Old folks, hookers, and crack?

Why the heck didn't the management company or super of the building do something?
Insders and outsiders, early 50's and late 70's pot heads? It sounds like a typical day in tinseltown. Why would CNN travel to Englewood N.J. to cover a couple of cheap drug arrests while the freaking Country is coming apart under scandal after scandal in the Hussein administration?
So this prostitute goes up to this really old man and says, ”Hey mister, want some super sex for twenty dollars?”

And the old guy says, “Well, if it's all the same to you I'll have the soup, but damn it's expensive.”
LOL. So some of the old codgers from the 60's can still get it up. Really don't see much of a scandal in this. The crack thing is not good, but as for the rest, not much harm done there.
LOL. So some of the old codgers from the 60's can still get it up. Really don't see much of a scandal in this. The crack thing is not good, but as for the rest, not much harm done there.

He said that some residents were afraid to leave their rooms and enjoy common areas, fearing people who were in building hallways. Residents would often find "vagrants sleeping in stairwells and condoms in activity rooms."

Drugs, prostitution alleged at New Jersey senior citizen building - CNN.com

Someone felt harmed.
The right to take drugs is so vital that the safety of the residents need to be subordinated to the rights of derelicts to flop in the hallways and stairways of the facility.
The right to take drugs is so vital that the safety of the residents need to be subordinated to the rights of derelicts to flop in the hallways and stairways of the facility.

Here comes the drama llama:rolleyes:

No one said that Katz.

Ohhh so you WEREN'T the one talking about grandpa having all that FUN.

Someone is posting under your name.

That's what you call a straw man.

I never argued "The right to take drugs is so vital that the safety of the residents needs to be subordinated to the rights of derelicts to flop in the hallways and stairways of the facility".

I personally think the rights of the individual are paramount and should only be curbed when they violate the rights of others. So, grandpa should have the right to smoke crack if it makes him happy, but he doesn't have the right to endanger other residents in order to get high.

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