OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Obviously reading is something you never conquered. Can you post the part where it says they are reopening the investigation?
If the FBI says it is investigating your emails, they are investigating you.
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
I figured you would fail the test. You cant find the words "reopening the case" anywhere in that letter and now you are embarrassed. :laugh:
]Explain why then she is ahead in CO and IA and MI and NC and NV and OH and VA and WI and behind in AZ and GA and PA and tied in FL. It's early ground game. She has people out working; he has just a few or none.
whatever you have to tell yourself Guy. News like this travels fast
So you admit she is ahead in CO and IA and MI and NC and NV and OH and VA and WI because of her ground game,
this email story about her getting shlonged by Weiner just came out jakey
The story will be mean very little by sun up now we know that we initially got was Chaffetz's mashup of the letter instead of the letter.

Much ado about nothing.

The fishing line broke, and the shark is getting away.
If the FBI says it is investigating your emails, they are investigating you.
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
That is not what the FBI said. Rambunctious, tell us what the letter said.

I don't know about you, but if the FBI notified me they were reviewing my emails because of possible felonies, I would be a tad concerned.
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
That is not what the FBI said. Rambunctious, tell us what the letter said.
View attachment 95629
I don't know about you, but if the FBI notified me they were reviewing my emails because of possible felonies, I would be a tad concerned.
Thank you for the letter. I am not concerned with what you think.
If the FBI says it is investigating your emails, they are investigating you.
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
I figured you would fail the test. You cant find the words "reopening the case" anywhere in that letter and now you are embarrassed. :laugh:
That's like saying OJ was never found with a knife.
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.
except that hiLIARy's missteps are actual criminal acts

chew on that
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
That is not what the FBI said. Rambunctious, tell us what the letter said.
View attachment 95629
I don't know about you, but if the FBI notified me they were reviewing my emails because of possible felonies, I would be a tad concerned.
Thank you for the letter. I am not concerned with what you think.
You are extremely concerned with what I think.
s it rigged, Rambunctious?
Yes...but sometimes the good guy still wins.
How is it rigged? Specifically, please. "I just know" is just an opinion that means nothing.
I read a story last night about how many people have voted in previous elections that are not allowed to vote. It's up to the state registrars to weed them out. 7 swing states are under investigation for tossing out republican unregistered votes and counting the ones for democrats. I'm not talking about hundreds of votes. I'm talking about thousands. You would have to be death dumb and blind to not know the elections are rigged. Just ask Bernie.
Articles of Impeachment of Nixon.

  1. making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;
  4. interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;
  5. approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
  6. endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency of the United States;
  7. disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
  8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: or
  9. endeavouring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals duly tried and convicted, to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.
I just hope they stall long enough for her to be elected. Then if she is guilty they should put her ass in prison. I think its more important Drumpf never gets in office.
This is big league politics. You know how Democrats/liberals should react to this? Exactly the same as RWnuts have reacted to every revelation that has come out about Donald Trump...

...and that reaction has been, from the nuts... "We don't give a fuck. We support Trump no matter what comes out."

Chew on that.

I was not happy with Trumps crude remarks. But in comparison, there is no choice. The country must be saved from this Dem corrupt cabal. 8 years, $10T lost. Not even a good amount of dead muslim to show for it.
s it rigged, Rambunctious?
Yes...but sometimes the good guy still wins.
How is it rigged? Specifically, please. "I just know" is just an opinion that means nothing.
I read a story last night about how many people have voted in previous elections that are not allowed to vote. It's up to the state registrars to weed them out. 7 swing states are under investigation for tossing out republican unregistered votes and counting the ones for democrats. I'm not talking about hundreds of votes. I'm talking about thousands. You would have to be death dumb and blind to not know the elections are rigged. Just ask Bernie.

Yep, I heard back in "olden days" you had to show up to vote before or after work. No early voting, no absentee wink-wink. Good old punch cards. Took a man to vote!
Investigating you isnt the same as reopening the case numb nuts.
Investigations by the FBI do not occur without a case #, dufus.
Hilarious watching you Hillary lemmings spin.
So where is the case# they are using for this? Did you see any where that they said they were reopening the case?
That really your best shot? Hillary is being investigated by the FBI but they are not investigating her?
This is good, keep going.
That is not what the FBI said. Rambunctious, tell us what the letter said.
View attachment 95629
I don't know about you, but if the FBI notified me they were reviewing my emails because of possible felonies, I would be a tad concerned.
This whole thing has to be a set up. The FBI does this just days before the election...WTF!!!! Can't be real.

I am betting Wikileaks is coming out with more and Clinton/Obama know what's, they get the FBI to do this then early next week they will say we checked it all out and there is is safe to vote Cankles now.
Hell Calexiconia I mean California has admitted that the unions are in charge of the voting machines. That alone should be investigated.

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