Oliver Stone on the JFK cover up with Joe Rogan 1/6/22

Oswald acted alone
Indeed. He was a lunatic communist, mentally unstable and unhinged, hated cops and the US military, and hated conservatives. JFK wasn’t radical enough for him, since in his mind JFK should had let the Russians launch nuclear missiles from Cuba.

All Oswald had to do is wait. Today the Democratic Party is the Party of Oswald. Full blown commies that hate America and use all their power to destroy it. They are unhinged, mentally unstable, and violent, just like Oswald.
The head shot came up from the storm sewer on the right. ...below the 'grassy knoll'.
Jump to 1:13:45

So where is a picture of this “storm drain”, and let’s see if a man can not only stand in it, but have a rifle pointed out if it too, with a view of JFKs head not obstructed by the car.
Stone has made a lot of money off of the conspiritard nutjobs, and loves the attention.
All the theories aside, there is still information being held back from the public. Of course there is a coverup.
A useful exercise could be a discussion on what is being withheld.

And another interesting theory is that Jack and Bobby were assassinated by the leaders of the same plot that saw harm in the Kennedy agenda of peaceful relations with Russia.

Fact: It took years before the truth on the Cuba embargo became known as Kruschev's bid to stop the US nuclear missile threat coming to Turkey. A good half of Americans still don't accept that and are still under the impression that Kennedy only stopped the Soviets when in fact the Soviets stopped America.

The Kennedys both posed great harm to the MIC.
And you can show us all these examples
where he got it wrong ?

You have it backwards; it's the conspiritards that are obliged to prove they're right. They can't, and neither can Stone. All they can do is make up non-existent rubbish and claim 'facts' that don't exist in order to make their dumbassery seem credible.
The Kennedys both posed great harm to the MIC.
They tried to warn us but we weren't listening.

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