Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria

Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That wasn't G-d. That was terrorists.

Thanks for playing
seems Omar is not the only one taking a plunge in turkey, but I doubts he downed a bottle of vodka first.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That wasn't G-d. That was terrorists.

Thanks for playing

Are Jews God? When Jews kill a non-Jew, you attribute that as an act by God. When a Jew gets killed by a non-Jew, that is terrorism. How did God come into this?

Kind of like these terrorists? :

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers

Are you implying that you're any less of terrorists than your Arab cousins?
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That wasn't G-d. That was terrorists.

Thanks for playing

Are Jews God? When Jews kill a non-Jew, you attribute that as an act by God. When a Jew gets killed by a non-Jew, that is terrorism. How did God come into this?

Kind of like these terrorists? :

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers

Are you implying that you're any less of terrorists than your Arab cousins?

We're most certenly are more civilized than our enemies. That's for sure.
damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That wasn't G-d. That was terrorists.

Thanks for playing

Are Jews God? When Jews kill a non-Jew, you attribute that as an act by God. When a Jew gets killed by a non-Jew, that is terrorism. How did God come into this?

Kind of like these terrorists? :

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers

Are you implying that you're any less of terrorists than your Arab cousins?

We're most certenly are more civilized than our enemies. That's for sure.

No, you're no different than your Arab cousins.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

I'm sorry but I don't know who this man is/was.

A Pali who murdered a student, escaped from prison and fled to the Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria....where it sounds like the Mossad caught up with him

Thanks, as I said, who cares if he's kaput now....I myself only support killing those who mean us harm. The student was no harm to anyone, as such POS who kill harmless people, evil and cowards.

This isn't our business, the person killed is a illegal settler, if there is even proof that the Palestinian was responsible. I don't know about you, but I'm not supporting the Jewish people in their onslaught against the Palestinians. They picked a fight with them and they had it coming. We should stay out, period. And let them sort it out.

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.
No trashmouth vulgarity, Noob.
Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
BREAKING: Omar Nayef Zayed assassinated inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria
Diud he jump or was he pushed?

I'm sorry but I don't know who this man is/was.

A Pali who murdered a student, escaped from prison and fled to the Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria....where it sounds like the Mossad caught up with him

Thanks, as I said, who cares if he's kaput now....I myself only support killing those who mean us harm. The student was no harm to anyone, as such POS who kill harmless people, evil and cowards.

This isn't our business, the person killed is a illegal settler, if there is even proof that the Palestinian was responsible. I don't know about you, but I'm not supporting the Jewish people in their onslaught against the Palestinians. They picked a fight with them and they had it coming. We should stay out, period. And let them sort it out.

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.
God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That wasn't G-d. That was terrorists.

Thanks for playing

Are Jews God? When Jews kill a non-Jew, you attribute that as an act by God. When a Jew gets killed by a non-Jew, that is terrorism. How did God come into this?

Kind of like these terrorists? :

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers

Are you implying that you're any less of terrorists than your Arab cousins?

We're most certenly are more civilized than our enemies. That's for sure.

No, you're no different than your Arab cousins.

Well, to each and his own opinions.
damn....terrorists just aren't safe anywhere, are they? :rolleyes:

God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.

Ahh, using your argument against you makes me nasty, oh vey. You're a loon.

Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.
God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.

Ahh, using your argument against you makes me nasty, oh vey. You're a loon.

Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Your government makes Israeli-Palestinian issue an American one. Your government makes the entire MidEast issue an American one. Originally, no one really asked the United States to get involved in the MidEast. Your government has this vision of the MidEast becoming more "American", democratic, considerate... they still live in the bubble in which such a thing is possible.

You don't like it:? go on to the street and protest. What the fuck do you want from us.
I'm sorry but I don't know who this man is/was.

A Pali who murdered a student, escaped from prison and fled to the Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria....where it sounds like the Mossad caught up with him

Thanks, as I said, who cares if he's kaput now....I myself only support killing those who mean us harm. The student was no harm to anyone, as such POS who kill harmless people, evil and cowards.

This isn't our business, the person killed is a illegal settler, if there is even proof that the Palestinian was responsible. I don't know about you, but I'm not supporting the Jewish people in their onslaught against the Palestinians. They picked a fight with them and they had it coming. We should stay out, period. And let them sort it out.

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.

Sounds like you forgot to take a pill or something.

The threads not all about you though. The subject is an escaped terrorist was thrown out a window. Now it could have been the Mosad hard at work or it could have been he was gay. Defenestration is after all the typical Arab punishment for homosexuality and this clown did spend a fair amount of time in prison. Use your imagination.

So in the end all these wild accusations about Jews is just more nonsense. Bait and switch.

Lets try and at least be descent enough to stick to the subject
That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.

Ahh, using your argument against you makes me nasty, oh vey. You're a loon.

Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Your government makes Israeli-Palestinian issue an American one. Your government makes the entire MidEast issue an American one. Originally, no one really asked the United States to get involved in the MidEast. Your government has this vision of the MidEast becoming more "American", democratic, considerate... they still live in the bubble in which such a thing is possible.

You don't like it:? go on to the street and protest. What the fuck do you want from us.

We have a Jewish dominated government which made it policy to support Israel and contribute to making the white race a minority. Now we are rallying behind Trump, who seeks to flip this upside down and disengage from the Middle East. Our government isn't trying to topple Assad(supporting AQ in the process) out of American interest, it's out of Israeli interest. Any one with a brain can recognize this.

If you are bothered by 'my government' making this an America issue, why the fuck are you on a American forum publishing pro-Israeli propaganda here?

Thanks, as I said, who cares if he's kaput now....I myself only support killing those who mean us harm. The student was no harm to anyone, as such POS who kill harmless people, evil and cowards.

This isn't our business, the person killed is a illegal settler, if there is even proof that the Palestinian was responsible. I don't know about you, but I'm not supporting the Jewish people in their onslaught against the Palestinians. They picked a fight with them and they had it coming. We should stay out, period. And let them sort it out.

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.

Sounds like you forgot to take a pill or something.

The threads not all about you though. The subject is an escaped terrorist was thrown out a window. Now it could have been the Mosad hard at work or it could have been he was gay. Defenestration is after all the typical Arab punishment for homosexuality and this clown did spend a fair amount of time in prison. Use your imagination.

So in the end all these wild accusations about Jews is just more nonsense. Bait and switch.

Lets try and at least be descent enough to stick to the subject

Are you denying that Jews took the side of Muslims during Muslim invasions of Christian land?

Why on earth you think it's your business where I post and what? There are posters from all over the globe writing down in this message board, from Australia, to Europe and Iran. It's a free board where people can express what they want and in whatever agenda they approve. You can even find multiple ISIS supporters around here.

So again, if you dislike the "Jewish ruling", vote Trump or whatever, express your anger, but leave us the hell alone.
That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.

Ahh, using your argument against you makes me nasty, oh vey. You're a loon.

Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Your government makes Israeli-Palestinian issue an American one. Your government makes the entire MidEast issue an American one. Originally, no one really asked the United States to get involved in the MidEast. Your government has this vision of the MidEast becoming more "American", democratic, considerate... they still live in the bubble in which such a thing is possible.

You don't like it:? go on to the street and protest. What the fuck do you want from us.

We have a Jewish dominated government which made it policy to support Israel and contribute to making the white race a minority. Now we are rallying behind Trump, who seeks to flip this upside down and disengage from the Middle East. Our government isn't trying to topple Assad(supporting AQ in the process) out of American interest, it's out of Israeli interest. Any one with a brain can recognize this.

If you are bothered by 'my government' making this an America issue, why the fuck are you on a American forum publishing pro-Israeli propaganda here?

Thanks, as I said, who cares if he's kaput now....I myself only support killing those who mean us harm. The student was no harm to anyone, as such POS who kill harmless people, evil and cowards.

This isn't our business, the person killed is a illegal settler, if there is even proof that the Palestinian was responsible. I don't know about you, but I'm not supporting the Jewish people in their onslaught against the Palestinians. They picked a fight with them and they had it coming. We should stay out, period. And let them sort it out.

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.

Sounds like you forgot to take a pill or something.

The threads not all about you though. The subject is an escaped terrorist was thrown out a window. Now it could have been the Mosad hard at work or it could have been he was gay. Defenestration is after all the typical Arab punishment for homosexuality and this clown did spend a fair amount of time in prison. Use your imagination.

So in the end all these wild accusations about Jews is just more nonsense. Bait and switch.

Lets try and at least be descent enough to stick to the subject

Are you denying that Jews took the side of Muslims during Muslim invasions of Christian land?
Why do you want to compare today's situation to the Middle Ages? You are becoming a laughing stock, Omar.
Israel launched Syrian armed forces which were in connection to Hezbollah and carried actions in forsaking Israelis lives. While the world may have threatened times and times again, Israel actively acted to protect the people.

Anf for the second point. I post here for many reasons. none of them are connected to what I pointed out on American involvement.
Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Your government makes Israeli-Palestinian issue an American one. Your government makes the entire MidEast issue an American one. Originally, no one really asked the United States to get involved in the MidEast. Your government has this vision of the MidEast becoming more "American", democratic, considerate... they still live in the bubble in which such a thing is possible.

You don't like it:? go on to the street and protest. What the fuck do you want from us.

We have a Jewish dominated government which made it policy to support Israel and contribute to making the white race a minority. Now we are rallying behind Trump, who seeks to flip this upside down and disengage from the Middle East. Our government isn't trying to topple Assad(supporting AQ in the process) out of American interest, it's out of Israeli interest. Any one with a brain can recognize this.

If you are bothered by 'my government' making this an America issue, why the fuck are you on a American forum publishing pro-Israeli propaganda here?

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.

Sounds like you forgot to take a pill or something.

The threads not all about you though. The subject is an escaped terrorist was thrown out a window. Now it could have been the Mosad hard at work or it could have been he was gay. Defenestration is after all the typical Arab punishment for homosexuality and this clown did spend a fair amount of time in prison. Use your imagination.

So in the end all these wild accusations about Jews is just more nonsense. Bait and switch.

Lets try and at least be descent enough to stick to the subject

Are you denying that Jews took the side of Muslims during Muslim invasions of Christian land?
Why do you want to compare today's situation to the Middle Ages? You are becoming a laughing stock, Omar.

Jews are anti-white Christians. It definitely matters. Their track record should be of concern to white people. You're a pro-Jew shill who wants to censor the truth. And you can go fuck yourself, Shlomo.

You will be welcomed to the world of moderation shortly.

Thank you for participating.

In the mean time

Bulgarian media and police sources are reporting that Omar was killed by falling from a high story of the building. They have noted that him being pushed is “not excluded.” “Israeli media have been the first to report explicitly that Omar was ‘assassinated.’ This comes as no surprise. They’re simply the most knowledgeable and honest about the workings of their government and its intelligence agencies
Diud he jump or was he pushed?
Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Your government makes Israeli-Palestinian issue an American one. Your government makes the entire MidEast issue an American one. Originally, no one really asked the United States to get involved in the MidEast. Your government has this vision of the MidEast becoming more "American", democratic, considerate... they still live in the bubble in which such a thing is possible.

You don't like it:? go on to the street and protest. What the fuck do you want from us.

We have a Jewish dominated government which made it policy to support Israel and contribute to making the white race a minority. Now we are rallying behind Trump, who seeks to flip this upside down and disengage from the Middle East. Our government isn't trying to topple Assad(supporting AQ in the process) out of American interest, it's out of Israeli interest. Any one with a brain can recognize this.

If you are bothered by 'my government' making this an America issue, why the fuck are you on a American forum publishing pro-Israeli propaganda here?

Omar was arrested, tried and convicted. The other two are still serving their sentence in jail for the crime.

And I don't give a shit, Omar was an native inhabitant of his land. Jews were armed squatters. Jews are not our friends. We have no dog in this fight. Jews fought alongside Muslims in the Muslim invasions of Christian Europe/Mid-East. Arabs and Jews are cousins as well. You both hail from the same linage. Settle the dispute on your own.

Sounds like you forgot to take a pill or something.

The threads not all about you though. The subject is an escaped terrorist was thrown out a window. Now it could have been the Mosad hard at work or it could have been he was gay. Defenestration is after all the typical Arab punishment for homosexuality and this clown did spend a fair amount of time in prison. Use your imagination.

So in the end all these wild accusations about Jews is just more nonsense. Bait and switch.

Lets try and at least be descent enough to stick to the subject

Are you denying that Jews took the side of Muslims during Muslim invasions of Christian land?

Are you incapable of staying on topic ?

We have a procedure here for people like you


Not at all, posters are required to stay on topic. Feel free to notice some posts have been redacted. More to follow.

A convicted terrorist can't fly, Nice of someone to check but gravity is still working just fine.

Who dun it
Last edited:
God works in misterious ways.

5 killed, several wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank terror attacks - Israel News

"God works in mysterious ways."


Leave God out of this, you sick fuck.

That's nasty.

Take a chill pill.

Ahh, using your argument against you makes me nasty, oh vey. You're a loon.

Oy vey, you're just another hater.

I actually could care less about you, my only problem here is you're portraying your fight as an American one. Even in some cases a Jewish-Christian one. Which is non-sensical. Americans are tired of fighting your wars, and are tired of brothers/sisters in the US who have an anti-white agenda. Another thing is, historically Jews and Muslims were allied against Christians during the Muslim invasions of Christian land. So it's funny how some gullible non-Jews here are preaching about how it's a religious obligation to support you.

Learning history might be helpful for you.

Are you as vociferous abut all of the Jews displaced by Muslims?

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