OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

I haven't heard that. I don't understand how CE could find their way on their pc.
I could see other factors that would be of interest.

OK, here are several scenarios.

1. Huma forwards him some emails mistakenly that have classified information.

2. Huma replies to him on topics he had no need to know.

3. Anthony had occasional use of her phone and was careless with it.
This is how the new Clinton investigation came to be. So it seems that the FBI found Clinton emails after executing a search warrant on pedophile Anthony Weiner's emails to little girls. So the FBI was not even investigating Clinton here, but it seems that classified Clinton emails are everywhere.............
Wow, if this is true, there is no way that Hillary can avoid jail.

She has let highly classified documents get sent to people who had no need or clearance to see them.

IF she doesnt go to jail now, the FBI needs to be scrapped and a new investigative body formed.

Yep. If it is true. How many other stupid right wing claims would have put her in jail if they were true? Of course, they were all false and she is still beating Trump's ass. After so many trumped up claims that didn't work, what makes you think this one will?
Uno Momento

What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.

Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Speaking of Trump's investigations...

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience
My life is way better now than it was in 2007.
Spoken like a true self-absorbed Democrat.
If your life sucks, don't blame Obama, blame yourself

Life is what you make it, and will never be changed in significant ways by the man/woman that's elected.
Yeah, thats what you self-absorbed ass hats tell the poor and victimized all the time.

BTW, I am doing fine.
Glad you've prospered under the Obama administration

OK...ok.....let me explain it to you on your level:

The Dog and the Wolf
A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by. "Ah, Cousin," said the Dog. "I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly given to you?"

"I would have no objection," said the Wolf, "if I could only get a place."

"I will easily arrange that for you," said the Dog; "come with me to my master and you shall share my work."

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dog's neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about.

"Oh, it is nothing," said the Dog. "That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it."

"Is that all?" said the Wolf. "Then good-bye to you, Master Dog."

Better starve free than be a fat slave.
Sorry you're so unhappy.

That must suck for you. I'm sure Obama is responsible for everything that has made you unhappy.

But if you're a successful person, that's great! ...Then you've prospered under Obama!

Let me're worried....

Because Hillary will ruin the country, like they said Obama would.

But wait....he didn't....because you're happy
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Let me know when Trump does something that jeopardizes national security.
Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Speaking of Trump's investigations...

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience
Yeah, this election is about stupid leftist snowflakes being talked about.
Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Let me know when Trump does something that jeopardizes national security.

What has Hillary Clinton been convicted of?
Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Speaking of Trump's investigations...

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience
Irrelevant due to White privilege. Let's focus on the big issue, Hillary violating national security!
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?
Right after Bill has been shown to be innocent of his crimes.
So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?

Let me know when Trump does something that jeopardizes national security.

What has Hillary Clinton been convicted of?
If your patient, we'll find out soon.

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