OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
If Hillary had been honest and turned over all the emails as ordered this would have never happened.
Damn......"If Hillary had been honest..."

WTF fuck know that is not possible.
But CNN is trying to play it like it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, saying its not her emails but Weiner's.

Also, they had Rudy Guliani to explain what's going on, but Wolf Blitzer wouldn't let him finish a sentence and took a very adversary tone towards him. Wolf said Clinton had no idea that "C" stood for "classified" and Rudy said, if she didn't know that, she had no business being Secretary of State.

It was not reporting Wolf was doing, but advocacy for Hillary Clinton.

CNN sees itself as a public relations spokesman for the Clinton campaign, not a news organization that reports the news.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
If Hillary had been honest and turned over all the emails as ordered this would have never happened.
Damn......"If Hillary had been honest..."

WTF fuck know that is not possible.
what is that and what does it look like anyway?
Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server

Why haven't the Republicans in Congress appointed a Special Prosecutor

Because the law that would have allowed that has expired, a special prosecutor can only be appointed by the DOJ and you know the likelihood of that happening, ZERO!
Juan would become a slave to protect the Clintons.
Kimberly: But Jaun!!! Hillary just ran over two beautiful dogs in her new Caddilac!!! Doesnt this bother you at all?
Dumbass Juan :,,,,Look,,Kimberly, its no big deal,maybe she wasn't wearing her bi-focals,,,but still,,,"There Just Dogs",,,Jesus Christ!
All the owner has to do is just go to a pet store and buy two more,,,,,maybe the owner can even sell the dead dogs to McDonalds"
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
If Hillary had been honest and turned over all the emails as ordered this would have never happened.
More nonsense. The emails weren't hers to turn over.
Uno Momento

What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) claimed that a letter from FBI Director James Comey indicated that the FBI had “reopened” its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, triggering a media firestorm. But Comey’s letter says no such thing, and according to CBS News, it’s “premature” and “going too far” to say the investigation has been “reopened.”

Fortunately this error was caught before network News program went with the "Chaffetz spin"....
But CNN is trying to play it like it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, saying its not her emails but Weiner's.

Also, they had Rudy Guliani to explain what's going on, but Wolf Blitzer wouldn't let him finish a sentence and took a very adversary tone towards him. Wolf said Clinton had no idea that "C" stood for "classified" and Rudy said, if she didn't know that, she had no business being Secretary of State.

It was not reporting Wolf was doing, but advocacy for Hillary Clinton.

CNN sees itself as a public relations spokesman for the Clinton campaign, not a news organization that reports the news.

Despite the horrendous reporting, the FBI is NOT reopening the Clinton email investigation
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
If Hillary had been honest and turned over all the emails as ordered this would have never happened.
More nonsense. The emails weren't hers to turn over.
Yeah, that's why the FBI is saying Hillary.
:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: Anyone else here watching The Five? , God, then again, we are not surprised that Jaun is back to defending Hillary! Even though the FBI has decided to give her another Ass Whoopin!!!,,,Yet Dumbass Juan has been trying to convince the viewers that this new "Hillary Clinton" Investigation "Has Nothing To Do With Hillary Clinton"
:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh:
Can any of you guys please explain this? Maybe Juan has brain damage?
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :slap:
I watched that on Fox and I kept switching back and forth to CNN. Rudy G ate Wolf's lunch. Wolf kept defending and excusing Hillary's actions and Rudy had a comeback answer each time. At one point Rudy reminded Wolf that he had been a Federal Prosecutor and had put crooked Republicans behind bars. Wolf was mad, kept waving both arms and cutting Rudy off. It was almost funny.

th arms
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
The election is 11 days away gipper. You are talking about thousands of emails and its not as easy as you think. That's a shit ton of new info that must be pieced together. Whatever conclusion they come to will take some time. We're looking at 30-45 days minimum I bet

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