Old Joe Will Win Again-

As the 2024 General Election inches closer, Republicans must understand why old Joe will win again:

1. While Donald Trump is attacking Liberals, the deep state, judges, prosecutors, and changing lawyers as often as most people change their socks, Joe is presiding over a good economy, talking infrastructure improvements, approving Federal funding for Hawaii, and shoring up alliances overseas. - People want to hear an occasional positive message, rather than non-stop attacks.

2. The economic recession the GOP gleefully anticipated under Biden has never materialized. Unemployment remains at historic lows, and inflation is cooling to the point where economic forecasters see few signs of an economic downturn.

3. The infrastructure package (passed with no GOP cooperation) is creating millions of good paying jobs and improving the environment by investing in clean, renewable sources of energy.

4. As Trump's legal woes continue to darken, and he is forced to go begging the general public just to pay his mounting legal bills, his facade of a wildly successful self-made billionaire is wearing thin, and with it so goes his credibility.

Republicans - I know you don't like old Joe, but you're going to have to accept the fact that Donald will lose to him - again.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
How about these facts:

No. The MAGA herd has poisoned the well to such a degree of toxicity, a Never Trumper will never gain a foothold in the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

Trumptards will never face the stupidity of their mistakes. Not for many decades.

They will deny voting for Trump, though, in ten years or so.
Between you and me, the deep state has taken necessary steps to ensure that Trump won't gain a position in which he can do more harm to America. The risk is too great.
Of course he will. They cheated once and got away with it, why wouldn't they do it again?
Does that mean you retards are going to sit out the election? Since you don’t stand a chance?
Does anyone in their right mind really want that? Are radical democrats so blinded by hatred for the former president that they can't envision someone who is more competent to run the Country then the demented old dude?
No. The MAGA herd has poisoned the well to such a degree of toxicity, a Never Trumper will never gain a foothold in the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

Trumptards will never face the stupidity of their mistakes. Not for many decades.

They will deny voting for Trump, though, in ten years or so.
As the 2024 General Election inches closer, Republicans must understand why old Joe will win again:

1. While Donald Trump is attacking Liberals, the deep state, judges, prosecutors, and changing lawyers as often as most people change their socks, Joe is presiding over a good economy, talking infrastructure improvements, approving Federal funding for Hawaii, and shoring up alliances overseas. - People want to hear an occasional positive message, rather than non-stop attacks.

2. The economic recession the GOP gleefully anticipated under Biden has never materialized. Unemployment remains at historic lows, and inflation is cooling to the point where economic forecasters see few signs of an economic downturn.

3. The infrastructure package (passed with no GOP cooperation) is creating millions of good paying jobs and improving the environment by investing in clean, renewable sources of energy.

4. As Trump's legal woes continue to darken, and he is forced to go begging the general public just to pay his mounting legal bills, his facade of a wildly successful self-made billionaire is wearing thin, and with it so goes his credibility.

Republicans - I know you don't like old Joe, but you're going to have to accept the fact that Donald will lose to him - again.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:

Assuming he is still alive, Joe might win again. The GOP would be a shoe-in if it is not Ron or Donnie though.
Joe is presiding over a good economy, infrastructure improvements, and shoring up alliances overseas.
The economic recession the GOP gleefully anticipated under Biden has never materialized. inflation is cooling.
The infrastructure package is creating millions of good paying jobs and improving the environment.
Trump's is forced to go begging the general public.
Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!


Not only isn't any of that true, you've totally sidestepped the 100 absolutely hideous aspects, failures, events and actions of his time in office!

That makes you either a total moron or an itinerant liar.
Every family is spending a minimum of $700 more per month due to Joe's inflation... That's $9000 per year... imagine that on a $80,000 income.... people aren't that dumb they know its all on Biden and he has no chance of beating any republican.....
You poor befuddled man. By Nov 24 you won't even recognize Trump. We gonna put him through the wringer every day until election and it will show. Bigly
Its already over tard... Joe has already lost... if any dem ran against him he would lose the primary..... When Trump under indictment is beating Joe in almost every poll released this week you know Joe has a problem.....
As the 2024 General Election inches closer, Republicans must understand why old Joe will win again:

1. While Donald Trump is attacking Liberals, the deep state, judges, prosecutors, and changing lawyers as often as most people change their socks, Joe is presiding over a good economy, talking infrastructure improvements, approving Federal funding for Hawaii, and shoring up alliances overseas. - People want to hear an occasional positive message, rather than non-stop attacks.

2. The economic recession the GOP gleefully anticipated under Biden has never materialized. Unemployment remains at historic lows, and inflation is cooling to the point where economic forecasters see few signs of an economic downturn.

3. The infrastructure package (passed with no GOP cooperation) is creating millions of good paying jobs and improving the environment by investing in clean, renewable sources of energy.

4. As Trump's legal woes continue to darken, and he is forced to go begging the general public just to pay his mounting legal bills, his facade of a wildly successful self-made billionaire is wearing thin, and with it so goes his credibility.

Republicans - I know you don't like old Joe, but you're going to have to accept the fact that Donald will lose to him - again.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:

Huh ,you're predicting your own totally selfish interest. Who saw that coming???? EVERYONE ....
Trump against Biden would be a horse race, but Trump against a normal Dem would be a cakewalk for the Dems.

It looks a lot like the R's are being setup by swapping Joe out at the most appropriate time before the election. Leaving not enough time to swap out Trump.
Trump against Biden would be a horse race, but Trump against a normal Dem would be a cakewalk for the Dems.

It looks a lot like the R's are being setup by swapping Joe out at the most appropriate time before the election. Leaving not enough time to swap out Trump.
Like who Hillary?... lol
Its already over tard... Joe has already lost... if any dem ran against him he would lose the primary.....
Which is why democrats like RFK must demand a series of primary debates against him. Anyone debating Joe on the events of '21-'23 will absolutely eviscerate him.

When Trump under indictment is beating Joe in almost every poll released this week you know Joe has a problem.....
Tru dat. Biden is either already losing to, barely tying with, or only slightly ahead of a man who has endured two impeachments, 8 years of criminal investigations, and now more criminal allegations and charges against him than the Barker Clan, Machine Gun Kelly, Baby Faced Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, Al Capone, Pretty Boy Floyd, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, the Atlanta Ripper, the Boston Strangler, and the Zodiac Killer all put together. And Biden is barely holding his own.

Not exactly a record I'd brag about.

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