OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

No mention of it on MSNBC's website, even two hours after the news breaks.
Their big story: Hillary is considering Crazy Uncle Joe Biden for her cabinet if she wins.
Maybe there have been so many heads exploding over at MSNBC, that there was no one left to write the web article. :biggrin:
Maybe they wanted a few seconds to decide what really happened, dupes.
Uno Momento

What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
Implicate what? No one even knows if there's anything on them which will cause the FBI to change their position that Hillary should not be indicted.
If Weiner turns out to be the weak link in this chain of criminality....and could lead to the demise of the congenital liar.....
Of course Weiner is the weak link and the prime candidate for another Clinton Arkacide.

Trump WILL lose.

Of course, though inconsequential to you.....America will lose.
Nope, just you and Ann Coulter.

My life is way better now than it was in 2007.

I said America will lose...I couldn't care less about your life.

But....even a fool like you knows that these two pillars of America are at stake:

Trump promises to embrace the Constitution....Bill's wife promises the very opposite: to fight against free speech.

Trump supports American sovereignty....Bill's wife admitted she favors open borders.

How tough is that choice???
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The tards are ASSUMING there are classified emails from Crooked Hillary on the Weiner computer.

They are desperately HOPING that is the case.

Prematurely ejaculating all over the place.

FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday that the agency would take “appropriate investigative steps” to determine whether the newly discovered emails contain classified information and to assess their importance to the Clinton server probe.

Your arms tired from running around flapping and making lame excuses?

will Megyn be all over this story tonight?

According to what I'm hearing Kelly is being replaced with Jeanine Pirro
Podesta is demanding that Comey offer the specifics. Meanwhile what we do know:

1. They were not from Hillary
2. They were not from her private server
3. They were not from her investigation
4. They were not withheld from the FBI by Clinton
5. They were found on a computer seized during an investigation of former Rep. Anthony Weiner

New Clinton Emails Were Found In Weiner Investigation
October 28, 2016

“Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner,” the New York Times reports.
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
If Hillary had been honest and turned over all the emails as ordered this would have never happened.
More nonsense. The emails weren't hers to turn over.
Yeah, that's why the FBI is saying Hillary.
Are you not able to keep up? They're saying the emails in question were found on device(s) belonging to Anthony Weiner.
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post
That is one tangled web, and no sane person will follow it

On what possible basis could you have any association with any 'sane person'????

Try to stick to things with which you have some know, favorite Crayola, and which 24-hour all-cartoon network is the best.....
Then your opinion would have some cachet.
Republicans are feeling randy, looking for jpg attachments of Tony's junk to set the mood before they head down to the bus station for some toe tappin

ergo; they were reviewing.... says nothing about reopening the investigation.

You refer to your favorite Democrat??

And on a first name basis with him? many of his pics do you have autographed?
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post
That is one tangled web, and no sane person will follow it

It makes a lot of sense. We wouldnt expect you to understand though.
It is notable that, to date, there have been no releases of emails to and from Hillary herself. We know there were over 60k on her server, of which she erased 30k+. It is rumored - and I tend to believe it - that those "erased" emails are still available. I serious hacker says the NSA has them and that WikiLeaks will start releasing them soon.

The smoking gun.

That the LSM is now paying attention to this tells me something's coming and they want to cover their butts.

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