Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria

You're miles off topic.

The question is if Omar was defenestrated by Israeli Mosad or by his own people.

Being that his own people were known to be nearby and that a common result of prolonged incarceration is homosexuality then it stands to reason he was pitched from the nearest window after having been suspected of some homosexual act.,d.amc

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Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?
Should ask'em palistanians over'ere.

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