Olbermanm destroys Trump

I'm not a Republican and a vast majority of his supporters aren't Republicans who went with the last man standing.

The MAJORITY of his supporters are new voters, independents, Reagan democrats, socially liberal Republicans and people that don't identify with one party or the other. That's what people don't understand. This is a movement NOT a "lets get a Republican elected!!" Far from it.

Republican party will never return to what it was and that's a good thing.

He's barely pulling even with one of the most unlikable candidates in history who can't even stay scandal free for a week. And that's with the millions in free advertising the media has given him over the past year. If his crossover appeal is that great then he's doing a shitty job of taking advantage of it.

Don't believe all the BS you see on TV and from the MSM dude. The race isn't as close as they want you to believe.

The same was said all throughout 2012 as well. The polls ended up being very close to accurate.
not even the same thing as 2012 this is a whole different animal. We'd all be wise to throw out everything we thought we knew about elections and polls this time around. In 2012 Trump would have never made it out of the Primaries.

I've said it before I'll say it again, this election is about us vs them. Them being the entire political establishment machine, special interests, lobbyists, bankers, wall street, globalists, big corp/pharma and the rich and powerful. This election (for Trump supporters) isn't just about keeping a Dem/Clinton out of office. That's way down the list. This election, for us, is about putting ALL AMERICANS first, ending globalism, ending pointless wars, ending Washington corruption, ending open boarders, ending bad trade deals and installing a Government that is truly "for", "by" and "of".

Believe it or not, returning this country back into the American people's hands is the single most important thing we (Trump supporters) want to see. You can add in the Supreme court and a host of other ideological issues to it as well, but having a better America for ALL is what we ant to see.
And yet again:

Olbermann is merely repeating everything Trump has said – those are Trump’s own lies, in his own words.

Not editorial, not option, a factual accounting of Trump's lies, bigotry, and why he is indeed unfit to be president.

So you are of the belief that Hitlery is "fit" to be CEO of USA.INC? Would that be because she is a socialist POS that is in the back pocket of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds?
nobody cares about Keith Olberman..........how many people actually saw this? About 249?:boobies::boobies::gay:

Try over 250,000...in 2 days.


Video's going viral and getting spread all over the internet...
Dogs dancing on their hind legs go viral on the internet...getting 250,000 "hits" doesn't make Keith Olbermann any less of a has been.
Olbermann is a blatant liar /end thread

Is that what passes for a rebuttal in whatever shithole you thought you were getting an education?
Olbermann is a blatant liar /end thread


Respectfully disagree.

Olberman doesn't have the requisite mental capacity to know the Truth when hits him in the face, and consequently...technically...he cannot lie.

He was driven Mad years ago by Jealousy.

Even MSNBC couldn't stomach him. Fired Him!

Can you imagine how looney you have to be to get kicked off MSNBC.

Fuck Olberman...and whatever he had to say on that video the O. P. is so proud of. Nobody but a sucker would listen to Olberman.

Its a sign of how desperate the Democrat/Socialist/Crooked-Lying Clintointites are getting.

Keith Olberman to the rescue! You got to be kidding.


Dogs dancing on their hind legs go viral on the internet...getting 250,000 "hits" doesn't make Keith Olbermann any less of a has been.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but it's not just "my" opinion that Olbermann is a has been...it's also the opinion of his employers who fired him.

He has a bit of a 'problem' with authority. He really should just start his own thing and work for himself.
Republicans. And don't pretend that a vast majority of his supporters aren't just Republicans who went with the last man standing.
I'm not a Republican and a vast majority of his supporters aren't Republicans who went with the last man standing.

The MAJORITY of his supporters are new voters, independents, Reagan democrats, socially liberal Republicans and people that don't identify with one party or the other. That's what people don't understand. This is a movement NOT a "lets get a Republican elected!!" Far from it.

Republican party will never return to what it was and that's a good thing.

He's barely pulling even with one of the most unlikable candidates in history who can't even stay scandal free for a week. And that's with the millions in free advertising the media has given him over the past year. If his crossover appeal is that great then he's doing a shitty job of taking advantage of it.

Don't believe all the BS you see on TV and from the MSM dude. The race isn't as close as they want you to believe.

The same was said all throughout 2012 as well. The polls ended up being very close to accurate.
not even the same thing as 2012 this is a whole different animal. We'd all be wise to throw out everything we thought we knew about elections and polls this time around. In 2012 Trump would have never made it out of the Primaries.

I've said it before I'll say it again, this election is about us vs them. Them being the entire political establishment machine, special interests, lobbyists, bankers, wall street, globalists, big corp/pharma and the rich and powerful. This election (for Trump supporters) isn't just about keeping a Dem/Clinton out of office. That's way down the list. This election, for us, is about putting ALL AMERICANS first, ending globalism, ending pointless wars, ending Washington corruption, ending open boarders, ending bad trade deals and installing a Government that is truly "for", "by" and "of".

Believe it or not, returning this country back into the American people's hands is the single most important thing we (Trump supporters) want to see. You can add in the Supreme court and a host of other ideological issues to it as well, but having a better America for ALL is what we ant to see.

this is not a different animal. this is more of the radical right pretending that there is a conspiracy to make them look bad.

heres' a hint....trumpsters make themselves look bad....

and the polls are tightening, as would be expected....
Dogs dancing on their hind legs go viral on the internet...getting 250,000 "hits" doesn't make Keith Olbermann any less of a has been.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but it's not just "my" opinion that Olbermann is a has been...it's also the opinion of his employers who fired him.

He has a bit of a 'problem' with authority. He really should just start his own thing and work for himself.

which doesn't mean he isn't brilliant or correct.

he's both....

but it is amusing to watch dumb donald's people whine and cringe.
Dogs dancing on their hind legs go viral on the internet...getting 250,000 "hits" doesn't make Keith Olbermann any less of a has been.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but it's not just "my" opinion that Olbermann is a has been...it's also the opinion of his employers who fired him.

He has a bit of a 'problem' with authority. He really should just start his own thing and work for himself.

which doesn't mean he isn't brilliant or correct.

he's both....

but it is amusing to watch dumb donald's people whine and cringe.

You confuse snarky commentary and pompous behavior as brilliance, Jillian. Keith Olbermann found a niche that made him a lot of money He became the attack dog for the far left...slamming conservatives relentlessly. The more popular he became with progressives the more outrageous his commentary became until it reached the point of farce. Do you recall the Ben Affleck parody of Olbermann on Saturday Night Live? When you reach the point where you're so over the top stupid that even your fellow liberals start mocking you then it's a sign you need to clean up your act but Olbermann was too convinced that he WAS brilliant to see that.
Republicans. And don't pretend that a vast majority of his supporters aren't just Republicans who went with the last man standing.
I'm not a Republican and a vast majority of his supporters aren't Republicans who went with the last man standing.

The MAJORITY of his supporters are new voters, independents, Reagan democrats, socially liberal Republicans and people that don't identify with one party or the other. That's what people don't understand. This is a movement NOT a "lets get a Republican elected!!" Far from it.

Republican party will never return to what it was and that's a good thing.
Then a majority of Trump supporters support for president someone who is a liar, a bigot, and completely unfit to be president.

You and other Trump supporters are fooling and deluding yourselves into believing that Trump is leading some sort of ‘movement,’ when in fact there is no ‘movement,’ it’s just the same reactionary fear of change, diversity, and dissent common to most on the cowardly right.

Oooh, gotta accept change and accept diversity, no matter how sick and immoral it is.

Exactly what is Trump fighting against that is sick and immoral? :dunno:

The push to allow males to use the womens' restroom. Always testing the limits of how far you can break down barriers established over hundreds of years by civilized people for some very good reasons. What's next on your agenda after you've forced yourself into the girls restroom to take a leak, and made that acceptable?
Lies and a slippery slope fallacy – typical of the frightened, cowardly right.
Dogs dancing on their hind legs go viral on the internet...getting 250,000 "hits" doesn't make Keith Olbermann any less of a has been.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but it's not just "my" opinion that Olbermann is a has been...it's also the opinion of his employers who fired him.

He has a bit of a 'problem' with authority. He really should just start his own thing and work for himself.

which doesn't mean he isn't brilliant or correct.

he's both....

but it is amusing to watch dumb donald's people whine and cringe.

Exactly. It only makes me like him more, actually, because he reminds me of myself. I've been in multiple confrontations with bosses over the years that always ended, well...badly. Heh.

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