Oklahoma gives a big thumbs down to recreational marijuana

Here in Oregon where voters legalized it in 2014, the black market is bigger than ever!

Amid explosion of illegal marijuana production, Oregon looks to toughening laws​

You are in a very permissive state. Sorry, but the good people have lost. Perhaps it is time to relocate. Now Oregon is discussing paying $1,000/month for homes to buy their dope, while they sh#t on your streets and live in tents in your parks and tourist area, and of course you remember the state put up with erection of autonomous zones, indulgently, rather that serving the needs and desires of the taxpaying public and businesses. You are on the inside. Do you see positive change? If so, we aren't hearing it on the outside. Sorry for your situation. I hear it used to be nice.
The mobs homeless criminals sleeping on the streets of big blue cities are not drinking beer

They are drug addicts plain and simple

actually many are alcoholics. why are you not pushing to have boozed banned again nation wide?
Just have to keep buying it on the black market, oh well, those guys are sure happy
Yeah, until the LEOs get enough brains and support to just start executing EVERY individual they find involved in the drug trade and confiscating their property (as should have been done with liquor).
Breast fed kids don't do drugs.
actually many are alcoholics. why are you not pushing to have boozed banned again nation wide?
Pick up a history book and learn about Prohibition

Now I suppose you will come back telling us that Prohibition failed and we should allow everyone to injest any drug they please

The reason I wont agree is that booze is much more deeply embedded in our culture and besides its less harmful
Pick up a history book and learn about Prohibition

Now I suppose you will come back telling us that Prohibition failed and we should allow everyone to injest any drug they please

The reason I wont agree is that booze is much more deeply embedded in our culture and besides its less harmful
booze is les harmful my ass,,,
to date not a single person has died from weed and the numbers for booze are off the charts,,

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