OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

I don't think this came from Huma's laptop which has supposedly been destroyed by the FBI themselves. I think Weiner is getting revenge on Huma for divorcing him. I think Weiner had all these emails on his own laptop that he and Huma emailed one another. Huma blew this thing wide open by divorcing or at least separating from Weiner before she had Hillary firmly seated within the White House. Hell hath no fury like a sexual pervert scorned. Sweet sweet revenge.

Such BS; since Hillary breaths the air, she's responsible for what Weiner does on the other side of the country! :blahblah:

No, Dipshit. The damn emails are a back and forth between Huma and Weiner. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Yo Momma! :anj_stfu: :argue: :ahole-1: - Still has nothing to do with electing Hillary to the POTUS dip! :9:
For the record, are you declaring Hillary Clinton guilty until proven innocent?

She had to have Classified Documents to/from un-approved server over her time at work, HAD to. No way to avoid it. Obama emailed to her. That is classified.

FBI should have wiped her out over a year ago. YES, guilty. Will they charge her?
Does anyone know how I could get in touch with the Weiner? I would like to offer him the opportunity to purchase my laptop. I know the FBI will take a sledge hammer o his when they are finished with it to keep any Congressional Investigative Committee from ever getting their hands on it. That's what the did with Huma's as well as with her Blackberry.
I think the rumblings at the FBI may have forced this. There were several reports of staff dissatisfied with Hillary getting off with nothing more than the wag of Comey's finger.
Actually, I'm waiting to hear that Anthony Wiener commits suicide by nail-gun

I was thinking

Weiner was found hanging in his bedroom by a condom. The Park Police concluded suicide immediately, and that allowed Huma to loot the place before the investigators arrived...
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.
I think I see NYCarbineer!!! We need to save him!!!!!

View attachment 95635

Which of the Trump scandals that disqualified him from the presidency did you acknowledge as legitimate?
What scandal was that. Talking about grabbing a pussy? Try it might like it.
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The emails are not from Hillary, not from her server.....which is the issue of investigating the chic, but from others discussing the weenie guy?????? As voiced, the FBI had better come up with more shit to put out or else as TRUMP HIMSELF HAS SAID REPEATIVILY, THE FBI IS CORRUPT...LOLOLOLO

Should this effect the election, which it shouldn't because if your down with Hillary as with Trump, nothing will effect your vote. The only thing it's gonna do is energize those to push even harder for their candidate.

WATERGATE REPORTER CARL BERNSTEIN: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was “A Real Bombshell.”

“We don’t know what this means yet except that it’s a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that’s where we are… Is it a certainty that we won’t learn before the election? I’m not sure it’s a certainty we won’t learn before the election.”

Plus: “But this is her achilles heel and we have to remember that it also comes on the — back to the word heel — of the revelations about the Clinton Foundation.”
If hillary wins, Comey will die in a plane crash, or a terrorist hit on the FBI, or he will commit suicide by triggering a sniper shot to the back of his head by dialing a number on his cell phone.

And Weiner will be found hung in his jail cell, swallowed his own pecker. That may happen either way. Don't mess with the Weiner man.

Angriest man on planet, paying ALIMONY/CHILD support to a LESBIAN! LOL!

Go Anthony, turn over all those EXT Western Digital drives (TeraBytes) you used to copy Huma! in case you ever needed "protection" no pun intended.
I'll bet Bill and Loretta Lynch suddenly will need another chat about grandkids and golf.
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.
I think I see NYCarbineer!!! We need to save him!!!!!

View attachment 95635

Which of the Trump scandals that disqualified him from the presidency did you acknowledge as legitimate?
Trump scandals? What Trump scandals?

Who'd have thought that Carlos Danger would bring down the Clinton campaign with 11 days left :lol: :lol:
(CNN)FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Friday the bureau is reviewing new emails related to Hillary Clinton's personal server, a development that shook her campaign 11 days before the election.

reviewing new emails

reopening the case

easy to understand how morons with IQ's below 70 could get confused sorting out big words like that.

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