Old jerk acts like an ass and gets just what he deserves

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBhdXfCdaA8&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Dramatic video: 71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan - YouTube[/ame]
Already an open thread on this

That hasn't stopped you idiots from posting it multiple times. Unlike you asses I gave it an honest title

Of course it does. Unlike those on the left that actually search before posting, when your right wing propaganda masters give you your garbage, and say "spread my useful sheep!" You all troll up the forum with the same topic over and over without using a very useful feature called the "search"
Try it next time, it will make you and the rest of the radical right come off much less sheep-like :up:
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Already an open thread on this

That hasn't stopped you idiots from posting it multiple times. Unlike you asses I gave it an honest title

Of course it does. Unlike those on the left that actually search before posting, when your right wing propaganda masters give you your garbage, and say "spread my useful sheep!" You all troll up the forum with the same topic over and over without using a very useful feature called the "search"
Try it next time, it will make you and the rest of the radical right come off much less sheep-like :up:

I knew the vids were there dumbass. Fuck you're dense

No, he mocked a psycho who physically threatened him. The guy started spouting off during the middle of Ryan's speech. It wasn't during the question and answer period.

Let me guess: You had no problem with the rightwing reporter interrupting the President during his delivery in the Rose Garden.

Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.
Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.

Question? All he did was scream and yell like a little bitch
Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.

Wel he doesnt plan to kill those programs. On the contrary, he plans to save them. That's the whole point. It is Democrats that will kill them by bankrupting the country.

As for the old kraut, he got what he deserved. The Left has a lock on incivility bordering on insanity.
Since when did we expect civility from the liberals, the group that gave us professional protestors and wonderful people like Jackson and Sharpton? Was the left upset he had no bullhorn?

No, he mocked a psycho who physically threatened him. The guy started spouting off during the middle of Ryan's speech. It wasn't during the question and answer period.

I agree, because that is what I saw. The old guy should have shut up and waited for a chance to ask his question in a more respectful manner.

No, he mocked a psycho who physically threatened him. The guy started spouting off during the middle of Ryan's speech. It wasn't during the question and answer period.

I agree, because that is what I saw. The old guy should have shut up and waited for a chance to ask his question in a more respectful manner.

Noomi... I actually agree with you. :lol:

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