OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

This will cost HRC maybe 2 points in the polls, then it will fade away as another nothing-burger. They aren't HRC's emails, they are someone else's. Good lord you Republicans are just beside yourself for ANYTHING that might save Trump.

There isn't anything. There never was. Even after the election the current President can provide a full pardon for any and all possible past indiscretions by HRC. What exactly do you derps think is going to happen? The public tired of this nonstop email-nothing-there chain of nonsense 3 months ago. Most people will yawn and forget about it.

Fun to watch though.
:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: Anyone else here watching The Five? , God, then again, we are not surprised that Jaun is back to defending Hillary! Even though the FBI has decided to give her another Ass Whoopin!!!,,,Yet Dumbass Juan has been trying to convince the viewers that this new "Hillary Clinton" Investigation "Has Nothing To Do With Hillary Clinton"
:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh:
Can any of you guys please explain this? Maybe Juan has brain damage?
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :slap:
I watched that on Fox and I kept switching back and forth to CNN. Rudy G ate Wolf's lunch. Wolf kept defending and excusing Hillary's actions and Rudy had a comeback answer each time. At one point Rudy reminded Wolf that he had been a Federal Prosecutor and had put crooked Republicans behind bars. Wolf was mad, kept waving both arms and cutting Rudy off. It was almost funny.

th arms

All the sudden Trump's pu**y comments seem sort of small :rolleyes:
Dont worry, the left will find a way to make his pussy big again.
go read my new post! Hysterical !!!
This is what I think happened. Weiner is under fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.

Wonder if it is the "missing" thumb drive with all the emails on it?
Hey dumbshits. The FBI took Weiner's computer because of allegations he was sexting underaged girls.

His wife used the same computer to communicate with Hillary. So they are going to take a look and see if there are any classified emails on it.

You dumb fucks are ASSUMING much with ZERO evidence.

Don't hold your breath, mm-kay retards?

On second thought, please do.
The U.S.S. Hillary Clinton has hit the glacier and is sinking fast. You can stay on deck rearranging the deck chairs, or you can get yourself to a lifeboat.

Your choice.
And so one more chapter in this on-going saga....

FBI reopens some (??) aspect of the email escapades.....seems to focus on Huma and Weiner.

Wanna see the next act?

If Weiner turns out to be the weak link in this chain of criminality....and could lead to the demise of the congenital liar.....

She'll send him to the airport with Clemenza....

How is it criminal?

What law was broken?
I'm serious thinking of changing my USMB screen name to Carlos Danger. :D

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: Anyone else here watching The Five? , God, then again, we are not surprised that Jaun is back to defending Hillary! Even though the FBI has decided to give her another Ass Whoopin!!!,,,Yet Dumbass Juan has been trying to convince the viewers that this new "Hillary Clinton" Investigation "Has Nothing To Do With Hillary Clinton"
:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh:
Can any of you guys please explain this? Maybe Juan has brain damage?
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :slap:
I can explain.
enough said or do I have to go into how hillary is sucking the illegal dick for votes and Juan is afraid of an American being elected and 98% of his family being shipped back where they belong.
Juander no more.
Greg: But Jaun! Hillary lost her temper at a party and bit the ear off a young female intern!,,,,and you dont see a problem with that?
Hey dumbshits. The FBI took Weiner's computer because of allegations he was sexting underaged girls.

His wife used the same computer to communicate with Hillary. So they are going to take a look and see if there are any classified emails on it.

You dumb fucks are ASSUMING much with ZERO evidence.

Don't hold your breath, mm-kay retards?

On second thought, please do.
The U.S.S. Hillary Clinton has hit the glacier and is sinking fast. You can stay on deck rearranging the deck chairs, or you can get yourself to a lifeboat.

Your choice.
I'm not on the Hillary boat, retard.

I stated some simple facts. Sorry to have busted your fantasy sky high.
This will cost HRC maybe 2 points in the polls, then it will fade away as another nothing-burger. They aren't HRC's emails, they are someone else's. Good lord you Republicans are just beside yourself for ANYTHING that might save Trump.

There isn't anything. There never was. Even after the election the current President can provide a full pardon for any and all possible past indiscretions by HRC. What exactly do you derps think is going to happen? The public tired of this nonstop email-nothing-there chain of nonsense 3 months ago. Most people will yawn and forget about it.

Fun to watch though.

You're fucking pathetic
read the one i just made,,,really funny
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post
Hey dumbshits. The FBI took Weiner's computer because of allegations he was sexting underaged girls.

His wife used the same computer to communicate with Hillary. So they are going to take a look and see if there are any classified emails on it.

You dumb fucks are ASSUMING much with ZERO evidence.

Don't hold your breath, mm-kay retards?

On second thought, please do.
The U.S.S. Hillary Clinton has hit the glacier and is sinking fast. You can stay on deck rearranging the deck chairs, or you can get yourself to a lifeboat.

Your choice.
I'm not on the Hillary boat, retard.

I stated some simple facts. Sorry to have busted your fantasy sky high.
Maybe if you grab a big door like that cute young couple in Titanic, you can survive in the freezing water long enough for the rescue ship to come.
(CNN)FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Friday the bureau is reviewing new emails related to Hillary Clinton's personal server, a development that shook her campaign 11 days before the election.

reviewing new emails

reopening the case

easy to understand how morons with IQ's below 70 could get confused sorting out big words like that.

Actually with all the information that has already been revealed and with the revelation that the FBI's lead investigator's wife received some $672,000 from Clinton in her purchase of clemency from James Comney, I believe the FBI should be investigating the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation under the RICO Act. They are clearly guilty of racketeering.
But CNN is trying to play it like it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, saying its not her emails but Weiner's.

Also, they had Rudy Guliani to explain what's going on, but Wolf Blitzer wouldn't let him finish a sentence and took a very adversary tone towards him. Wolf said Clinton had no idea that "C" stood for "classified" and Rudy said, if she didn't know that, she had no business being Secretary of State.

It was not reporting Wolf was doing, but advocacy for Hillary Clinton.

CNN sees itself as a public relations spokesman for the Clinton campaign, not a news organization that reports the news.

How would CNN know what emails were being investigated? LOL
Hey dumbshits. The FBI took Weiner's computer because of allegations he was sexting underaged girls.

His wife used the same computer to communicate with Hillary. So they are going to take a look and see if there are any classified emails on it.

You dumb fucks are ASSUMING much with ZERO evidence.

Don't hold your breath, mm-kay retards?

On second thought, please do.
The U.S.S. Hillary Clinton has hit the glacier and is sinking fast. You can stay on deck rearranging the deck chairs, or you can get yourself to a lifeboat.

Your choice.
I'm not on the Hillary boat, retard.

I stated some simple facts. Sorry to have busted your fantasy sky high.
Maybe if you grab a big door like that cute young couple in Titanic, you can survive in the freezing water long enough for the rescue ship to come.
Are you holding your breath?

please please please please...

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