Oklahoma mom flied to Afghanistan to rescue some girls

I love when I hear stories about people who flied somewhere. LOL

Good on her. As soon as there is another GOP president; they will be deported unfortunately...and the woman will likely be jailed.
Move with the wind implies impulsivity. We’ve been in Afghanistan for 20 years. This isn’t impulsive.
You know the administration screwed this up royally. And you keep selling something else. Whatever we are doing in these nations, citizens expect to be protected by their government. If they had ample warning and did not go then it is on them. Of course they would have to know the exact date of our military leaving at the earliest.
If they had ample warning and did not go then it is on them. Of course they would have to know the exact date of our military leaving at the earliest.
They had ample warning. The State Dept told them to leave immediately months ago. They did not say “wait till the last possible second”.
Aaaaand now Republicans support immigration from “shithole” countries.
Do you support a wide open Southern border with completely unknown and undocumented people pouring in from 60 different countries? That's NOT immigration that is an attack on our country.
Biden has blood on his hands for voting to go to war that was a mistake, and blood on his hands in the way he withdrew from it.

He was wrong going in and coming out, yet the partisan shills here refuse to admit any of it.

Thus the power of the cult of the DNC.

Biden didn't make the decision to go in nor did he make the decision to leave. That was W and Cheney. W asked Democrats to support his decision in the nation's time of trouble and Biden did that. In 2008, you castigated Obama for voting AGAINST the war, and in 2016 you castigated Hillary for voting in favour of it. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Biden didn't sign the Agreement with the Taliban either. He was just left to deal with the consequences of the decisions made and the agreements signed by others.

But keep trying to blame Democrats for this. It's what you do.
xiden had 8 months…why couldn’t he??

Joe BIDEN, has had 8 months to get his new government up and running, deal with an economic collapse, a pandemic, a border crisis, and to restore the economy, He's had to fend off multiple attacks from Russian hackers, and attempt by Republicans to disenfranchise black and poor voters.

What did Dumb Donald do in the three months between when he lost the election, and when he left office? There was no provision made by the Trump Administration to pull the Afghan interpreters out. No framework to give them citizenship for their years of service, and no funding to get them out of the country. Why didn't Trump at least get that stuff under way?

You're really fucking quick to give Trump a full pass on his ineptitude and incompetence here.
So how come full grown american adults in Afghanistan couldn't get out even with a years advance warning?

A lot of them probably had strong connections there. A lot of them probably felt some purpose there and as human nature is... we often like to push things to the last minute. I'm sure they had some faith that their government would notify them when it was likely time to go, and I doubt they would ever think they would be left stranded.

How COME Biden and his security advisors didnt even know which or how many Americans were in Afghanistan? when they had 8 months to prepare? you know.. just get somebody on that assignment with the fucking U.S. embassy in Kandahar... its not rocket science but it might as well be to clueless Joe Biden.

You know i'm a registered Democrat so I constantly get the stupid ass texts from Move On .org on my phone every week... begging for money or this or that. Hell they would have done a much better job than the Biden Administration... they should have strongly notified these people that they would be left on their own and that they needed to be in a certain place at a certain time or at the very least.. let the Embassy be aware of their location IN COUNTRY! Its just called being concerned for your citizens... which is the ONE AND ONLY job we elect these clowns to do.
The blame falls on the professionals here. These guys were billed as the most experienced team ever.
Joe BIDEN, has had 8 months to get his new government up and running, deal with an economic collapse, a pandemic, a border crisis, and to restore the economy, He's had to fend off multiple attacks from Russian hackers, and attempt by Republicans to disenfranchise black and poor voters.

What did Dumb Donald do in the three months between when he lost the election, and when he left office? There was no provision made by the Trump Administration to pull the Afghan interpreters out. No framework to give them citizenship for their years of service, and no funding to get them out of the country. Why didn't Trump at least get that stuff under way?

You're really fucking quick to give Trump a full pass on his ineptitude and incompetence here.

then he should have extended the withdrawal date if he wasnt ready until winter... when the Taliban could not attack. Screw the Taliban and their schedule... they break every agreement anyway as WE CAN SEE. Also.. Biden had no problems whatsoever scheduling his vacation at the critical hour of the troop withdrawal.. face it they were not ready.
They had ample warning. The State Dept told them to leave immediately months ago. They did not say “wait till the last possible second”.
So the day of the military leaving changed unexpectedly even though if true by your post that they had ample warnings to leave.
A lot of them probably had strong connections there. A lot of them probably felt some purpose there and as human nature is... we often like to push things to the last minute.
Sounds like a personal problem that shouldn't be blamed on any prez.
then he should have extended the withdrawal date if he wasnt ready until winter... when the Taliban could not attack. Screw the Taliban and their schedule... they break every agreement anyway as WE CAN SEE. Also.. Biden had no problems whatsoever scheduling his vacation at the critical hour of the troop withdrawal.. face it they were not ready.

He already extended the deadline from May to September because he had too much on his plate.

This is how the USA has procrastinated about leaving Afghanistan for 20 years. There was never going to be a good time to leave. The Taliban were always going to take over when you left. And it was never going to be pretty when it all went down.

What wasn't predicted was the utter collapse of the Afghan Army and the ability of the Taliban to retake the country without firing a shot. That alone tells you what an abject failure the past 20 years have been. That the entire country would simply surrender to the Taliban without firing a shot.
He already extended the deadline from May to September because he had too much on his plate.

This is how the USA has procrastinated about leaving Afghanistan for 20 years. There was never going to be a good time to leave. The Taliban were always going to take over when you left. And it was never going to be pretty when it all went down.

What wasn't predicted was the utter collapse of the Afghan Army and the ability of the Taliban to retake the country without firing a shot. That alone tells you what an abject failure the past 20 years have been. That the entire country would simply surrender to the Taliban without firing a shot.
Repubs just need something to yap about because the fraudits failed, the Kraken turned out to be a salamander, and Drumpf wasnt reinstated.
Someone who didn't care is more like it until the shit hit the fan. Did the State Dept. lie to her about the safety of her daughter in a war torn country? Did she believe the doddering old fool in the W.H. that everyone would be fine until they werent? If the woman is 60 years old her daughter must be an adult. Somethin ain't right about the story.

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