Again, one can be an advocate of privacy rights and support a woman’s right to decide for herself in the context of that right to privacy and be an opponent of abortion as well, as everyone is ‘pro-life.’

^ that
^they don't offer choices to women. They are anti abortion organisations. Let the woman make her own decision.

They do so offer choices. You anti lifers do not have a monopoly on the word.

I volunteered for one such organization.

At least they have a soul.

There is no such thing as an ‘anti-lifer.’ It’s ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

Again, one can be an advocate of privacy rights and support a woman’s right to decide for herself in the context of that right to privacy and be an opponent of abortion as well, as everyone is ‘pro-life.’

That it is. But anything to mock, shame, belittle, denigrate or otherwise tear down anyone who doesn't agree with them.

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