OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL

So it's the republicans fault that hillary is crooked...:poke:
Trump was right once again. He warned that Antknee had access to sensitive info and it was a problem.

LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.

Being "crafty" has had nothing to do with any of this shit.
She is simply an arrogant bitch who is counting herself as being "to big to fail".
I know you were responding to Mary Poppins, this is not directed at you.
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So do the Ttumpsters still think that Comey and the FBI are in the tank for Clinton?
They're a part of the entire corrupt system. Clinton is just one piece in the MUCH bigger pie. If Clinton goes down (which she won't) the entire House of Cards falls, thats how deep the corruption goes. This investigation goes no where because it involves way too many high ranking officials as well as the POTUS.
Sounds like to me they are trying to cover their asses like most liberals when they see the writing on the cell.
It is still up to the 0bama Justice Department to bring charges and because Hillary will bring 0bama down with her, he will never ever allow her to be charged
He will toss her under the bus so fast to save his butt. You can bet on that.

But he can't save his butt this time. He will be shown to either have lied again to the American People, or there are things that Hillary can tell about him that will bring him down as well.
"Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. A law enforcement official said the newly discovered emails were found on an electronic device that the FBI didn't previously have in its possession. The emails are not from Clinton but from someone else, according to the official."

FBI reviewing new emails in Clinton classified information probe -
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting.

The Donald doesn't have scandals. The Crooked Hillary's campaign controls the MSM. They take his quotes which are usually very funny and pretend they mean something else and like magic create a "scandal," for low info folks anyway.

How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal?

We all know she did things illegal that put other people in prison. The question is whether or not the authorities will take action.

She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her.

Did you watch the debates? Crooked Hillary is not smart despite being a pathological liar and megalomaniac. She has a vast network of creeps in government, MSM, academia, and Hollywood who arrange what it is low information people perceive as reality though. And they trick a lot of people into believing an alternative universe of lies. And yes the news of her personal email scandal being resurrected will annoy her...a lot. :p

The Wikileaks revelations also annoy her quite profoundly. :p

I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.

The last thing the democrat controlled FBI wanted to do was re-open a case.
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The peso took a dump this morning when it looked like Trump could now win. :lmao:
Uhh, theyare reinvestigating Hillary, whether you accept it or not-

Law enforcement officials tell the New York Times that the information was discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

Anthony Weiner sexts lead to FBI reopening Clinton email probe

It would seem another wedding or yoga email would not cause a letter from FBI to Congress 10 days out from official voting day.

Would it not be logical to ASSume the FBI would be fairly certain something was greatly amiss before going out on a limb like this?

If not......the FBI could be investigated for messing around with Presidential Election or something like that? This is like somebody running into a wedding and shouting STOP! DO NOT go forward with this wedding.....
"Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. A law enforcement official said the newly discovered emails were found on an electronic device that the FBI didn't previously have in its possession. The emails are not from Clinton but from someone else, according to the official."
The emails whether they are hers or not could show that she lied to the FBI and congress or destroyed evidence both acts would be a felony and void her campaign.
"Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. A law enforcement official said the newly discovered emails were found on an electronic device that the FBI didn't previously have in its possession. The emails are not from Clinton but from someone else, according to the official."
The emails whether they are hers or not could show that she lied to the FBI and congress or destroyed evidence both acts would be a felony and void her campaign.

Just pointing out that wikileaks had nothing to do with this.
Huma and her hubby's sexting did Hillary in:

WASHINGTON -- Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case -- one federal official said they numbered in the thousands -- potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.
Two phony "wives" dyke off together, and combine to put The Donald in The White House.

Bernie would be 20 points ahead today... oh, the irony of left wing corruption
I wonder if they found any of the lost devices /drives there. Ooops, seems they did...
The plot thickens.
"Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. A law enforcement official said the newly discovered emails were found on an electronic device that the FBI didn't previously have in its possession. The emails are not from Clinton but from someone else, according to the official."
The emails whether they are hers or not could show that she lied to the FBI and congress or destroyed evidence both acts would be a felony and void her campaign.

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