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Ole Miss Orders State Flag Removed


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
WTG Ole Miss

Interim Chancellor Morris Stocks:
"As Mississippi's flagship university, we have a deep love and respect for our state. Because the flag remains Mississippi's official banner, this was a hard decision. I understand the flag represents tradition and honor to some. But to others, the flag means that some members of the Ole Miss family are not welcomed or valued."

University Of Mississippi Orders State Flag Removed
October 26, 2015
Alexandra Starr
I am kind of on the fence with this issue. I see the point of view from both sides and I don't know that there can ever be a compromise that is acceptable. I think this is an issue where people get caught up in their own viewpoint so much that they forget there is an opposing view that is equally passionate.

I am a Civil War buff. I have two ancestors who are buried in Confederate cemeteries, who I am very proud of. They didn't own slaves and weren't fighting for slavery. They fought with honor under the southern cross in Tennessee and Virginia. If anyone has understanding of historical heritage it is I. At their graves, I believe the flag should be flown in reverence. In a Confederate War Memorial or reenactment, it has a historic place in context. In history books or even in public displays, it can have a historic significance and I am fine with it. It's not like the Swastika. That represented an abhorrent ideology of eugenics and ethnic purity. The confederate flags represented the ideology of confederation.

I don't approve of this PC war on the "rebel" flag. I think it insidiously tries to pin racism and slavery on the South and Southerners in general, and I think that is patently unfair and ignorant of history. But beyond that, it seeks to remove one of our most cherished rights, the right of free expression. Regardless of why someone displays that flag, they should have the right to free expression. No one is prohibiting the rainbow flag. Can you imagine the PC nuts if we tried to argue that we need to ban the rainbow flag because it's offensive to some and causes divisiveness?

Now... with all that said, let me flip the pancake over!

The Southern Cross (aka: Rebel Flag) that everyone is so "offended" by, never flew over any statehouse in the South until 1948. This was done in protest by segregationists who vowed to fight desegregation, which was making it's way through the courts at the time. In 1954, the Brown v. Board of Education case put the writing on the wall, but the flags remained. They do not represent heritage or history, they represent defiance of desegregation. So it doesn't offend me in any way to have it removed from the statehouses, I think it's inappropriate to be there in a historical context.

In the case of Mississippi, the problem is a bit different. The State flag has actually been voted on by the people of the state. They tried to change it and failed. Interestingly enough, the current flag is commonly though to be very old, dating back to the 1880s or so... it actually was never the "official" state flag until very recently. Mississippi didn't have an "official" flag for many years. But all that said, I still believe the people of the State should get to decide what their flag has on it. This shouldn't be left up to polls or PC activists.

The University of Mississippi is run by PC activists. They recently banned the mascot, Colonel Reb and the moniker "Rebels" as well as the flag, and became the "Black Bears!" ...Of course, sports announcers and fans still use "Rebels" and it seems to only be a technical victory for the PC nuts. ....But, no one is waving that 'embarrassing' flag anymore!
Hey Boss, you said in your post the very reason that it was flown over Southern state houses since 1948. It was in protest against desegregation.

If that's not a racist reason, I don't know what is.
Hey Boss, you said in your post the very reason that it was flown over Southern state houses since 1948. It was in protest against desegregation.

If that's not a racist reason, I don't know what is.

I don't necessarily agree. We have a tendency to automatically connect segregationist with racist and I think that is unfair. Many segregationists thought their viewpoint was the best thing for blacks and whites, they weren't being racists from their perspective. I am sure many of them were, but I bet a lot of desegregationists were racists as well.

I can't recall the details of the case but I think it was back in the 90s, a majority-black school district took the state to court over policies which forced blacks to be bused to majority-white schools and they won. So... sometimes it's racist to segregate and sometimes it's not? :dunno:
WTG Ole Miss

Interim Chancellor Morris Stocks:
"As Mississippi's flagship university, we have a deep love and respect for our state. Because the flag remains Mississippi's official banner, this was a hard decision. I understand the flag represents tradition and honor to some. But to others, the flag means that some members of the Ole Miss family are not welcomed or valued."

University Of Mississippi Orders State Flag Removed
October 26, 2015
Alexandra Starr
State of Mississippi should withhold ALL state funding for EVERY university/college in the state that refuses to fly the state flag. The state was around 36% black when the entire state voted on the flag and it won with overwhelming majority. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
The 1894 state flag won 17 black majority counties.

Look it up. Them damn blacks and that EEEEVVVILLLLL flag....they sure did like it then didn't they!?
The confederates were traitors to our country the very definition of treason. I don't understand why anyone would fly that flag. Might as well fly the isis flag while you're at it.
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The confederates were traitors to our country the very definition of treason.

No. Treason is trying to overthrow the government. The CSA was not trying to overthrow the US Government. They declared independence from it. The opening preamble in our very own Declaration of Independence says: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The confederates were traitors to our country the very definition of treason.

No. Treason is trying to overthrow the government. The CSA was not trying to overthrow the US Government. They declared independence from it. The opening preamble in our very own Declaration of Independence says: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Great post. American patriot David Duke has been stating that for years.
just unbelievable . we won't have a history by the time these bullies get done with things.
WTG Ole Miss

Interim Chancellor Morris Stocks:
"As Mississippi's flagship university, we have a deep love and respect for our state. Because the flag remains Mississippi's official banner, this was a hard decision. I understand the flag represents tradition and honor to some. But to others, the flag means that some members of the Ole Miss family are not welcomed or valued."

University Of Mississippi Orders State Flag Removed
October 26, 2015
Alexandra Starr

'WTG'? You realize they only did it because they saw the numbers and were losing money right? :) No one changes this sort of thing because it's the right thing to do. They only do so if they're being kicked in the balls economically.
Good for them!
You like nazism, eh?
And you like to exhibit your ignorance of the law.

The 'confederate' symbol on the state's flag constitutes government speech; when government edits or restricts such speech it in no way violates the First Amendment. (See Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans)

The University of Mississippi is a state college, part of state government, and at liberty to remove the flag, an action in no way 'hostile' to 'free speech.'

Consequently, your reference to 'Nazism' is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

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