OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Usually............a PERSON does not run into a wedding at that alter and shout.

STOP, do not proceed. I have some dirt to look thru...........Hold on....WAIT PLEASE.
Now Carl Bernstein is a "moron." In the early 1970s, he was worthy of Pulitzer...
I was wondering why the big wiener story dropped out of the news so fast...

It looks like wiener has one of Huma's phones for insurance against being Fostered.....
The emails are not from Hillary, not from her server.....which is the issue of investigating the chic, but from others discussing the weenie guy?????? As voiced, the FBI had better come up with more shit to put out or else as TRUMP HIMSELF HAS SAID REPEATIVILY, THE FBI IS CORRUPT...LOLOLOLO

Should this effect the election, which it shouldn't because if your down with Hillary as with Trump, nothing will effect your vote. The only thing it's gonna do is energize those to push even harder for their candidate.


The investigation was reopen because of newly discovered evidence. i know you don't care about the law and believe everything Clinton has done and will do is just perfectly fine, but I prefer the FBI to do their damn job and not be influenced by President Obama or Bill Clinton...

So let them investigate and let see what they find but I am sure if they find something you will proclaim it is bogus and claim it is some witch hunt because you're the typical partisan nutter that believe those like Clinton can do no wrong...

Check the years when Trump made his comment about his daughter because the one I know about is not when she was ten you sick disgusting fucktard!
FBI could not wait until after the election. What they have found is too significant. Oh Ooooooooo
Just think of these stupid Moon Bats that have already done early voting and voted for that piece of shit Crooked Hillary. They are embarrassed now, aren't they? The dumbshits.

We told them that Crooked Hillary was corrupt and dishonest but the shitheads wouldn't listen just like when we told them that Hussein Obama was an asshole.

You can always depend upon these Moon Bats to have their heads up their ass, can't you?
This is such a fucking yawnfest. A few emails from another source -- emails not sent by Clinton, emails not revealed by wikileaks, emails that the Clinton campaign weren't even aware of, have become "pertinent" to the investigation.

I expect mass suicide by the resident rightists here when Comey makes his next speech, announcing that she once again, isn't guilty of anything.

Were I to hazard a guess (and I will), it probably should be a bit more worrisome
Obama is in Florida doing a rally for his minion. Bet he avoids the news.
He was almost jogging to his ride to the airport. Never looked up once. He may be worried about whats on the emails too.
This could have waited 12 days. I think Obama has tossed Hillary under the bus because of links to himself were found.

If it turns out to be significance and they held it back the shit would really hit the fan, this was/is a no win situation for the FBI AND the American citizens.
From the Mayor of New the boy on the cell block.
FBI could not wait until after the election. What they have found is too significant. Oh Ooooooooo

The country is in DEEP TROUBLE. We have got to find a way to get some honorable decent human beings to take these GOVT jobs.

Weiner was about 1 dick short of Mayor of NY? Obama? Clinton? RINO? all dirty.

Oh well, lock HER up. what time is the game coming on?
That's the other part. Jake Starkey and others were so sure Hillary would win. Now, with all their voter fraud tactics getting busted one by one... Hillary's "victory" is not quite so certain...

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