Old Buch maybe correct

We can go back to FDR if you want to play the blame game about China but we need to deal with the democrat party's attitude today. Gov Cuomo threatened to label New Yorkers "racists" if they dared to stay home early in the pandemic. Democrats defended China when it became evident that the pandemic originated there. Somebody needs to ask Biden about his dealings with China.
and Trumps hundreds of million in loans from the State Bank of China?
I'd go with Cold War II....It's way past time to isolate those commie pukes out of existence.
You need to be practical, not emotional. A gradual uncoupling over a period of time is more likely (and would have happened in one form or another in the coming decades anyway). China needs this to happen as much as we do.
Where did I say the isolation needed to happen overnight?....Oh that's right, I didn't.
Not isolation, a change of relationship.
Bullshit....The CCP will always cheat, like commies always do....Isolate them and bring them to their scum sucking Maoist knees.

BTW, I see what you did there.
Chest thumping on the internet does not relate to real decisions in the real world.
China is by far our biggest and most dangerous adversary, and I don't see anything wrong with positioning ourselves in such a way that we are better protected.

How about we slowly replace them with Mexico, Central America and South America as our biggest trading partners?

That would be a win for us, and the jobs would make folks down south far less desperate to escape their shit hole countries to come up here.

Would this be a difficult undertaking? Yep! And so what? Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
We already do a ton of trade with Mexico. I'm thinking the shift will be a long-term, slow-moving wave seeing more manufacturing here at home and increased trade with Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and (provided they can get their shit together) Central America. If many of the larger nations of Africa can become reliably stable, the sky's the limit there because they are shortly going to become disenchanted with Chinese influence.
The problem is that the U.S. and China are codependent. They need us to buy their products, and we need them to buy our debt. As long as we keep borrowing, we can't disengage from them.

Maybe that was the idea behind the Wuhan Virus?
If we didn't buy their shit (including the shit that anti-patriotic asswipe Murican companies that moved there make), then there'd be no debt to speak of.

Declare the debt null and void as an act of Cold War II.

National debt and trade balances are different issues. Our national debt will soon be $25 trillion, and if China stops buying our treasury notes, the interest we will have to pay will skyrocket. Until we get our government spending under control, we need China (and other countries) to continue loaning us money at low interest rates.
The problem is that the U.S. and China are codependent. They need us to buy their products, and we need them to buy our debt. As long as we keep borrowing, we can't disengage from them.

Maybe that was the idea behind the Wuhan Virus?
If we didn't buy their shit (including the shit that anti-patriotic asswipe Murican companies that moved there make), then there'd be no debt to speak of.

Declare the debt null and void as an act of Cold War II.

National debt and trade balances are different issues. Our national debt will soon be $25 trillion, and if China stops buying our treasury notes, the interest we will have to pay will skyrocket. Until we get our government spending under control, we need China (and other countries) to continue loaning us money at low interest rates.
I get that....Still would kick the Chicoms right where they live....Would leave them with nothing to back up their already horribly manipulated currency.

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