Omar wants to end "Western imperialism"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
..yes, that's a major problem!! hhahaha
if they keep concentrating on dumbshit, the real problems will never be fixed
very ironic since I just started this thread"
The problem is that the non-existent "American imperialism" has been taught in the American public system for the last half-century.
The problem is that the non-existent "American imperialism" has been taught in the American public system for the last half-century.
.....yes--never do they teach how the Native Americans/Africans/etc warred on/massacred/decimated/TORTURED/etc other tribes long before western imperialism
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?
The problem is that the non-existent "American imperialism" has been taught in the American public system for the last half-century.
.....yes--never do they teach how the Native Americans/Africans/etc warred on/massacred/decimated/TORTURED/etc other tribes long before western imperialism

Uhhhmmmmmm..... that's not what "imperialism" means. Nor is a sweeping generalization a valid argument for anything anyway.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

Well everything you write is totally questioned by your phony and grossly edited sigline. The Polish President's wife did shake Trump's hand but people like you
depend on selective editing. As a consequence with NO unbiased source just your opinion why should anyone believe you?
Screen Shot 2019-11-09 at 11.21.06 AM.png
Funny, when it isn't AOC Derangement Syndrome, HRC Derangement Syndrome or Obama Derangement Syndrome ...

Then it's Omar Derangement Syndrome.

Ah well, good luck making this election about three freshmen congresswomen. ;)

Just what I thought democrats can’t answer the question lol
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

Well everything you write is totally questioned by your phony and grossly edited sigline. The Polish President's wife did shake Trump's hand but people like you
depend on selective editing. As a consequence with NO unbiased source just your opinion why should anyone believe you?
View attachment 288943

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand right on cue, there he goes torpedoing his own thread so he can whine about a gif of a real event.

And once again providing a jpeg that proves my point all over again. Look at the hurt, crestfallen face of Rump as he tries to school Agata about how dare she not bow down to the Hissyfitter-in-Chief, while she cocks her head to one side as if to say, "that's nice, little boy". A classic, subtle gesture by her with devastating results, and she speaks for all of us here in the human race.

Both his and Agata's spouses seem to be closing in to protect her in case he hits her. A pic says so much, donut?

(/COMPLETELY OFFTOPIC which the OP seems afraid of yet again)

Last edited:
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

Well everything you write is totally questioned by your phony and grossly edited sigline. The Polish President's wife did shake Trump's hand but people like you
depend on selective editing. As a consequence with NO unbiased source just your opinion why should anyone believe you?
View attachment 288943

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand right on cue, there he goes torpedoing his own thread so he can whine about a gif of a real event.

And once again providing a jpeg that proves my point all over again. Look at the hurt, crestfallen face of Rump as he tries to school Agata about how dare she not bow down to the Hissyfitter-in-Chief, while she cocks her head to one side as if to say, "that's nice, little boy". A classic, subtle gesture by her with devastating results, and she speaks for all of us here in the human race.

Both his and Agata's spouses seem to be closing in to protect her in case he hits her. A pic says so much, donut?

(/COMPLETELY OFFTOPIC which the OP seems afraid of yet again)

All those words and yet you are a liar! You showed ONLY what you wanted to show and NOT the whole sequence.
You are doing just what Schiff are doing... you can't show the truth so you lie!
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

You first. What did you buy from Howie Zinn?
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?
I want to end US government imperialism. I would have thought all Americans are against imperialism but in the age of the neocon/neolib, constant war seems acceptable to many Americans.

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