Oliver Stone on the JFK cover up with Joe Rogan 1/6/22

Traditional liberal - more like a Libertarian, Constitutionalist like me. Not afraid to question authority or take on the big shots.
Agree. I'm a Lockean: a classical liberal and a classical theist. In today's parlance, I'm a conservative-libertarian, so Rogan is to my left, politically and philosophically.
That was a great show, but all fantasy.

The blame falls squarely on a batshit crazy communist. Which is why communism should be outlawed and people like Oswald shouldn’t be allowed to hold office.
Like your fantasy of magic bullets. :auiqs.jpg:
Well maybe good ole LA RAM FAN could provide such diagrams, he supposedly has seen mountains of evidence. But so far, we’ve got a fart in the wind.
As always trollboy you prove keep playing dodgeball,debunk the men who killed kennedy documentary,you can’t,nobody ever has.your also trying to tell the whole world thst I made that up,thst there were not 26 trained personal of doctors all confirming the head shot came from the front. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:
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As always trollboy you prove keep playing dodgeball,debunk the men who killed kennedy documentary,you can’t,nobody ever has.your also trying to tell the whole world thst I made that up,thst there were not 26 trained personal of doctors all confirming the head shot came from the front. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:
Then where did it come from? Surely they have the trajectory all mapped out. Let’s see it.
Like your fantasy of magic bullets. :auiqs.jpg:
Nothing “magical” about it. From how high Oswald was, he was shooting down from the back. JFK was seated higher than Connelly.

So, where is your photo of where the second (and third?) shooter was? Put up or shut up time.
Sort of hilarious....

These guys think there were 3, 4, or 5 assassins...but they only managed to kill one person and score what, 2 hits. Not exactly great assassins.

Sure kid.
Nothing “magical” about it. From how high Oswald was, he was shooting down from the back. JFK was seated higher than Connelly.
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So, where is your photo of where the second (and third?) shooter was? Put up or shut up time.
Trollboy you keep playing dodgeball,you are trying to say this photo is evidence oswald shot him,what a stupid fuck :rofl: especially the fact the Photos taken at the time back then show the window is closed most of the way back then making it impossible fir oswald to make the shot the fact he had to look through a window unlike this photo,this photo and the photo back then are apples and oranges. nice dodgeball game on my post the doctors what they say,as always,you have been checkmated,your evidence proves jack shit,mine is credible.:rofl:this photo does not debunk what the doctors said nor hardly prove oswald did it,what a desperate Hail Mary,you are checkmated by me as always.

hey Mike be aware of this clown from Langley,he is a very clever fake trump supporter,he pretends to be a trump supporter but is obviously not sense all America patriotic trump supporters know the CIA killed kennedy.tell all the people on your following list this is a shill from Langley posing as a trump supporter in hopes he can infiltrate trump supporters here thst they will gain confidence in him and send stuff to him by pm they have heard on how he is fighting the deep state so he can copy and paste it and send it back to his handlers at Langley and fbi.clever,clever indeed how he posses as a trump supporter who cares about America,he is fir sure much more clever than Otis,Dudley,rightwinger and soupnazi who are transparent as hell they are paid shills fir Langley,he is very clever indeed.I will say that much.

one more paid shill from langley the idiot,to add to ignore.he really needs to change his user name to the idiot big time. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Trollboy you keep playing dodgeball,you are trying to say this photo is evidence oswald shot him,what a stupid fuck :rofl: especially the fact the Photos taken at the time back then show the window is closed most of the way back then making it impossible fir oswald to make the shot the fact he had to look through a window unlike this photo,this photo and the photo back then are apples and oranges. nice dodgeball game on my post the doctors what they say,as always,you have been checkmated,your evidence proves jack shit,mine is credible.:rofl:this photo does not debunk what the doctors said nor hardly prove oswald did it,what a desperate Hail Mary,you are checkmated by me as always.

hey Mike be aware of this clown from Langley,he is a very clever fake trump supporter,he pretends to be a trump supporter but is obviously not sense all America patriotic trump supporters know the CIA killed kennedy.tell all the people on your following list this is a shill from Langley posing as a trump supporter in hopes he can infiltrate trump supporters here thst they will gain confidence in him and send stuff to him by pm they have heard on how he is fighting the deep state so he can copy and paste it and send it back to his handlers at Langley and fbi.clever,clever indeed how he posses as a trump supporter who cares about America,he is fir sure much more clever than Otis,Dudley,rightwinger and soupnazi who are transparent as hell they are paid shills fir Langley,he is very clever indeed.I will say that much.

one more paid shill from langley the idiot,to add to ignore.he really needs to change his user name to the idiot big time. :abgg2q.jpg:
Where’s my Langley paycheck? :dunno:
THE IDIOT and all the other magic bullet theorists keep proving in SPADES they are paid shills from langley the fact they not only ignore that all 26 dallas personal with the best doctors in the state said the the shot came from the front with a large EXIT wound in the back of the head,they also ignore this pic that was taken just 10 seconds or so before the assassination took place by a bystander there who wanted to take in the sceenery of dealy plaza while being there so he took some pics of the builings before the limo got there,I think his name is charles bronson,but dont quote me on that Im not sure if he was the one or not.

this photo proves what a disinformation agent THE IDIOT is and how is paid to come here and lie about oswald and in reality HATES trump,he lies about everything else on the JFK assassination,WHY would anybody be stupid to believe his lies that he is a trump supporter?

The photo taken by THE IDIOT again as i said earlier is comparing apples to oranges because that photo was taken at least days afterwards if not weeks later.

THIS PHOTO here proves what I was talking abotu earlier the window unlike in that pic THE IDIOT showed, is most the way down and MORE IMPORTANTLY,this photo shows Oswald is NOT in the window which proves oswald innocent because the bystander that took this photo said it was only 10 seconds or before the shots rang out that he took it so therefore,It was IMPOSSIBLE for oswald to have done it the fact this photo proves he was NOT in the snipers nest

as always i OWN the pretender trump supporters ass and expose what a lying paid shill he is checkmating him always,he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

In order to deny reality he is a lying paid troll that there is no evidence oswald did it,he will claim that Witness whom i think was charles bronfman LIED to the warren commission on taking that photo 10 seconds or so before he was assassinated.you just watch what hail mary he trys and comes up with.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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IN short,this fake ass trump supporter,THE IDIOT to avoid admitting i cheackmated his lying ass,will say that photo shows oswald in it or claim the bystander that took that photo 30 seconds before the assassination was lying to the warren commission on taking it 10seconds before the assassination.you just watch,he will throw some desperate hail mary.:auiqs.jpg:

I just proved HIS photo did not prove shit,where MY PHOTO proves in spades odwald innocent. too bad for THE IDIOT.he is crying now in defeat getting owned by me as always,.:laughing0301: here is a tissue for you THE IDIOT,try not to cry too much in it and get is too wet.:itsok::itsok:
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IN short,this fake ass trump supporter,THE IDIOT to avoid admitting i cheackmated his lying ass,will say that photo shows oswald in it or claim the bystander that took that photo 30 seconds before the assassination was lying to the warren commission on taking it 10seconds before the assassination.you just watch,he will throw some desperate hail mary.:auiqs.jpg:

I just proved HIS photo did not prove shit,where MY PHOTO proves in spades odwald innocent. too bad for THE IDIOT.he is crying now in defeat getting owned by me as always,.:laughing0301: here is a tissue for you THE IDIOT,try not to cry too much in it and get is too wet.:itsok::itsok:
The whole cover-up controlled from the top--LBJ, Dulles, Hoover, Nixon Poppy and Reagan of course..likely...the military industry, Mafia.....is much worse than the assassination itself.

They were probably afraid of a RFK - MLK ticket in 1968, or 1972, because their biggest fear was a Kennedy getting into the White House files. Teddy would have had a shot if it wasn't for the 'Chappaquiddick incident'.
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The whole cover-up controlled from the top--LBJ, Dulles, Hoover, Nixon Poppy and Reagan of course..likely...the military industry, Mafia.....is much worse than the assassination itself.

They were probably afraid of a RFK - MLK ticket in 1968, or 1972, because their biggest fear was a Kennedy getting into the White House files. Teddy would have had a shot if it wasn't for the 'Chappaquiddick incident'.

Wow, the only person who didn't know JFK was gonna get killed that day was the only one in the nation who wasn't in on it---JFK himself.

Sure kid.
The whole cover-up controlled from the top--LBJ, Dulles, Hoover, Nixon Poppy and Reagan of course..likely...the military industry, Mafia.....is much worse than the assassination itself.

They were probably afraid of a RFK - MLK ticket in 1968, or 1972, because their biggest fear was a Kennedy getting into the White House files. Teddy would have had a shot if it wasn't for the 'Chappaquiddick incident'.
Its comical how THE IDIOT thinks HIS picture, taken of the alleged snipers nest WEEKS later with a WIDE OPEN WINDOW he posted somehow is proof oswald did it :auiqs.jpg: when as i just proved,that photo he posted is comparing apples to oranges sense the photo take that DAY just 10 seconds BEFORE the assassination,proves that the window THAT day was closed practically all the way but MOST IMPORTANTLY,that oslwad was innocent sense it clearly shows he is not in that window like there are of people in the window below him and of course he somehow thinks his photo he posted debunks my facts that the best doctors in the state of texas,all 26 of them,said the head shot was an ENTRANCE wound to the front and the wound to the back was an EXIT wound. In his warped logic,he incredibly thinks that propaganda piece photo of his debunks my facts i gave of the doctors testimonys of him being shot from the front.

His bosses at langley sure pay him a lot of money for his ass beatings he suffers,no way in hell would he come back for them for free.:auiqs.jpg:

He will never take my challenge to watch the video THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY that has overwhelming evidence of multiple shooters.

Im sure you have seen that video called something like EVERYTHING IS A POOR MANS TRICK FROM JFK TO 9/11 or something like that where they elaborate on that documentary of a person in the sewer drain firing the head shot where a man at a barbershop i think it was,some public place like that,where he saw a man come there an hour after the event with all his clothes all muddy and he tried reporting to the police that he heard that man talking to another one saying it all went down just as planned and after coming from the swer drainnage tunnel,he sucessfully pulled off the head shot and the police told him they spoke to that man and he was just joking or something like that and they of course enver invesitgated it or reported it to the warren commission

Im sure you have seen that video right?
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Wow. Crazy right wingers are frantically trying to find something to keep their minions riled up about. To distract from the coup attempt, they are going back and rehashing everything from the JFK assassination to the Nixon tapes to keep their attention. They really need new material.
Oliver Stone is a ringwinger?

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