OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton on the campaign’s plane on Friday. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
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What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.
This is how the new Clinton investigation came to be. So it seems that the FBI found Clinton emails after executing a search warrant on pedophile Anthony Weiner's emails to little girls. So the FBI was not even investigating Clinton here, but it seems that classified Clinton emails are everywhere.............
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

I have no evidence but you have to think the pump was primed by a lot of unhappy FBI upper echelon that were pissed at how the investigation was closed down in July. It is unheard of that the FBI would insert itself into a political election at the eleventh hour even with strong evidence.
Experts: FBI’s New Evidence in Clinton Email Case Likely ‘Momentous’

Many have speculated that the new emails must contain explosive information given Comey’s decision to reopen the case. “I suspect they got new information that wasn’t in their possession when the earlier pronouncement was made [and] I suspect it was quite substantial, enough so that they felt compelled, vis a vis the ‘unusual transparency’ that has guided them so far, to make this statement to Congress,” former FBI agent Ron Hosko told LifeZette.

“DOJ guidelines point to doing nothing that would tend to influence an election, any election, particularly presidential. So, I again suspect it is momentous enough to do this now,” said Hosko, who was special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office’s Criminal Division.
Uno Momento

What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.
I suspect he will be.
Experts: FBI’s New Evidence in Clinton Email Case Likely ‘Momentous’

Many have speculated that the new emails must contain explosive information given Comey’s decision to reopen the case. “I suspect they got new information that wasn’t in their possession when the earlier pronouncement was made [and] I suspect it was quite substantial, enough so that they felt compelled, vis a vis the ‘unusual transparency’ that has guided them so far, to make this statement to Congress,” former FBI agent Ron Hosko told LifeZette.

“DOJ guidelines point to doing nothing that would tend to influence an election, any election, particularly presidential. So, I again suspect it is momentous enough to do this now,” said Hosko, who was special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office’s Criminal Division.
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post
That is one tangled web, and no sane person will follow it

It makes a lot of sense. We wouldnt expect you to understand though.
Oh I understand quite well.......

You guys are upset.

You say things happened...and the way you say it sounds like "someone" should be upset.

But when I look closely at what you say...I can't figure out why I should be mad.

The Clintons peddled influence and profited from the Clinton Foundation and the paid speeches they made.

So the "F" what!!!!!
The FBI has not read E Mail one ....

Robert Mackey @RobertMackey

Per NBC: FBI found emails sent by Huma Abedin on Weiner's laptop but have not yet even read them: need a court order to be allowed to do so …

6:15 PM - 28 Oct 2016

If this is true - it certainly seems to me that Comey should be prosecuted for trying to influence an election. After all - he's a Republican.
Former Republican.

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