Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Insider...lulz...FAKE NOOZ ALERT!

Using veterinary medications on humans almost always goes wrong.


The situation is so dire that people with gunshot wounds have to wait their turn to get treatment, Dr. Jason McElyea, an ER physician affiliated with hospitals in Sallisaw, told KFOR, an NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City.

McElyea spoke to the channel this week about the dangers of overdosing on the version of ivermectin meant for use in livestock. He said the hospitals he worked at became overwhelmed after people started taking ivermectin, believing unverified claims that it's an effective COVID-19 treatment.

"The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated," McElyea said.

He added: "All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don't have any, that's it. If there's no ambulance to take the call, there's no ambulance to come to the call."

McElyea said many of his patients were familiar with the drug. "Growing up in a small town, rural area, we've all accidentally been exposed to ivermectin at some time. So, it's something people are familiar with," he said. "Because of those accidental sticks when trying to inoculate cattle, they're less afraid of it."

But McElyea said he'd seen people suffering from the ramifications of taking doses meant for a full-sized horse, including instances of vision loss, nausea, and vomiting.

Rather than get the vaccine...they would rather deworm themselves. I wonder who these smart people voted for in 2020?

They are willing to take a drug that removes worms in livestock, that is not recommended by the CDC, that isn't proven to work and can have serious side effects. All without a doctor's prescription and monitoring.

Yet they won't take a fully approved CDC vaccine that is proven to be effective and is recommended by doctors.

Ok. That's about the level of stupidity I expect from trump people.

Doesn't Have Worms.png
Insider...lulz...FAKE NOOZ ALERT!

Using veterinary medications on humans almost always goes wrong.
A bit beneath you, eh? I mean...this is obviously NOT fake news..at least not factually. You go ahead and drop the meme anyway?
You sure are correct though, anyone who uses pet meds to dose themselves is just asking for Darwin to smack their asses.

On 26 August 2021, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a critical warning.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was only an average of 3,600 ivermectin prescriptions per week.
It has now reached 88,000 ivermectin prescriptions in the week ending 13 August 2021 – 24X higher than the pre-pandemic baseline.
This does NOT even include the use of ivermectin-based veterinary products.

Ivermectin US prescriptions 2021-08-13

CDC : 5X Increase In Ivermectin Poisoning Cases!​

Coupled with the massive increase in ivermectin use from prescriptions and veterinary products, is a huge 5X increase in ivermectin poisoning cases.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), there was :

  • a 3X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in January 2021, and
  • a 5X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in July 2021.
These reports of ivermectin poisoning were associated with adverse effects and visits to emergency departments or hospitals. The CDC shared two examples :

An adult drank an injectable ivermectin formulation intended for use in cattle in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection. This patient presented to a hospital with confusion, drowsiness, visual hallucinations, tachypnea, and tremors. The patient recovered after being hospitalized for nine days.

  • An adult patient presented with altered mental status after taking ivermectin tablets of unknown strength purchased on the internet. The patient reportedly took five tablets a day for five days to treat COVID-19. The patient was disoriented and had difficulty answering questions and following commands. Symptoms improved with discontinuation of ivermectin after hospital admission.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday alerted health care providers and the public to reports of severe illness associated with using products containing ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. While ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat infections caused by parasites, it is not authorized or approved to prevent or treat COVID-19. Dispensing of ivermectin by retail pharmacies and calls to poison control centers involving the drug have increased sharply during the pandemic, however. In some cases, people have ingested products purchased without a prescription, including topical formulations and veterinary products, CDC said. Clinical effects of ivermectin poisoning can range from gastrointestinal symptoms to hypotension and neurological effects.
Insider...lulz...FAKE NOOZ ALERT!

Using veterinary medications on humans almost always goes wrong.

View attachment 534479
Actually, it's not fake news...but it's fucking hysterical. Another miracle cure brought to you by Trump..and his supporters. :auiqs.jpg:

Ok, you do know this shit used for de-worming LIVESTOCK..right?? :)
A bit beneath you, eh? I mean...this is obviously NOT fake news..at least not factually. You go ahead and drop the meme anyway?
You sure are correct though, anyone who uses pet meds to dose themselves is just asking for Darwin to smack their asses.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday alerted health care providers and the public to reports of severe illness associated with using products containing ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. While ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat infections caused by parasites, it is not authorized or approved to prevent or treat COVID-19. Dispensing of ivermectin by retail pharmacies and calls to poison control centers involving the drug have increased sharply during the pandemic, however. In some cases, people have ingested products purchased without a prescription, including topical formulations and veterinary products, CDC said. Clinical effects of ivermectin poisoning can range from gastrointestinal symptoms to hypotension and neurological effects.
The story is about stupid people taking unprescribed veterinary medications, not about the FauxiFlu per se.

But you doomsaying scaremongers will never let an opportunity go by the boards, to disparage those who don't want to come to heel over your moronic and contradictory CDC Kabuki dances.

You should be embarrassed, were it that y'all hadn't completely dissociated yourselves from the emotion.
The story is about stupid people taking prescribed veterinary medications, not about the FauxiFlu per se.

But you doomsaying scaremongers will never let an opportunity go by the boards, to disparage those who don't want to come to heel over your moronic and contradictory CDC Kabuki dances.

You should be embarrassed, were it that y'all hadn't completely dissociated yourselves from the emotion.
Well..stupid people always amuse..cruel, I suppose, yet true.

Embarrassed? Not so much..the real story..for me..is that this dangerous...ridiculous..extreme is being urged and encouraged by so-called Right-wing influencers on social media.

Now that....ain't really funny at all~

Rather than get the vaccine...they would rather deworm themselves. I wonder who these smart people voted for in 2020?
And once again, Dimmers take anything written on the bathroom walls and accept it as their gospel.
Actually, it's not fake news...but it's fucking hysterical. Another miracle cure brought to you by Trump..and his supporters. :auiqs.jpg:

Ok, you do know this shit used for de-worming LIVESTOCK..right?? :)
Unfortunately, it seems to be working wonders if administered correctly, and several studies are still ongoing. It might have saved a lot of hardship for a lot of people...too bad the media canceled the idea early on. If they hadn't silenced the idea, its very likely the correct type and treatment regime would have been disseminated over a year ago, instead of people having to guess about it and take matters into their own hands. Same goes for UV-C disinfection, which also is proven to work under the right circumstances, but still being canceled by liberal msm.
Unfortunately, it seems to be working wonders if administered correctly, and several studies are still ongoing. It might have saved a lot of hardship for a lot of people...too bad the media canceled the idea early on. If they hadn't silenced the idea, its very likely the correct type and treatment regime would have been disseminated over a year ago, instead of people having to guess about it and take matters into their own hands. Same goes for UV-C disinfection, which also is proven to work under the right circumstances, but still being canceled by liberal msm.
No. It doesn't. Taken in the doses that are meant for animals...it can result in a number of really bad things. It can be used to treat parasitic infestations in humans....in very small doses.
It doesn't work wonders. It's meant to de-worm LIVESTOCK. :auiqs.jpg:

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