Oklahoma gives a big thumbs down to recreational marijuana

You're the most angry and bitter poster on the entire board. Something went wrong in your life.

I'm out. Cheers. :ahole-1:
that lady from canada is way worse....she acts just as bad as those she accuses of being assholes...sassy aint nothing like that...
that lady from canada is way worse....she acts just as bad as those she accuses of being assholes...sassy aint nothing like that...
Sassy is the worst on the board, but that's okay, she don't really bother anyone. It's one thing to be angry and bitter, and it's another to take it out on others.
bullshit,,, and doesnt prove your claim right,,

I know for a fact if you have weed you never leads to worse drugs,,

I also know for a fact that hundreds of thousands die every year from alcohol and its effects,,
More thousands are dying every year from drug overdoses
Yeah, until the LEOs get enough brains and support to just start executing EVERY individual they find involved in the drug trade and confiscating their property (as should have been done with liquor).
there goes all the doctors....
Sassy is the worst on the board, but that's okay, she don't really bother anyone. It's one thing to be angry and bitter, and it's another to take it out on others.
she isnt as abusive as the Canadian...that woman is as bad as those she bitches about being asses.....

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