Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Democracy, if Jarad Stays, which will the USA be?

Should Jared's security clearance be pulled since he is not trustworthy (to say the least)

  • Yes, get Jared out and someone in who can direct/advise Trump more effectively

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, Jared is Trump's most trusted advisor

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.
since he's not trustworthy... heh. you've already tried him.
Yep, he had his chance and blew it. He got caught. He has no skill sets needed to work in the Whitehouse. He's obviously just supposed to be Trump's bagman. Someone needs to remind Trump what happened to Clinton's bagman...Ron Brown...
Pretty sure we will still be a republic no matter what happens with kushner
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?


Got married
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

Harvard is a "crap hole"? Don't you know how to use google? there are many MSM outlets documenting the Harvard study.
Harvard Study Confirms: Yes, The Media Is Totally Biased Against Donald Trump ...

Here is one from that CNN "crap hole"
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Media Study to Falsely Taint Fox
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

I thought Putin and Trump were best buds...why would Jared needs a back channel?
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

Harvard is a "crap hole"? Don't you know how to use google? there are many MSM outlets documenting the Harvard study.
Harvard Study Confirms: Yes, The Media Is Totally Biased Against Donald Trump ...

Here is one from that CNN "crap hole"
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Media Study to Falsely Taint Fox

Your link was to cnn, still can't answer I see.

If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

I thought Putin and Trump were best buds...why would Jared need a back channel?

It must be "unrequited love" by Trump <g>
Trump must want some of that Russki cash, like Hillary got for selling them 20% of our uranium (~$145m), and sent Baby Jared to set something up.
Only problem was Jared got caught. Trump obviously wants a "private discussion" with Vlad to wheel & deal. Otherwise he'd have sent someone who knows what they are doing.
If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

Harvard is a "crap hole"? Don't you know how to use google? there are many MSM outlets documenting the Harvard study.
Harvard Study Confirms: Yes, The Media Is Totally Biased Against Donald Trump ...

Here is one from that CNN "crap hole"
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Media Study to Falsely Taint Fox

Your link was to cnn, still can't answer I see.

Stupid must be, google can't use, research can't do, posting non-sequitur responses is one way not to get "thanked".... please try to keep up.
So what did he do that was wrong or illegal?

here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

Harvard is a "crap hole"? Don't you know how to use google? there are many MSM outlets documenting the Harvard study.
Harvard Study Confirms: Yes, The Media Is Totally Biased Against Donald Trump ...

Here is one from that CNN "crap hole"
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Media Study to Falsely Taint Fox

Your link was to cnn, still can't answer I see.

Stupid must be, google can't use, research can't do, posting non-sequitur responses is one way not to get "thanked".... please try to keep up.

I asked YOU what he did that was wrong or illegal. You posted a cnn article that didn't answer it either. Are you incapable of answering a simple question?

If Trump directed Jared to setup a "back-channel" of communication outside of the CIA and NSA, what does that say for his judgment, IQ, and ultimate goal of his presidency? IMHO Jared needs his security clearance pulled, so Trump needs to work only with professionals that can keep his intentions focused on improving the US economy and not Trump's empire.

Let's take a poll to see who wants Jared to go or stay in the Whitehouse.

I thought Putin and Trump were best buds...why would Jared needs a back channel?

You thought wrong. Large surprise.
Unless I have missed something the man has not been charged with doing anything illegal or even accused of anything illegal so I'm not going to get into the over the top hysterics.
here is an article:
Michael Hayden: Jared Kushner back channel chat would be 'off the map' - CNNPolitics.com

Basically Jared got toasted by the simple fact that he has no clue what he's doing, and by extension, Donald has no real clue either. They seem to think that they are in NYC wheeling and dealing and there is no CIA or NSA. My simple point is, Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH. Trump needs about (5 or 6) McMaster's advising him so he stays focused on our business and not his businesses.

Right, as if I'd expect any truth coming form that crap hole. I asked you a question, can't you answer it?

Harvard is a "crap hole"? Don't you know how to use google? there are many MSM outlets documenting the Harvard study.
Harvard Study Confirms: Yes, The Media Is Totally Biased Against Donald Trump ...

Here is one from that CNN "crap hole"
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Media Study to Falsely Taint Fox

Your link was to cnn, still can't answer I see.

Stupid must be, google can't use, research can't do, posting non-sequitur responses is one way not to get "thanked".... please try to keep up.

I asked YOU what he did that was wrong or illegal. You posted a cnn article that didn't answer it either. Are you incapable of answering a simple question?

Nothing "illegal" <yet>, but lots of "wrong". Thinking that he could setup a CIA proof line of communication from the Russian embassy to Putin was just stupid/wrong/amateurish. Jared has no qualifications to be that high in the WH, period. His only apparent value is as a "bagman" for Trump making deals. I for one do NOT want him there if he has no real value. He knows "real estate" and we have a president who knows that. We need advisors that can guide the president effectively, like McMaster and Mattis. Where are the James Bakers when we need them.

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