Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

This a dosage issue that does NOT mean Ivermectin is ineffective against the virus. It is quite effective but some people are not being careful about the dosage level. Of course all of the vax hucksters use the small percentage of overdose cases to smear a very effective drug so you all can keep pushing vaccines.
A dangerous lie.
Do show me all those who have been helped by this petmed. Got some studies? I suspect that the number of poisonings and overdoses...far exceed anything you can find that proves that this is effective.
This a dosage issue that does NOT mean Ivermectin is ineffective against the virus. It is quite effective but some people are not being careful about the dosage level. Of course all of the vax hucksters use the small percentage of overdose cases to smear a very effective drug so you all can keep pushing vaccines.
As long as you prefer an overdose of ivermectin, which is the normal dose.
No, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
There's nothing about political affiliation here....So go blow a goat, drive-by peckerhead.

Unfortunately, it seems to be working wonders if administered correctly, and several studies are still ongoing. It might have saved a lot of hardship for a lot of people...too bad the media canceled the idea early on. If they hadn't silenced the idea, its very likely the correct type and treatment regime would have been disseminated over a year ago, instead of people having to guess about it and take matters into their own hands. Same goes for UV-C disinfection, which also is proven to work under the right circumstances, but still being canceled by liberal msm.

The story is about cheapskate fools using veterinary medications, rather than paying a few dollars to get a doctor's prescription.
Well..stupid people always amuse..cruel, I suppose, yet true.

Embarrassed? Not so much..the real story..for me..is that this dangerous...ridiculous..extreme is being urged and encouraged by so-called Right-wing influencers on social media.

Now that....ain't really funny at all~
Nobody is calling for anyone to use veterinary medications, dumbfuck.
Unfortunately, it seems to be working wonders if administered correctly, and several studies are still ongoing. It might have saved a lot of hardship for a lot of people...too bad the media canceled the idea early on. If they hadn't silenced the idea, its very likely the correct type and treatment regime would have been disseminated over a year ago, instead of people having to guess about it and take matters into their own hands. Same goes for UV-C disinfection, which also is proven to work under the right circumstances, but still being canceled by liberal msm.

it seems to be working wonders if administered correctly, and several studies are still ongoing.

I need more than anecdotal evidence before i take some meds designed to deworm my horse? Please feel free to post those studies showing hard evidence that ivermectin helps...materially.
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There's nothing about political affiliation here....So go blow a goat, drive-by peckerhead.

View attachment 534485
Doesn't have to be anything about it. If you are stupid enough to take Ivermectin (and yeah, Joe Rogan fits into this too),
then you're on the right hand side of the aisle. Those on the left tend to hold science and medicine in high regard. They wouldn't
take something meant to de-worm LIVESTOCK. Their minds are not easily molded. Dollars to donuts, these are Trump supporters.

The story is about cheapskate fools using veterinary medications, rather than paying a few dollars to get a doctor's prescription.
Post number 9

Hint: chart specifically charts prescriptions
Joe Rogan just cured himself with Ivermectin, lots of other anecdotal evidence with successful results. There are clinical trials going on with Ivermectin but it will take time to get those results.
What were the odds that Joe Rogan gets better without ivermectin?

Pretty high.

There are trials with ivermectin! They show it doesn’t work.
Doesn't have to be anything about it. If you are stupid enough to take Ivermectin (and yeah, Joe Rogan fits into this too),
then you're on the right hand side of the aisle. Those on the left tend to hold science and medicine in high regard. They wouldn't
take something meant to de-worm LIVESTOCK. Their minds are not easily molded. Dollars to donuts, these are Trump supporters.
The Ivermectin used here is for VETERINARY PURPOSES, not the medication for humans take by Rogan.

But we all already know that you're too fuckign stupid to be able to make that distinction.
EvilEyeFleegle You are the ones pushing the dangerous lie. You did the same thing with Hydroxychloroquine. You are all in love with vaccines that are so weak we have to take multiple doses. Once you have Covid, it's too late for a vaccine.
Your last sentence should be what you focus on--as you decide whether to vax or not.
Too many have decided to reject science in favor of anecdotal 'medicine show' remedies..good luck with that.
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What were the odds that Joe Rogan gets better without ivermectin?

Pretty high.

There are trials with ivermectin! They show it doesn’t work.
Yes..it's like leeching in the middle ages...some got better in spite of the treatment..so people thought that it was the way to go...when, in fact, it killed most people.
The Ivermectin used here is for VETERINARY PURPOSES, not the medication for humans take by Rogan.

But we all already know that you're too fuckign stupid to be able to make that distinction.

Jack is too issued to build four walls and a roof and put a door on the front of it to park his car in out of the weather.

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