Old jerk acts like an ass and gets just what he deserves

Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.

Wel he doesnt plan to kill those programs. On the contrary, he plans to save them. That's the whole point. It is Democrats that will kill them by bankrupting the country.

As for the old kraut, he got what he deserved. The Left has a lock on incivility bordering on insanity.

He wants to save them the same way they used to save villages in Nam.
Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.

Wel he doesnt plan to kill those programs. On the contrary, he plans to save them. That's the whole point. It is Democrats that will kill them by bankrupting the country.

As for the old kraut, he got what he deserved. The Left has a lock on incivility bordering on insanity.

He wants to save them the same way they used to save villages in Nam.

By relocating them to safer areas. Yes, you are correct.
Thanks for that, moron.
Wel he doesnt plan to kill those programs. On the contrary, he plans to save them. That's the whole point. It is Democrats that will kill them by bankrupting the country.

As for the old kraut, he got what he deserved. The Left has a lock on incivility bordering on insanity.

He wants to save them the same way they used to save villages in Nam.

By relocating them to safer areas. Yes, you are correct.
Thanks for that, moron.

Turning it to a voucher program, is not keeping the program. It's changing it to something completely different.
That hasn't stopped you idiots from posting it multiple times. Unlike you asses I gave it an honest title

Of course it does. Unlike those on the left that actually search before posting, when your right wing propaganda masters give you your garbage, and say "spread my useful sheep!" You all troll up the forum with the same topic over and over without using a very useful feature called the "search"
Try it next time, it will make you and the rest of the radical right come off much less sheep-like :up:

I knew the vids were there dumbass. Fuck you're dense

Of course he's dense, he's a liberal.
Amen! I love to see Rethugs and Teabaggers beating the shit out of senior citizens! Was the Kentucky Head Stomper also there?

How do you know those security guards were teabaggers? Have you had their balls in your mouth?
Just a sample of the answer that republicans have in store for askers of uncomfortable questions. How does he plan to kill programs that many of us have paid into all our lives? Bet he had no answer that would satisfy anyone interested in the question.

Wel he doesnt plan to kill those programs. On the contrary, he plans to save them. That's the whole point. It is Democrats that will kill them by bankrupting the country.

As for the old kraut, he got what he deserved. The Left has a lock on incivility bordering on insanity.

He wants to save them the same way they used to save villages in Nam.

While Truthmatters is AFK, you serve nicely as resident dumbass.
Everyone seems to be overlooking one simple fact. I posted it in one of the other threads on this story, but had no takers.

Gabby Giffords.

That's it right there. From this point forward, you can be assured that at any of these Congressional town hall, meet and greets, etc. you are going to see more security, and if anyone is acting strange or being obnoxious like this old coot they are going to be taken away.
freedom of speech is dead.....wait till all protests are banned...and that is enforced by the us military....why is it no one wants to reduce military spending?

No, he mocked a psycho who physically threatened him. The guy started spouting off during the middle of Ryan's speech. It wasn't during the question and answer period.

I agree, because that is what I saw. The old guy should have shut up and waited for a chance to ask his question in a more respectful manner.

First: He could have been a plant by the left...just to start some shit.

Second: If he wasn't a plant and really went off kilter based on what he'd been told about Ryan or his plan, he should sue Harry Reid for lying to him. The man looked to be well over 55. His Medicare provisions will not be changed under the Ryan plan.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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