Oklahoma gives a big thumbs down to recreational marijuana

If a couple of drinks get that person drunk, then yes, that person is a drunk.

Doesn't matter if they are legally drunk they still are affected by the alcohol.

And they drink to feel that effect.

Weed is no difference. Most people I know take a single hit off a bong or a bowl then wait a while before doing another they don't sit and smoke joint after joint
Alcohol can kill you

Weed can't

It is true I have never read about anyone getting week poisoning from smoking too much yet alcohol poisoning is pretty common.

In the end it is all about control. These people want everyone to act just like them and if they do not wish to do something, they attempt to make it illegal.
Speaking of smell, does the former 1-term fuckup still smell like strippers?

How did his 3 wives miss that?

Maybe, but more than likely the smell of your asshole on his dick is what you're probably smelling.

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